53 research outputs found

    CL100 expression is down-regulated in advanced epithelial ovarian cancer and its re-expression decreases its malignant potential

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    Although early stage ovarian cancer can be effectively treated with surgery and chemotherapy, the majority of cases present with advanced disease, which remains essentially incurable. Unfortunately, little is known about the genes important for the development and progression of this disease. In this study, the expression of 68 phosphatases was determined in immortalized ovarian epithelial cells (IOSE) and compared to ovarian cancer cell lines. CL100, a dual specificity phosphatase, displayed 10-25-fold higher expression in normal compared to malignant ovarian cell lines. Immunohistochemical staining of normal ovaries and 68 ovarian cancer specimens confirmed this differential expression. Re-expression of CL100 in ovarian cancer cells decreased adherent and non-adherent cell growth and induced phenotypic changes including loss of filopodia and lamellipodia with an associated decrease in cell motility. Induced expression of CL100 in ovarian cancer cells suppressed intraperitoneal tumor growth in nude mice. These results show for the first time that CL100 expression is altered in human ovarian cancer, that CL100 expression changes cell morphology and motility, and that it suppresses intraperitoneal growth of human ovarian epithelial cancer. These data suggest that down-regulation of CL100 may play a role in the progression of human ovarian cancer

    Sulfonated Styrene-(ethylene-co-butylene)-styrene/Montmorillonite Clay Nanocomposites: Synthesis, Morphology, and Properties

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    Sulfonated styrene-(ethylene-butylene)-styrene triblock copolymer (SSEBS) was synthesized by reaction of acetyl sulfate with SEBS. SSESB-clay nanocomposites were then prepared from hydrophilic Na-montmorillonite (MT) and organically (quaternary amine) modified hydrophobic nanoclay (OMT) at very low loading. SEBS did not show improvement in properties with MT-based nanocomposites. On sulfonation (3 and 6 weight%) of SEBS, hydrophilic MT clay-based nanocomposites exhibited better mechanical, dynamic mechanical, and thermal properties, and also controlled water–methanol mixture uptake and permeation and AC resistance. Microstructure determined by X-ray diffraction, atomic force microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy due to better dispersion of MT nanoclay particles and interaction of MT with SSEBS matrix was responsible for this effect. The resulting nanocomposites have potential as proton transfer membranes for Fuel Cell applications

    Data-aided approach to I/Q mismatch and DC offset compensation in communication receivers

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    Ellipsometric evidence of CoSi₂ formation in Co/Si multilayer induced by thermal annealing

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    The work aim is to demonstrate the potential of the spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE) approach to study the solid state reactions, both spontaneous and/or induced by thermal annealing, in (3.0 nm Co / 10.6 nm Si)₂₀ multilayered film (MLF). The regions with a stoichiometry close to Co₂Si are supposed to be formed spontaneously in the asdeposited Co/Si MLF. Sequential anneals of Co/Si MLF at 400, 600, and 700℃ do not produce any visible changes in their amorphous-like large-angle X-ray diffraction (HAXRD) spectra, while the SE indicates the formation of regions with a stoichiometry close to CoSi. Independently on the HAXRD results, the conclusion on the formation of CoSi₂ phase induced by annealing of Co/Si MLF at 800℃ can be confidently done on the basis of only optical study.Целью работы является демонстрация возможностей спектроскопической эллипсометрии (SE) при исследовании твердофазных реакций (как самопроизвольных, так и индуцированных) в многослойной пленке (MLF) (3,0 нм Co / 10,6 нм Si)₂₀. Предполагается, что в свежеосажденной области Co/Si MLF самопроизвольно образуются области со стехиометрией, близкой к Co₂Si. Последовательный отжиг Co/Si MLF при 400, 600 и 700℃ не вызывает видимых изменений в спектрах широкоугловой дифракции рентгеновских лучей (HAXRD), в то время как SE выявляет образование областей со стехиометрией, близкой к CoSi. Независимо от результатов HAXRD, на основании только оптических исследований можно сделать надежный вывод об образовании фазы CoSi₂ под влиянием отжига Co/Si MLF при 800℃.Метою роботи є демонстрацiя можливостей спектроскопiчної елiпсометрiї (SE) при дослiдженнi твердофазних реакцiй (як спонтанних, так i iндукованих) у багатошаровiй плiвцi (MLF) (3,0 нм СО/10,6 нм Si)₂₀. Припускається, що у свiжоосадженiй областi Co/Si MLF спонтанно утворюються областi зi стехiометрiєю, близькою до Co₂Si. Послiдовний вiдпал Co/Si MLF при 400, 600 i 700℃ не викликає видимих змiн у спектрах ширококутової дифракцiї рентгенiвських променiв (HAXRD), у той час як SE виявляє утворення областей зi стехiометрiєю, близькою до CoSi. Незалежно вiд результатiв HAXRD, на пiдставi тiльки оптичних дослiджень можна зробити надiйний висновок про утворення фази CoSi₂ пiд впливом вiдпалу Co/Si MLF при 800℃

