498 research outputs found

    Modern Tsuruga and Shoshichi Owada : An historical-geographical approach

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    Who or what was important in the formation of a region or a place in modem Japan? This paper focuses on answering this question in a case study of the modem Japanese port of Tsuruga. Of course, different actors or mechanisms have had a hand in the making or reshaping of various regions. In this study, however, it is supposed that a special human agency played an influential role in the promotion of the local town during the modernization of Japan. This hypothesis on the basis of the structuration theory is verified by the retroactive exploration of the career and achievements of this influential person, Shoshichi Owada, who was a local merchant and businessman at the port of Tsuruga for many years, and by a comparative consideration of his biography and the history of modem Tsuruga. It can be shown that Owada promoted Tsuruga through the realization of various regional and international plans as the result of his intentions, efforts, and response to contingencies. After his efforts led to setting up routes to ports in countries on the opposite shore, Tsuruga became one of the leading international ports in modem Japan. In this study we can see the interrelationships among structure, special human agency, and regionality, and the active contribution of the special human agency to regional promotion in the contingent modernization process of the port of Tsuruga

    Dry Small Pleural Dissemination of Adenocarcinoma of the Lung Preoperatively Detected by PET/CT: A Report of Two Cases

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    Dry pleural dissemination in non-small cell lung cancer, defined as solid pleural metastasis of lung cancer without pleural eff usion, is a condition occurring in T4 lung cancer. Positron emission tomography (PET) has been reported to be useful for the diagnosis and staging of lung cancer. It has been reported that positive findings on PET scans of indeterminate pleural abnormalities at computed tomography (CT) are sensitive to malignancy. We encountered two cases of dry small pleural dissemination of adenocarcinoma of the lung preoperatively detected by PET/CT. A 75-year-old man and a 66-year-old man underwent CT scan, which demonstrated solitary tumor in the lung, an enlarged mediastinal lymph node, and a small pleural nodule less than 10 mm in size, all of which were positive findings on the fluorine 18 fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) PET portion of an integrated PET/CT. Both patients underwent thoracoscopic biopsy of the dry pleural nodule revealing dissemination of adenocarcinoma of the lung (T4). Whereas histological thoracoscopic diagnosis remains mandatory before planning treatment, our cases may suggest that PET/CT will be useful as a screening modality for dry pleural dissemination of lung cancer.</p

    Genome-wide search for strabismus susceptibility loci.

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    The purpose of this study was to search for chromosomal susceptibility loci for comitant strabismus. Genomic DNA was isolated from 10mL blood taken from each member of 30 nuclear families in which 2 or more siblings are affected by either esotropia or exotropia. A genome-wide search was performed with amplification by polymerase chain reaction of 400 markers in microsatellite regions with approximately 10 cM resolution. For each locus, non-parametric affected sib-pair analysis and non-parametric linkage analysis for multiple pedigrees (Genehunter software, http://linkage.rockefeller.edu/soft/) were used to calculate multipoint lod scores and non-parametric linkage (NPL) scores, respectively. In sib-pair analysis, lod scores showed basically flat lines with several peaks of 0.25 on all chromosomes. In non-parametric linkage analysis for multiple pedigrees, NPL scores showed one peak as high as 1.34 on chromosomes 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 15, and 16, while 2 such peaks were found on chromosomes 3, 9, 11, 12, 18, and 20. Non-parametric linkage analysis for multiple pedigrees of 30 families with comitant strabismus suggested a number of chromosomal susceptibility loci. Our ongoing study involving a larger number of families will refine the accuracy of statistical analysis to pinpoint susceptibility loci for comitant strabismus.&#60;/P&#62;</p

    Clinical correlations of aggrecan in the resected medial rectus muscle of patients with intermittent exotropia.

