72 research outputs found

    Infrared and hard X-ray diagnostics of AGN identification from the Swift/BAT and AKARI all-sky surveys

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    We combine data from two all-sky surveys in order to study the connection between the infrared and hard X-ray (>10keV) properties for local active galactic nuclei (AGN). The Swift/Burst Alert Telescope all-sky survey provides an unbiased, flux-limited selection of hard X-ray detected AGN. Cross-correlating the 22-month hard X-ray survey with the AKARI all-sky survey, we studied 158 AGN detected by the AKARI instruments. We find a strong correlation for most AGN between the infrared (9, 18, and 90 micron) and hard X-ray (14-195 keV) luminosities, and quantify the correlation for various subsamples of AGN. Partial correlation analysis confirms the intrinsic correlation after removing the redshift contribution. The correlation for radio galaxies has a slope and normalization identical to that for Seyfert 1s, implying similar hard X-ray/infrared emission processes in both. In contrast, Compton-thick sources show a large deficit in the hard X-ray band, because high gas column densities diminish even their hard X-ray luminosities. We propose two photometric diagnostics for source classification: one is an X-ray luminosity vs. infrared color diagram, in which type 1 radio-loud AGN are well isolated from the others in the sample. The other uses the X-ray vs. infrared color as a useful redshift-independent indicator for identifying Compton-thick AGN. Importantly, Compton-thick AGN and starburst galaxies in composite systems can also be differentiated in this plane based upon their hard X-ray fluxes and dust temperatures. This diagram may be useful as a new indicator to classify objects in new and upcoming surveys such as WISE and NuSTAR.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, 5 tables. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Lingual tonsillolith on PR and CT

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    Objectives: Lingual tonsilloliths are not as well-known to radiologists than palatine tonsilloliths, although they might be common in clinical practice. The aim of this investigation was to clarify the prevalence and imaging characteristics of lingual tonsilloliths using panoramic radiographs and CT images. Methods: This study included 2244 patients without pathology at the base of tongue who had undergone panoramic radiography and CT of the maxillofacial region. The size, number and position of lingual tonsilloliths relative to the mandible and tongue were evaluated. Results: Lingual tonsilloliths were observed in 33 (1.5%) and 108 (4.8%) of all patients on panoramic radiographs and CT images, respectively. The prevalence was higher in patients aged ≥40 years than in those aged < 40 years (χ2, p < 0.01). They appeared as small, round- or rod-shaped calcified bodies, and they always located closely anterior (1–17 mm) to the anterior border of oropharyngeal airway on panoramic radiographs. Lingual tonsilloliths were superimposed over the surrounding soft tissue inferior to the body of the mandible, posteroinferior to the angle of the mandible and posterior to the mandible in 16 (48.5%), 15 (45.5%) and 1 (3.0%) individual, respectively. A significant correlation was observed between the detectability on panoramic radiographs and size (Spearman’s r = 0.961, p < 0.01) of tonsilloliths, as revealed by CT images. Conclusion: Lingual tonsilloliths commonly appear on CT. They also appear on panoramic radiography and may superimpose the surrounding soft tissue of the mandible. Although lingual tonsilloliths may resemble other pathological calcifications including submandibular sialoliths and lingual osseous cholistoma, they can be differentiated by carefully observing panoramic radiographs. When clinicians detect calcified bodies near the base of tongue, lingual tonsilloliths should be included in the differential diagnoses


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    Chemotherapy‑induced oral mucositis is a common adverse event in patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma, and is initiated through a variety of mechanisms, including the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). In this study, we examined the preventive effect of γ‑tocotrienol on the 5‑FU‑induced ROS production in human oral keratinocytes (RT7). We treated RT 7 cells with 5‑FU and γ‑tocotrienol at concentrations of 10 μg/ml and 10 nM, respectively. When cells were treated with 5‑FU alone, significant growth inhibition was observed as compared to untreated cells. This inhibition was, in part, due to the RO S generated by 5‑FU treatment, because N‑acetyl cysteine (NAC), a RO S scavenger, significantly ameliorated the growth of RT7 cells. γ‑tocotrienol showed no cytotoxic effect on the growth of RT 7 cells. Simultaneous treatment of cells with these agents resulted in the significant recovery of cell growth, owing to the suppression of RO S generation by γ‑tocotrienol. Whereas 5‑FU stimulated the expression of NF‑E2‑related factor 2 (Nrf2) protein in the nucleus up to 12 h after treatment of RT 7 cells, γ‑tocotrienol had no obvious effect on the expression of nuclear Nrf2 protein. Of note, the combined treatment with both agents stabilized the 5‑FU‑induced nuclear Nrf2 protein expression until 24 h after treatment. In addition, expression of Nrf2‑dependent antioxidant genes, such as heme oxygenase‑1 (HO‑1) and NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase‑1 (NQO‑1), was significantly augmented by treatment of cells with both agents. These findings suggest that γ‑tocotrienol could prevent 5‑FU ‑induced ROS generation by stabilizing Nrf2 activation, thereby leading to ROS detoxification and cell survival in human oral keratinocytes