    Cordycepin inhibits migration and invasion of HCT116 human colorectal carcinoma cells by tightening of tight junctions and inhibition of matrix metalloproteinase activity

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    Cordycepin is the major functional component of Cordyceps species and is widely used in traditional oriental medicine. Cordycepin has been shown to possess many pharmacological properties, such as enhancement of immune function along with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-aging, and anti-cancer effects. Here, we investigated the inhibitory effects of cordycepin on cell migration and invasion, which are two critical cellular processes that are often deregulated during metastasis, using HCT116 human colorectal carcinoma cells. According to our data, cordycepin at non-cytotoxic concentrations markedly inhibited the motility and invasiveness of HCT116 cells in a time-dependent manner. RT-PCR and Western blotting results indicated that cordycepin reduced the levels of claudin proteins, which are major components of tight junctions (TJs), and induced tightening of TJs. Cordycepin also attenuated the expression and activities of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs)-2 and -9, whereas levels of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases (TIMPs)-1 and -2 were simultaneously elevated. These findings suggest that cordycepin reduces the migration and invasion of HCT116 cells by modulating the activities of TJs and MMPs.

    Magnetic proximity effect in La₀.7Ca₀.₃MnO₃/La₀.₉Ca₀.₁MnO₃ multilayered film with diffusive interfaces

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    The structural, the magnetic and the transport properties of La₀.7Ca₀.₃MnO₃/La₀.₉Ca₀.₁MnO₃ multilayer film, prepared by rf-magnetron sputtering, have been investigated. The high-resolution electron-microscopy studies reveal the formation of different crystal structures in the constituent sublayers, but without sharp and well-defined interfaces. At the same time, the small regions of double-period modulated phase exist in the La₀.₉Ca₀.₁MnO₃ sublayers at room temperature, manifesting the formation of charge-ordered antiferromagnetic state. The magnetic measurements reveal a significant enhancement of the ferromagnetic ordering in the La₀.₉Ca₀.₁MnO₃ layers due to a strong magnetic coupling between the constituent sublayers. The multilayer film shows the anisotropic saturation magnetization at low temperature and the alternating shape of the temperature-dependent anisotropic magnetoresistance near the metal–insulator transition

    Gluconacetobacter sp. gel_SEA623-2, bacterial cellulose producing bacterium isolated from citrus fruit juice

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    Cellulose producing bacterial strain was isolated from citrus fruit juice fungus. The isolated strain was identified as Gluconacetobacter sp. gel_SEA623-2 based on several morphological characteristics, biochemical tests, and 16S rRNA conducted. Culture conditions for bacterial cellulose production by SEA623-2 were screened in static trays. Conditions were extensively optimized by varying the kind of fruit juice, pH, sugar concentration, and temperature for maximum cellulose production. SEA623-2 has a high productive capacity in citrus processing medium, but not in other fruits. The optimal combination of the media constituents for bacterial cellulose production is as follows: 10% citrus juice, 10% sucrose, 1% acetic acid, and 1% ethanol at 30 °C, pH 3.5. Bacterial cellulose produced by SEA623-2 has soft physical properties, high tensile strength, and high water retention value. The cellulose produced by the selected bacteria is suitable as a cosmetic and medical material