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    The purpose of this study was to elucidate the role of extracellular matrix components such as aggrecan, fibronectin, and laminin in the extraocular muscle of patients with strabismus. Resected tissues of the medial rectus muscle of 47 patients with intermittent exotropia obtained during recession-resection surgery were frozen under liquid nitrogen and pulverized by a Freezer/Mill to solubilize the tissue for enzyme immunoassay. The total amounts of aggrecan, fibronectin, and laminin in the resected tissue were correlated with clinical data of patients such as age, exodeviation, and refractive error. The amount of aggrecan decreased significantly with the advance of age (P &#60; 0.0001, Spearman rank correlation test), while the amount of laminin or fibronectin had no correlation with age. Patients with basic type intermittent exotropia showed larger, although not significantly, amounts of aggrecan than those with convergence insufficiency type (P = 0.0538, Mann-Whitney U-test). The amount of aggrecan may be related to motor aspects of intermittent exotropia.</p

    "Songs to Soothe a Mother": Intertextuality and Intertribalism in Kiowa War Mother Songs

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    War Mother songs were first composed for the women of the Kiowa War Mothers Chapter 18 organization during World War II by two main composers, Lewis Toyebo and James “Jimmy A” Anquoe. These songs initially functioned to provide encouragement for both the servicemen deploying overseas and their mothers, and later were performed to honor returning veterans. Through musical and linguistic elements, War Mother songs serve as an intertext of multiple pre-reservation songs and dances (War Journey, Scalp, and Victory), but also reflect changes in warfare and post-reservation lifestyle in the twentieth-century. After World War II into the Korean and Vietnam Wars, War Mother song performances continued to honor veterans, both returning and fallen in battle, in a mix of Kiowa contexts and intertribal spaces

    In Vitro Thermochemotherapy of Human Osteosarcoma Cells with Cis-Dichlorodiammineplatinum (II)

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    Human osteosarcoma cells (HuO-3Nl cells) and fibroblastic cells with normal human karyotype (HuO-3 cells) were derived from a patient with osteosarcoma. HuO-3N1 cells were more sensitive to heat treatment than HuO-3 cells. The combination of heat and cis-dichlorodiammineplatinum (II) (CDDP) exerted synergistic cytotoxity on HuO-3N1 cells, and was much less cytotoxic to HuO-3 cells than to HuO-3Nl cells. Therefore, thermochemotherapy with CDDP may be useful for treatment of human osteosarcoma

    Multi-Physics Simulation Platform and Multi-Layer Metal Technology for CMOS-MEMS Accelerometer with Gold Proof Mass

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    This chapter describes technical features and solutions to realize a highly sensitive CMOS-MEMS accelerometer with gold proof mass. The multi-physics simulation platform for designing the CMOS-MEMS device has been developed to understand simultaneously both mechanical and electrical behaviors of MEMS stacked on LSI. MEMS accelerometer fabrication process is established by the multi-layer metal technology, which consists of the gold electroplating and the photo-sensitive polyimide film. The proposed MEMS accelerometers are fabricated and evaluated to verify the effectiveness of the proposed techniques regarding sub-1G MEMS and arrayed MEMS devices. The experimental results show that the Brownian noise of the sub-1G MEMS accelerometer can achieve 780 nG/(Hz)1/2 and the arrayed MEMS accelerometer has a wide detection, ranging from 1.0 to 20 G. Moreover, using the developed simulation platform, we demonstrate the proposed capacitive CMOS-MEMS accelerometer implemented by the multi-layer metal technology. In conclusion, it is confirmed that the multi-physics simulation platform and the multi-layer metal technology for the CMOS-MEMS device have a potential to realize a nano-gravity sensing technology

    Correlated Rattling of Sodium‐Chains Suppressing Thermal Conduction in Thermoelectric Stannides

