708 research outputs found

    Large eddy simulation of an ethylene–air turbulent premixed V-flame

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    AbstractLarge eddy simulation (LES) using a dynamic eddy viscosity subgrid scale stress model and a fast-chemistry combustion model without accounting for the finite-rate chemical kinetics is applied to study the ignition and propagation of a turbulent premixed V-flame. A progress variable c-equation is applied to describe the flame front propagation. The equations are solved two dimensionally by a projection-based fractional step method for low Mach number flows. The flow field with a stabilizing rod without reaction is first obtained as the initial field and ignition happens just upstream of the stabilizing rod. The shape of the flame is affected by the velocity field, and following the flame propagation, the vortices fade and move to locations along the flame front. The LES computed time-averaged velocity agrees well with data obtained from experiments

    Fatigue Strength and Life Prediction of a MAR-M247 Nickel-Base Superalloy Gas Turbine Blade with Multiple Carbide Inclusions

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    Casting of a gas turbine blade from MAR-M247 nickel-base superalloy is followed by multiple carbide precipitates as a result of solidification. The microstructure of carbide was established with scanning electron microscopy and energy spectrum analysis. A finite element model simulating the blade with a random carbide precipitate is constructed using ANSYS software, and stress-strain evaluation is performed. The blade operation conditions are realized in a vibratory-tensile combined test setup with stress measurements using strain gauges arranged on different parts of the blade. The respective von Mises equivalent stresses obtained in simulation and test measurements are found to be comparable and can be used to assess the blade fatigue life based on the available fatigue curves and Palmgren–Miner rule of damage accumulation. Simulation and experimental results are the basis for plotting the relationship between the volumetric ratio of precipitates in the blade and its fatigue life. The results obtained at room temperature can; be extrapolated to the elevated ones to provide more reliable prediction of the superalloy blade fatigue and creep-fatigue life values.Литье лопатки газовой турбины из суперсплава на никелевой основе MAR-M247 сопровождается образованием множественных карбидных выделений в результате затвердевания. Микроструктуру карбида изучали с помощью сканирующей электронной микроскопии и энергетического спектрального анализа. Построена конечноэлементная модель лопатки со случайным карбидным выделением на основе программного обеспечения ANSYS, выполнена оценка напряженно-деформированного состояния. Условия эксплуатации лопатки реализовали на экспериментальной установке для комплексного испытания на вибрацию и растяжение, напряжения измеряли с помощью тензодатчиков, размещаемых на различных участках лопатки. Проведено сравнение эквивалентных напряжений по Мизесу, полученных при моделировании и экспериментально. Установлено, что их можно использовать для оценки усталостной долговечности лопатки на основании полученных кривых усталости и закона накопления повреждений Палмгрена Майлера. Они служат также основой построения зависимости между объемным соотношением включений в лопатке и ее усталостной долговечностью. Данные, полученные при комнатной температуре, могут быть экстраполированы на повышенные, что обеспечивает более достоверный прогноз усталости и усталостной долговечности лопатки из суперсплава при ползучести.Лиття лопатки газової турбіни з суперсплавів на нікелевої основі MAR-M247 супроводжується утворенням множинних карбідних виділень в результаті затвердіння. Мікроструктуру карбіду вивчали за допомогою скануючої електронної мікроскопії та енергетичного спектрального аналізу. Побудована скінченноелементна модель лопатки з випадковим карбідним виділенням на основі програмного забезпечення ANSYS, виконана оцінка напружено-деформованого стану. Умови експлуатації лопатки реалізували на експериментальній установці для комплексного випробування на вібрацію і розтягнення, напруги вимірювали за допомогою тензодатчиків, що розміщуються на різних ділянках лопатки. Проведено порівняння еквівалентних напружень по Мізесу, отриманих при моделюванні і експериментально. Встановлено, що їх можна використовувати для оцінки втомної довговічності лопатки на підставі отриманих кривих втоми і закону накопичення ушкоджень Палмгрена-Майлера. Вони служать також основою побудови залежності між об'ємним співвідношенням включень в лопатці і її втомної довговічністю. Дані, отримані при кімнатній температурі, можуть бути екстрапольовані на підвищені, що забезпечує більш достовірний прогноз втоми і втомної довговічності лопатки з суперсплавів при повзучості

