431 research outputs found

    Kalb-Ramond interaction for a closed p-brane

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    The Kalb-Ramond action for an interacting string is generalized to the case of a high-dimensional object (p-brane). The interaction is found to be mediated by a gauge boson of a completely antisymmetric tensor of rank p+1p+1.Comment: 7 page

    Gain-of-function oncogenic mutations in TP53 enhance defined factor-mediated cellular reprogramming

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    Cancer is a disorder with various genetic and epigenetic alterations. Genetic alterations such as mutations, i.e., substitutions, amplifications, and deletions of nucleotide sequences, are largely irreversible, whereas epigenetic alterations can be modified by pharmacological agents that target components of the epigenetic machinery. Recent studies have showed that introduction of defined factors such as those encoded by c-MYC, SOX2, OCT3/4, and KLF4 in normal somatic cells results in their dedifferentiation into induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. In addition, we have reported that these iPS factors induce the development of induced multipotent cancer (iPC) cells from gastrointestinal cancer cells by reducing tumor aggressiveness. The efficiency of iPS reprogramming increased when p53 was inhibited. The study of cancer cells suggests that the p53 pathways might be involved in the aggressive phenotypes of iPC cells in a long-term culture. However, the roles of gain-of-function oncogenic mutations in TP53, which is a key tumor suppressor gene, remain to be elucidated. We investigated reprogramming efficiency of iPS generation in human diploid fibroblasts that were co-transfected with TP53 mutants and defined factors. The results suggest that mutations in those TP53 regions that are involved in DNA contact might play a critical role in the efficiency of iPS generation. Taken together, our studies suggest 2 roles of TP53 mutations in reprogramming: (1) the structural mutations might contribute to, or collaborate with, other mutations to regulate the maintenance of genomic stability; (2) the DNA-contact mutations could affect the downstream target genes, which may be distinct from those involved in wild-type p53 function. These molecular manipulations of tumorigenicity and enhancement of cellular reprogramming efficiency by the p53 pathway will open an attractive and useful avenue for future medicine

    Can Narrow-band Imaging Be Used to Determine the Surgical Margin of Superficial Hypopharyngeal Cancer?

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    Narrow-band imaging (NBI) is a novel optical technique that uses narrow bandwidth filters in a video endoscope system to improve the diagnostic capability of endoscopes in characterizing tissues. It is well known that early identification of neoplasia in the gastrointestinal tract using this technique might make it possible to reduce the suffering of patients caused by loss of function or severe complications after radical surgery. Several reports have introduced this system as a preoperative examination to evaluate the lateral spread of the neoplastic lesions in the oropharynx or hypopharynx. We experienced a case with hypopharyngeal cancer in which we were able to avoid underestimating cancer lesions following insufficient resection using the NBI system. A 62-year-old female underwent partial hypopharyngectomy with the margin estimated by an NBI view coupled with reconstruction of the hypopharynx while preserving the larynx. The resected specimen was cut into serial sections for a detailed pathology examination. The surgical margin seemed to be wide enough and it could be assumed that if possible we should observe these cancers with conventional electroendoscopy and NBI before treatment.</p

    Monivammapotilaan kivunhoito

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli kartoittaa monivammapotilaan kivunhoitoa ennen sairaalaan tuloa, sairaalassa ja kotona systemaattista kirjallisuuskatsausta soveltaen. Tavoitteena on edistää monivammapotilaan kivunhoitoa. Opinnäytetyöhön valikoitui analysoitavaksi 38 (=n) julkaisua. Monivammapotilaan kivunhoito vaatii moniammatillista osaamista ja yhteistyötä. Kivunhoidon oleellisena osana on kivun arviointi. Kipua voidaan arvioida erilaisin mittarein, kuten sanallinen asteikko (VRS), numeroasteikko (NRS) ja visuaalianalogiasteikko (VAS). Potilaan ollessa tajuton, kivunarviointi muuttuu haasteellisemmaksi, sillä silloin mittareita ei voida käyttää. Monivammapotilaan kipua hoidetaan pääsääntöisesti lääkkeillä. Keskeisimpiä lääkkeitä ovat tulehduskipulääkkeet, parasetamoli ja opioidit. Lääkkeettömiä kivunhoitomuotoja kuten asentohoito, fysikaaliset hoitomuodot, hengitysharjoitukset, musiikin kuuntelu, rentoutumis- ja mielikuvaharjoitukset, käytetään myös, mutta ne ovat tehokkaampia yhdistettynä lääkkeelliseen kivunhoitoon. Lääkehoito koostuu monen lääkeryhmän yhdistelmistä eli multimodaalisesta kivunhoidosta. Puudutteet ovat keskeinen osa monivammapotilaan kivunhoitoa, sillä ne vähentävät huomattavasti opioidien käyttöä. Kivunhoito on tasapainoilua potilaan kivuttomuuden ja kivunhoidon haittavaikutuksien välillä. Potilaan kivunhoito jatkuu koko hoidon ajan, myös kotiutumisen jälkeen. Kivunhoito on potilaan oikeus eikä ole olemassa mitään pätevää syytä jättää kipua hoitamatta. Monivammapotilaat ovat todella kivuliaita, joten kivun hoidon tutkiminen ja kehittäminen on tärkeää. Tehokkaalla kivunhoidolla voidaan ehkäistä kivun kroonistumista.The purpose of this thesis is to improve multi-trauma patients pain management before coming to a hospital, in hospital and at home by using a systematic literature review. The aim is to improve multi-trauma patient’s pain management. There was 38(=n) publications chosen for this thesis. The pain management of a multi-trauma patient requires multi-professional expertise and cooperation. An essential part of pain management is assessment of pain. The pain can be assessed with different kind of rating scales for example verbal rating scale (VRS), numeric rating scale (NRS) and visual analog scale (VAS). When patient is being unconscious assessment of pain becomes challenging so the rating scales cannot be used. The pain of a multi-trauma patient is mainly managed with medicine. The most common medicines are inflammatory drugs, paracetamol and opioids. Drug-free pain management formats such as position management, physical therapies, breathing exercises, listening to music, relaxing and imagination exercises are used but they are more effective combined with medicinal pain management. Medication consist of the combination of different drug groups called multimodal pain management. Regional anesthetics are a key part of the pain management of a multi-trauma patient because regional anesthetics reduce remarkably the use of opioids. Pain management is balancing between painless and side effects pain management. The pain management of the patient goes through the whole care also after discharging from hospital. Pain management is the patients right and there is no competent reason to not treat the pain. Multi-trauma patients are in a high amount of pain so the study and development of pain management is really important. With efficient pain management you can anticipate chronical pain

    Prediction of Boron Concentrations in Blood from Patients on Boron Neutron Capture Therapy

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    Background: In boron neutron capture therapy, blood boron concentration is the key factor to calculate radiation dose, however, blood sampling is difficult during neutron irradiation. Materials and Methods: The prediction of blood boron concentrations for BNCT treatment planning has been prospectively investigated using patient data obtained at first craniotomy after the infusion of a low dose of sodium undecahydroclosododecaborate. Results: The boron biodistribution data showed a biexponential pharmacokinetic profile. If the final boron concentration at 6 or 9 hours after the end of the infusion is within the 95% confidence interval of the prediction, direct prediction from biexponential fit will reduce the error of blood boron concentrations during irradiation to around 6%. Conclusion: Actual boron concentrations during BNCT were reasonably and accurately predictable from the test data