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    Chemotherapy‑induced oral mucositis is a common adverse event in patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma, and is initiated through a variety of mechanisms, including the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). In this study, we examined the preventive effect of γ‑tocotrienol on the 5‑FU‑induced ROS production in human oral keratinocytes (RT7). We treated RT 7 cells with 5‑FU and γ‑tocotrienol at concentrations of 10 μg/ml and 10 nM, respectively. When cells were treated with 5‑FU alone, significant growth inhibition was observed as compared to untreated cells. This inhibition was, in part, due to the RO S generated by 5‑FU treatment, because N‑acetyl cysteine (NAC), a RO S scavenger, significantly ameliorated the growth of RT7 cells. γ‑tocotrienol showed no cytotoxic effect on the growth of RT 7 cells. Simultaneous treatment of cells with these agents resulted in the significant recovery of cell growth, owing to the suppression of RO S generation by γ‑tocotrienol. Whereas 5‑FU stimulated the expression of NF‑E2‑related factor 2 (Nrf2) protein in the nucleus up to 12 h after treatment of RT 7 cells, γ‑tocotrienol had no obvious effect on the expression of nuclear Nrf2 protein. Of note, the combined treatment with both agents stabilized the 5‑FU‑induced nuclear Nrf2 protein expression until 24 h after treatment. In addition, expression of Nrf2‑dependent antioxidant genes, such as heme oxygenase‑1 (HO‑1) and NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase‑1 (NQO‑1), was significantly augmented by treatment of cells with both agents. These findings suggest that γ‑tocotrienol could prevent 5‑FU ‑induced ROS generation by stabilizing Nrf2 activation, thereby leading to ROS detoxification and cell survival in human oral keratinocytes

    アタラシイ ゲカ ノ ガイネン ト シュジュツ シュギ ノ シンポ

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    Although the recent progress in surgery is remarkable, many dentists do not recognize it enough. From three viewpoints, we introduce and exposit new concept of treatment for wound, device (instrument) for arrest of hemorrhage, and operation procedure by surgical knife. It is always important for dentists to continue taking in new knowledge and techniques

    Male Breast Cancer Originating in an Accessory Mammary Gland in the Axilla: A Case Report

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    Carcinoma of an accessory mammary gland is an extremely rare tumor. A 61-year-old male patient presented with a hard mass measuring 85 mm × 51 mm in the left axilla. Incisional biopsy histopathologically showed an adenocarcinoma compatible with breast carcinoma originating in an accessory mammary gland. Systemic examinations revealed no evidence of malignant or occult primary lesion in the bilateral mammary glands or in other organs. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy was performed for the locally advanced axillary tumor and reduced the tumor to 55 mm in size, and, then, he could undergo complete resection with a negative surgical margin in combination with reconstructive surgery to fill the resulting skin defect with a local flap of the latissimus dorsi muscle. The patient has presented with no metastatic lesion in four years since the operation. This unusual case shows that neoadjuvant chemotherapy is an effective and tolerated therapy for advanced accessory breast cancer in the axilla

    Análisis de las comorbilidades en pacientes con colitis ulcerosa: una herramienta para prevenir las exacerbaciones en casos de colitis ulcerosa

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    There have been previous studies, especially in Western countries and even in some areas in Asia, about extra-intestinal manifestations (EIMs) and its link with the outcome of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which includes Crohn’s disease (CD), and ulcerative colitis (UC). This link is crucial when discussing a patient’s prognosis and important when dealing with UC management. The aim of this study was to clarify the most common comorbidities associated with UC, emphasizing immunologic comorbidities in Japan. This study was a retrospective analysis performed at Nagoya University Hospital. The data collection started in March, 2019, and continued for two years. We retrieved the medical records of 105 patients with UC diagnosis, from which the data of 176 EIMs were extracted and analyzed. Results showed that EIMs with UC in the active phase accounted for 43.7% of total EIMs. Twenty-six patients with immune-mediated inflammatory disease frequently had an active phase (odds ratio [OR] 3.84, 99% CI, 1.44–10.27). Comorbidities showing an active manifestation of symptoms and UC in the active phase were significantly correlated in patients with immunological comorbidities, such as peripheral arthritis (r = 0.97, p < 0.01) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) (r = 0.99, p < 0.01), as well as in patients with primary sclerosis cholangitis (PSC) (r = 0.98, p < 0.01). In conclusion, this analysis suggests the importance of having full comprehension of how immunological comorbidities affect the natural development of UC, which is of vital importance to prevent further UC complications and properly adjust the management of the disease.Se trata de un análisis retrospectivo que estudia múltiples comorbilidades de índole inmunológico que se da en pacientes con colitis ulcerosa. Este estudio se llevó a cabo en el hospital universitario de la Universidad de Nagoya. Se recolectó datos de 105 pacientes con colitis ulcerosa, de los cuales 176 comorbilidades extraintestinales fueron analizadas. Se encontró que comorbilidades con manifestación activa de síntomas y con colitis ulcerosa en fase activa fueron significativamente correlacionadas en pacientes con comorbilidades inmunológicas, tales como artritis periféricas (r=O.97, P<O.OI ), artritis reumatoide (r=O.99, P<O.OI ), así como pacientes con colangitis esclerosa primaria (r=O.98, P<O.OI ). En conclusión, este análisis sugiere la importancia de tener plena comprensión de cómo las comorbilidades inmunológicas afectan el desarrollo natural de la colitis ulcerosa, lo cual es de vital importancia para prevenir mayores complicaciones de la colitis ulcerosa y ajustar adecuadamente el manejo de la enfermedad.Japón. Ministerio de Educación, Cultura, Deportes, Ciencia y Tecnología (Monbukagakusho)Artículo de investigació