    Regio- and stereoselective organocatalyzed relay glycosylations to synthesize 2-amino-2-deoxy-1,3-dithioglycosides

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    Herein, we describe a novel methodology for the regio-and stereoselectiveconvergent synthesis of 2-amino-2-deoxy-dithioglycosides via one-potrelay glycosylation of 3-O-acetyl-2-nitroglucal donors.This unique organo-catalysis relay glycosylation features excellentsite- and stereoselectivity, good to excellent yields, mild reactionconditions, and broad substrate scope. 2-Amino-2-deoxy-glucosides/mannosidesbearing 1,3-dithio-linkages were efficiently obtained from 3-O-acetyl-2-nitroglucal donors in both stepwise and one-potglycosylation protocols. The dithiolated O-antigen of E. coli serogroup 64 was successfully synthesizedusing this newly developed method.Bio-organic Synthesi

    Collimation of high current fast electrons in dense plasmas with a tightly focused precursor intense laser pulse

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    High-current fast electrons at the mega-ampere level provide a unique way to generate high-energy density states of matter, which are related to many applications. However, the large divergence angle of fast electrons typically over 50 degrees is a significant disadvantage. The guiding effect of the self-generated azimuthal magnetic fields on fast electron current is found to be very limited due to the cone-shaped spatial structure of the fields. In this work, we present a new understanding of the collimation conditions of fast electrons under such a magnetic field structure. It is shown that the transverse peak position of the magnetic field layer plays a more crucial role in collimating the fast electrons than its magnitude. Based upon this, a new two-pulse collimating scheme is proposed, where a guiding precursor pulse is adopted to form proper azimuthal magnetic fields and the main pulse is for fast electron generation as usual. The present scheme can be implemented relatively easily with the precursor lasers at the 10 TW level with a duration of 200 femtoseconds, with which the divergence angle of fast electrons driven by the main pulse can be confined within a few degrees. Practical applications of our scheme can be found in high-energy density science

    Partial Wave Analysis of J/ψγ(K+Kπ+π)J/\psi \to \gamma (K^+K^-\pi^+\pi^-)

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    BES data on J/ψγ(K+Kπ+π)J/\psi \to \gamma (K^+K^-\pi^+\pi^-) are presented. The KKˉK^*\bar K^* contribution peaks strongly near threshold. It is fitted with a broad 0+0^{-+} resonance with mass M=1800±100M = 1800 \pm 100 MeV, width Γ=500±200\Gamma = 500 \pm 200 MeV. A broad 2++2^{++} resonance peaking at 2020 MeV is also required with width 500\sim 500 MeV. There is further evidence for a 2+2^{-+} component peaking at 2.55 GeV. The non-KKˉK^*\bar K^* contribution is close to phase space; it peaks at 2.6 GeV and is very different from KKˉK^{*}\bar{K^{*}}.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, 1 table, Submitted to PL

    Three chromosome-scale Papaver genomes reveal punctuated patchwork evolution of the morphinan and noscapine biosynthesis pathway

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    Papaver species P. setigerum, P. rhoeas, and P. somniferum accumulates different levels of morphine and noscapine. Here, the authors report the improved genome assembly of P. somniferum and de novo assembly of the other two species, and reveal the evolution of the benzylisoquinoline alkaloids biosynthetic pathway.For millions of years, plants evolve plenty of structurally diverse secondary metabolites (SM) to support their sessile lifestyles through continuous biochemical pathway innovation. While new genes commonly drive the evolution of plant SM pathway, how a full biosynthetic pathway evolves remains poorly understood. The evolution of pathway involves recruiting new genes along the reaction cascade forwardly, backwardly, or in a patchwork manner. With three chromosome-scale Papaver genome assemblies, we here reveal whole-genome duplications (WGDs) apparently accelerate chromosomal rearrangements with a nonrandom distribution towards SM optimization. A burst of structural variants involving fusions, translocations and duplications within 7.7 million years have assembled nine genes into the benzylisoquinoline alkaloids gene cluster, following a punctuated patchwork model. Biosynthetic gene copies and their total expression matter to morphinan production. Our results demonstrate how new genes have been recruited from a WGD-induced repertoire of unregulated enzymes with promiscuous reactivities to innovate efficient metabolic pathways with spatiotemporal constraint.Computer Science

