5 research outputs found

    Electronic spectrum of atomic chain with Fano-Anderson impurities

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    Electronic spectrum of one-dimensional system with a low concentration of weakly bound Fano-Anderson impurities is considered. It is assumed that the energy of the impurity resonance is located in a vicinity of the band center of the host system. It is demonstrated that with increasing the impurity concentration the dispersion of states with the low damping undergoes a transformation. This transformation passes in a threshold manner and results in the reproduction of some characteristic features inherent in the cross-type spectrum rearrangement. At that, the density of states at the energy of the impurity resonance manifests a steady growth

    Interplay between edge states and simple bulk defects in graphene nanoribbons

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    We study the interplay between the edge states and a single impurity in a zigzag graphene nanoribbon. We use tight-binding exact diagonalization techniques, as well as density functional theory calculations to obtain the eigenvalue spectrum, the eigenfunctions, as well the dependence of the local density of states (LDOS) on energy and position. We note that roughly half of the unperturbed eigenstates in the spectrum of the finite-size ribbon hybridize with the impurity state, and the corresponding eigenvalues are shifted with respect to their unperturbed values. The maximum shift and hybridization occur for a state whose energy is inverse proportional to the impurity potential; this energy is that of the impurity peak in the DOS spectrum. We find that the interference between the impurity and the edge gives rise to peculiar modifications of the LDOS of the nanoribbon, in particular to oscillations of the edge LDOS. These effects depend on the size of the system, and decay with the distance between the edge and the impurity.Comment: 10 pages, 15 figures, revtex