    トクシマ ダイガク ビョウイン セイシンカ シンケイカ ニュウイン カンジャ ニ タイスル コウクウ ケア ノ イギ

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    For patients with mental diseases, safe food-intake and the maintenance of good oral hygiene become difficult due to a decline in the ability of daily livings. In addition, a majority of patients suffer from the lack of reflection of both deglutition and cough as well as clinical silent aspiration, resulting from the extrapyramidal symptom (EPS) caused by antipsychotics. In this clinical study, we evaluated the oral environment in 10 inpatients with psychiatry neurology, and examined the usefulness of professional oral care. They were divided into 2 groups: the physical restriction group (restriction group) and the non-physical restriction group (control group), followed by the estimation of the conditions of oral hygiene and the days accompanied by fever, one of the symptoms of aspiration-related pneumonia, before and after professional oral care intervention. As a result, restriction group had poor oral hygiene condition as compared to the control group. After professional oral care intervention, oral hygiene condition was significantly improved in the restriction group, and reached to the same levels as in the control group. The days with fever were 7.3 and 5.0 days per month in the restriction group before and after the intervention, respectively. In the control group, those were 0.6 and 0 day per month before and after intervention, respectively. The cause of the difference in days with fever between 2 groups was considered to be the effect of clinical silent aspiration by EPS induced by antipsychotics. The professional oral care contributed to the improvement of the oral hygiene in inpatients with psychiatry neurology, resulting in the reduction of aspiration-related pneumonia. Therefore, the role of dentistry in the field of psychiatry neurology would be inevitable in the future

    Primary Chest Wall Abscess Mimicking a Breast Tumor That Occurred after Blunt Chest Trauma: A Case Report

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    Primary chest wall abscess occurring after blunt chest trauma is rare. We present the case of a 50-year-old woman who presented with a swelling in her left breast. The patient had experienced blunt chest trauma 2 months back. Needle aspiration revealed pus formation in the patient’s chest. Computed tomography revealed a mass in the lower region of the left mammary gland, with thickening of the parietal pleura and skin and fracture of the fifth rib under the abscess. Following antibiotic administration and irrigation of the affected region, surgical debridement was performed. During surgery, we found that the pectoralis major muscle at the level of the fifth rib was markedly damaged, although the necrotic tissue did not contact the mammary gland. We diagnosed the lesion as a chest wall abscess that occurred in response to blunt chest trauma. Her postoperative course was uneventful. There has been no recurrence for six months after surgery

    Seed-coat protective neolignans are produced by the dirigent protein AtDP1 and the laccase AtLAC5 in Arabidopsis

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    種子を保護するネオリグナンの生合成機構を解明 --新たな薬効成分の創出に期待--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2020-12-03.Lignans/neolignans are generally synthesized from coniferyl alcohol (CA) in the cinnamate/monolignol pathway by oxidation to generate the corresponding radicals with subsequent stereoselective dimerization aided by dirigent proteins (DIRs). Genes encoding oxidases and DIRs for neolignan biosynthesis have not been identified previously. In Arabidopsis thaliana, the DIR AtDP1/AtDIR12 plays an essential role in the 8-O-4′ coupling in neolignan biosynthesis by unequivocal structural determination of the compound missing in the atdp1 mutant as a sinapoylcholine (SC)-conjugated neolignan, erythro-3-{4-[2-hydroxy-2-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-1-hydroxymethylethoxy]-3, 5-dimethoxyphenyl}acryloylcholine. Phylogenetic analyses showed that AtDP1/AtDIR12 belongs to the DIR-a subfamily composed of DIRs for 8-8′ coupling of monolignol radicals. AtDP1/AtDIR12 is specifically expressed in outer integument 1 cells in developing seeds. As a putative oxidase for neolignan biosynthesis, we focused on AtLAC5, a laccase gene coexpressed with AtDP1/AtDIR12. In lac5 mutants, the abundance of feruloylcholine (FC)-conjugated neolignans decreased to a level comparable to those in the atdp1 mutant. In addition, SC/FC-conjugated neolignans were missing in the seeds of mutants defective in SCT/SCPL19, an enzyme that synthesizes SC. These results strongly suggest that AtDP1/AtDIR12 and AtLAC5 are involved in neolignan biosynthesis via SC/FC. A tetrazolium penetration assay showed that seed coat permeability increased in atdp1 mutants, suggesting a protective role of neolignans in A. thaliana seeds