    A Measurement of Psi(2S) Resonance Parameters

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    Cross sections for e+e- to hadons, pi+pi- J/Psi, and mu+mu- have been measured in the vicinity of the Psi(2S) resonance using the BESII detector operated at the BEPC. The Psi(2S) total width; partial widths to hadrons, pi+pi- J/Psi, muons; and corresponding branching fractions have been determined to be Gamma(total)= (264+-27) keV; Gamma(hadron)= (258+-26) keV, Gamma(mu)= (2.44+-0.21) keV, and Gamma(pi+pi- J/Psi)= (85+-8.7) keV; and Br(hadron)= (97.79+-0.15)%, Br(pi+pi- J/Psi)= (32+-1.4)%, Br(mu)= (0.93+-0.08)%, respectively.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Direct Measurements of the Branching Fractions for D0Ke+νeD^0 \to K^-e^+\nu_e and D0πe+νeD^0 \to \pi^-e^+\nu_e and Determinations of the Form Factors f+K(0)f_{+}^{K}(0) and f+π(0)f^{\pi}_{+}(0)

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    The absolute branching fractions for the decays D0Ke+νeD^0 \to K^-e ^+\nu_e and D0πe+νeD^0 \to \pi^-e^+\nu_e are determined using 7584±198±3417584\pm 198 \pm 341 singly tagged Dˉ0\bar D^0 sample from the data collected around 3.773 GeV with the BES-II detector at the BEPC. In the system recoiling against the singly tagged Dˉ0\bar D^0 meson, 104.0±10.9104.0\pm 10.9 events for D0Ke+νeD^0 \to K^-e ^+\nu_e and 9.0±3.69.0 \pm 3.6 events for D0πe+νeD^0 \to \pi^-e^+\nu_e decays are observed. Those yield the absolute branching fractions to be BF(D0Ke+νe)=(3.82±0.40±0.27)BF(D^0 \to K^-e^+\nu_e)=(3.82 \pm 0.40\pm 0.27)% and BF(D0πe+νe)=(0.33±0.13±0.03)BF(D^0 \to \pi^-e^+\nu_e)=(0.33 \pm 0.13\pm 0.03)%. The vector form factors are determined to be f+K(0)=0.78±0.04±0.03|f^K_+(0)| = 0.78 \pm 0.04 \pm 0.03 and f+π(0)=0.73±0.14±0.06|f^{\pi}_+(0)| = 0.73 \pm 0.14 \pm 0.06. The ratio of the two form factors is measured to be f+π(0)/f+K(0)=0.93±0.19±0.07|f^{\pi}_+(0)/f^K_+(0)|= 0.93 \pm 0.19 \pm 0.07.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    DCAF1 regulates Treg senescence via the ROS axis during immunological aging

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    As a hallmark of immunological aging, low-grade, chronic inflammation with accumulation of effector memory T cells contributes to increased susceptibility to many aging-related diseases. While the proinflammatory state of aged T cells indicates a dysregulation of immune homeostasis, whether and how aging drives regulatory T cell (Treg) aging and alters Treg function are not fully understood owing to a lack of specific aging markers. Here, by a combination of cellular, molecular, and bioinformatic approaches, we discovered that Tregs senesce more severely than conventional T (Tconv) cells during aging. We found that Tregs from aged mice were less efficient than young Tregs in suppressing Tconv cell function in an inflammatory bowel disease model and in preventing Tconv cell aging in an irradiation-induced aging model. Furthermore, we revealed that DDB1- and CUL4-associated factor 1 (DCAF1) was downregulated in aged Tregs and was critical to restrain Treg aging via reactive oxygen species (ROS) regulated by glutathione-S-transferase P (GSTP1). Importantly, interfering with GSTP1 and ROS pathways reinvigorated the proliferation and function of aged Tregs. Therefore, our studies uncover an important role of the DCAF1/GSTP1/ROS axis in Treg senescence, which leads to uncontrolled inflammation and immunological aging