221 research outputs found

    An Advance Node Pairing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    In the recent developments in the communication system, the role of Wireless sensor network (WSN) is remarkable. In WSN information is collected using sensors and then it is transmitted to sink node. For this collection and transmission, the nodes need power back up and hence the power back up of nodes is one of the most crucial factor which will influence the proper functioning of WSN. This is the reason behind why we focus on the less consumption of the power by the nodes while making any WSN algorithm. This paper presents a node pairing protocol along with clustering of nodes.  Overall, field in which sensor node are deployed is divided into zones and in zone 1 simple clustering based mechanism is used for data transfer to BS, while in zone 2, node pairing concept is used, and in a round only one node remain active while other remains in sleep mode thus energy saving is ensured. Simulations results show that the proposed protocol improve stability period 142%, 85.37%, 100.4%, 69.8% 35.5% and 72.43% the improved network lifetime of 55%, 128.9%, and 113.2% , 96.42% 27.38% and 40.93% as compared to LEACH, DEEC, DDEEC, MAHEE, S-SEP and EECP-EI respectively

    A Layered Architecture and Taxonomy for Blockchain-empowered Reputation-based Reward Systems

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    Blockchain based rating and review systems have changed the operational structure of the traditional market by introducing characteristics like immutability, security, anonymity etc. to liberate users from potential malicious acts of sellers such as altering and hiding ratings or reviews, collusion with users or service providers. The lack of standardization for developing decentralized applications does not depict flow of information and cataloguing of specific functions and roles for a particular set of tasks. The development of decentralized applications for e-commerce systems is in its immature age of progress and has lack of interoperable sharing of data and workflows for new innate systems. Thus, it is significant to catalogue blockchain-based rating and review systems by identifying key parameters to generate a taxonomy and develop a conceptual layered framework for identifying core components and their interaction. This manuscript presents a substantial analysis of existing blockchain-empowered reputation-based reward systems. It uses an iterative approach following observed to rational and rational to observed for taxonomy development. The analysis results identify 11 key parameters for categorizing systems and propose a 4 layered architecture to signify IPFS, P2P network, Blockchain and DApps. The proposed model identifies underlying subsystems, their services, and their interaction. The new taxonomy identifies natural roadmaps in system development process. This study is key because it allows developers to design new reputation-based reward framework in different dimensions by following an open workflow with a common understanding of underlying core entities

    Electrocatalytic properties of La1-xCuxCoO3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.8) film electrodes for oxygen evolution in alkaline medium: Part II. A comparative study

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    1295-1301The present study is concerned with the preparation of perovskite-type oxide film electrodes of La, Cu and Co having composition La1-xCuxCoO3 (0 ≤ X ≤ 0.8) on Ni conducting support and study of their electrocatalytic properties towards oxygen evolution reaction (OER) in alkaline medium. Materials have been synthesized by using malic acid sol-gel route at pH 4.00. X-ray diffraction study of the material indicated the formation of almost pure perovskite phase with hexagonal crystal geometry. The electrocatalytic activity of the material has been determined in three electrode single compartment glass cell. Techniques used in the electrochemical studies are cyclic voltammetry (CV), oxide roughness factor and anodic polarization (Tafel plot). Each cyclic voltammogram exhibits an anodic and a corresponding cathodic peak prior to the oxygen evolution reaction. The observed anodic and cathodic peak potential values are 553±31 and 312±27 mV, respectively. The study of anodic polarization curve indicates that the oxide with 0.6 mol Cu-substitution (ja = 182.4 mA cm-2 at 750 mV) shows highest electrocatalytic activity with lowest Tafel slope value (b = 65 mV decade-1) towards OER. Thermodynamic properties of the material have also been investigated by recording the anodic polarization curve at different temperatures. The value of electrochemical activation energy has been found to be lowest with most active 0.6 mol Cu-substituted oxide material. Electrocatalytic activities of the oxide electrodes, so obtained, have been compared with the similar oxide prepared at 3.75 pH

    Effect of different modes of pollination on yield parameters of summer squash (Cucurbita pepo L.) in India