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    物質の熱伝導率を低減させる新機構を発見 --高性能な熱電材料開発の新たな指針に--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2022-12-27.Tin-based intermetallics with tunnel frameworks containing zigzag Na chains that excite correlated rattling impinging on the framework phonons are attractive as thermoelectric materials owing to their low lattice thermal conductivity. The correlated rattling of Na atoms in the zigzag chains and the origin of the low thermal conductivity is uncovered via experimental and computational analyses. The Na atoms behave as oscillators along the tunnel, resulting in substantial interactions between Na atoms in the chain and between the chain and framework. In these intermetallic compounds, a shorter inter-rattler distance results in lower thermal conductivity, suggesting that phonon scattering by the correlated rattling Na-chains is enhanced. These results provide new insights into the behavior of thermoelectric materials with low thermal conductivity and suggest strategies for the development of such materials that utilize the correlated rattling

    Vascular hyperpermeability in severe influenza

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    Multiorgan failure with vascular hyperpermeability is the final outcome in the progression of seasonal influenza virus pneumonia and influenza-associated encephalopathy, and it is also common in infection with highly pathogenic avian influenza virus. However, the precise molecular mechanism by which influenza virus infection causes vascular endothelial cell hyperpermeability remains poorly defined. We investigated the mechanisms of hyperpermeability of human umbilical vein endothelial cells infected with influenza A virus (IAV)/Puerto Rico/8/34 (PR8) (H1N1). The levels of β-catenin, a key regulatory component of the vascular endothelial-cadherin cell adhesion complex, were markedly decreased during infection for 28 h, with increments of vascular hyperpermeability measured by transendothelial electrical resistance. Lactacystin (at 2 μM), a proteasome inhibitor, inhibited the decrease in β-catenin levels. Since the N-terminal phosphorylation of β-catenin by glycogen synthase kinase (GSK)-3β is the initiation step of proteasome-dependent degradation, we examined the effects of GSK-3β suppression by RNA interference in endothelial cells. IAV-infection-induced β-catenin degradation was significantly inhibited in GSK-3β-knockdown cells, and transfection of cells with recombinant β-catenin significantly suppressed IAV-induced hyperpermeability. These findings suggest that IAV infection induces GSK-3β-mediated β-catenin degradation in the adherens junctional complexes and induces vascular hyperpermeability. The in vitro findings of β-catenin degradation and activation of GSK-3β after IAV infection were confirmed in lungs of mice infected with IAV PR8 during the course of infection from day 0 to day 6. These results suggest that GSK-3β-mediated β-catenin degradation in adherens junctions is one of the key mechanisms of vascular hyperpermeability in severe influenza

    Elastic Response in the Dilute non-Kramers System Y1x_{1-x}Prx_xIr2_2Zn20_{20}

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    Ultrasonic investigations of the single-site quadrupolar Kondo effect in diluted Pr system Y0.966_{0.966}Pr0.034_{0.034}Ir2_2Zn20_{20} are reported. The elastic constant (C11C12)/2(C_{11}-C_{12})/2 is measured down to ~40 mK using ultrasound for the dilute system Y0.966_{0.966}Pr0.034_{0.034}Ir2_2Zn20_{20} and the pure compound YIr2_2Zn20_{20}. We found that the elastic constant (C11C12)/2(C_{11}-C_{12})/2 of the Pr-dilute system exhibits a logarithmic temperature dependence below T0T_0 ~0.3 K, where non-Fermi-liquid (NFL) behavior in the specific heat and electrical resistivity is observed. This logarithmic temperature variation manifested in the Γ3\Gamma_3-symmetry quadrupolar susceptibility is consistent with the theoretical prediction of the quadrupolar Kondo effect by D. L. Cox. On the other hand, the pure compound YIr2_2Zn20_{20} without 4f4f-electron contributions shows nearly no change in its elastic constants evidencing negligible phonon contributions. In addition, clear acoustic de Haas-van Alphen (dHvA) oscillations in the elastic constant were detected for both compounds on applying magnetic field. This is mainly interpreted as contribution from the Fermi surface of YIr2_2Zn20_{20}.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, Proceedings of J-Physics 2019 International Conferenc