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    Effect of different modes of pollination, viz., without insect pollination, hand-pollination, open-pollination and open-pollination + hand-pollination on yield parameters of 4 summer squash (Cucurbita pepo L.) hybrids viz., Parikrama, Chandra, Chamatkar and Gold Queen was studied at Research Farm of the Department of Entomology, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar during 2014. Irrespective of different hybrids, the treatment openpollination + hand-pollination and open-pollination produced the maximum number of fruits per plant (73.50 and 71.25%, respectively) followed by hand-pollination (59.08%) and no fruits were observed (0% fruit set) under without insect pollination treatment. Average fruit weight, fruit polar diameter and equatorial diameter were maximum (135.30 g, 3.74 cm and 3.47 cm, respectively) under open-pollination + hand-pollination, while these were minimum (94.81 cm, 2.14cm and 2.48 cm, respectively) under hand-pollination treatment. These results indicate that honey bees as well as wild pollinators are utmost essential for pollination of summer squash flowers and thus increasing fruit size and yield. Therefore pollinators conservation practices should be followed in summer squash growing areas for getting higher yield and returns


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    Objective: This study is to enhance the solubility and sustained release of ciprofloxacin (CPX) drug by amplifying the adhesive capability of formulation by forming throat paint for the Streptococcal pharyngitis, a sore throat infection. Methods: Solid dispersion was prepared by solvent evaporation technique, in which three different ratios of Polyethylene glycol-6000 (PEG-6000) were selected, and the best ratio of solid dispersion was selected after characterization including Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) with evaluation parameters including % yield, drug content, and drug solubility. In the case of throat paint, out of six different formulations, the best formulation was selected through viscosity, in vitro mucoadhesion, in situ release study, and spreadability parameters. Results: The DSC and SEM data proved that solid dispersion has a different moiety than its ingredients but it is quite a stable form. Formulation MD-2 was selected as the best formulation which able to increase the solubility of the drug by more than 3.5 folds, at the same time it shows the highest rate of drug dissolution of 13.951 μg/ml with % yield (97.199±0.167%) and drug content (96.425%). Throat paint was formed by fusion and trituration process and out of all six formulations F3 was selected as the best formulation on the basis of Viscosity (11932 Centi poise), Spreadability (17.621), Mucoadhesion (3937.481 dyne/cm2), and drug release (90.336±0.6%). Conclusion: Solid dispersion was successfully prepared with 3.5 times of solubility enhancement capability in comparison with pure CPX drug. The throat paint releases the drug (≥3 h) in a sustained manner with high mucoadhesive force

    Design and Performance Evaluation of Smart Job First Dynamic Round Robin (SJFDRR) Scheduling Algorithm with Individual Time Quantum for Each Process

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    Round Robin scheduling is mostly used CPU scheduling algorithm; it gives better result in comparison to other scheduling algorithm. But this algorithm may lead many problems directly related to time quantum. If selected time quantum is large, then the response time of the processes may turn in too high. On the other hand, if time quantum is short, it increases the number of context switch which may lead overhead of the CPU. In this paper, researcher proposed a new algorithm, called Smart Job First Dynamic Round Robin (SJFDRR) with individual time quantum for each process. The proposed algorithm calculates smart priority factor (SPF) and individual time quantum for each process. The factor SPF is calculated on the basis of user priority and system priority. The individual time quantum is calculated on the basis of burst time of the process. Based on the analysis, researcher has shown that the new proposed algorithm (SJFDRR) with individual time quantum solves the fixed time quantum problem and enhanced the performance of Round Robin

    Diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus vaccine-induced extensive longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis: A case report

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    Transverse myelitis (TM) has been reported in association with vaccination, including post-diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus (DPTw) vaccination. Here, we report the case of a 21-month-old female child presented with loss of neck control with a history of DPTw booster vaccination approximately 4 weeks before this illness. The child was referred to the tertiary care service hospital. Magnetic resonance imaging of the spine revealed longitudinally extensive TM in the cervical segment. Extensive investigation effectively excluded causes other than vaccination-associated TM. Following treatment with corticosteroids and intravenous immune-globulin, the child had a complete recovery. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment with immunotherapy are associated with a good outcome