10,838 research outputs found

    Gas Purity effect on GEM Performance in He and Ne at Low Temperatures

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    The performance of Gas Electron Multipliers (GEMs) in gaseous He, Ne, He+H2 and Ne+H2 was studied at temperatures in the range of 3-293 K. This paper reports on previously published measurements and additional studies on the effects of the purity of the gases in which the GEM performance is evaluated. In He, at temperatures between 77 and 293 K, triple-GEM structures operate at rather high gains, exceeding 1000. There is an indication that this high gain is achieved through the Penning effect as a result of impurities in the gas. At lower temperatures the gain-voltage characteristics are significantly modified probably due to the freeze-out of these impurities. Double-GEM and single-GEM structures can operate down to 3 K at gains reaching only several tens at a gas density of about 0.5 g/l; at higher densities the maximum gain drops further. In Ne, the maximum gain also drops at cryogenic temperatures. The gain drop in Ne at low temperatures can be re-established in Penning mixtures of Ne+H2: very high gains, exceeding 104, have been obtained in these mixtures at 30-77 K, at a density of 9.2 g/l which corresponds to saturated Ne vapor density at 27 K. The addition of small amounts of H2 in He also re-establishes large GEM gains above 30 K but no gain was observed in He+H2 at 4 K and a density of 1.7 g/l (corresponding to roughly one-tenth of the saturated vapor density). These studies are, in part, being pursued in the development of two-phase He and Ne detectors for solar neutrino detection.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figure

    Modeling the impact of drought on canopy carbon and water fluxes for a subtropical evergreen coniferous plantation in southern China through parameter optimization using an ensemble Kalman filter

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    Soil and atmospheric water deficits have significant influences on CO<sub>2</sub> and energy exchanges between the atmosphere and terrestrial ecosystems. Model parameterization significantly affects the ability of a model to simulate carbon, water, and energy fluxes. In this study, an ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) and observations of gross primary productivity (GPP) and latent heat (LE) fluxes were used to optimize model parameters significantly affecting the calculation of these fluxes for a subtropical coniferous plantation in southeastern China. The optimized parameters include the maximum carboxylation rate (<i>Vc</i><sub>max</sub>), the slope in the modified Ball-Berry model (<i>M</i>) and the coefficient determining the sensitivity of stomatal conductance to atmospheric water vapor deficit (<i>D</i><sub>0</sub>). Optimized <i>Vc</i><sub>max</sub> and <i>M</i> showed larger variations than <i>D</i><sub>0</sub>. Seasonal variations of <i>Vc</i><sub>max</sub> and <i>M</i> were more pronounced than the variations between the two years. <i>Vc</i><sub>max</sub> and <i>M</i> were associated with soil water content (SWC). During dry periods, SWC at the 20 cm depth explained 61% and 64% of variations of <i>Vc</i><sub>max</sub> and <i>M</i>, respectively. EnKF parameter optimization improved the simulations of GPP, LE and SH, mainly during dry periods. After parameter optimization using EnKF, the variations of GPP, LE and SH explained by the model increased by 1% to 4% at half-hourly steps and by 3% to 5% at daily time steps. Further efforts are needed to differentiate the real causes of parameter variations and improve the ability of models to describe the change of stomatal conductance with net photosynthesis rate and the sensitivity of photosynthesis capacity to soil water stress under different environmental conditions

    Active motions of Brownian particles in a generalized energy-depot model

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    We present a generalized energy-depot model in which the conversion rate of the internal energy into motion can be dependent on the position and the velocity of a particle. When the conversion rate is a general function of the velocity, the active particle exhibits diverse patterns of motion including a braking mechanism and a stepping motion. The phase trajectories of the motion are investigated in a systematic way. With a particular form of the conversion rate dependent on the position and velocity, the particle shows a spontaneous oscillation characterizing a negative stiffness. These types of active behaviors are compared with the similar phenomena observed in biology such as the stepping motion of molecular motors and the amplification in hearing mechanism. Hence, our model can provide a generic understanding of the active motion related to the energy conversion and also a new control mechanism for nano-robots. We also investigate the noise effect, especially on the stepping motion and observe the random walk-like behavior as expected.Comment: to appear in New J. Phy

    Adaptive fuzzy control design for the molten steel level in a strip casting process

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    This paper studies the adaptive fuzzy control problem of the molten steel level for a class of twin roll strip casting systems. Based on fuzzy logic systems (FLSs) and the mean value theorem, a novel adaptive tracking controller with parameter updated laws is effectively designed. It is proved that all the closed-loop signals are uniformly bounded and the system tracking errors can asymptotically converge to zero by using the Lyapunov stability analysis. Simulation results of semi-experimental system dynamic model and parameters are provided to demonstrate the validity of the proposed adaptive fuzzy design approach

    Sensitivity of estimated total canopy SIF emission to remotely sensed LAI and BRDF products

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    Remote sensing of solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) provides new possibilities to estimate terrestrial gross primary production (GPP). To mitigate the angular and canopy structural effects on original SIF observed by sensors (SIFobs), it is recommended to derive total canopy SIF emission (SIFtotal) of leaves within a canopy using canopy interception (i0) and reflectance of vegetation (RV). However, the effects of the uncertainties in i0 and RV on the estimation of SIFtotal have not been well understood. Here, we evaluated such effects on the estimation of GPP using the Soil-Canopy-Observation of Photosynthesis and the Energy balance (SCOPE) model. The SCOPE simulations showed that the R2 between GPP and SIFtotal was clearly higher than that between GPP and SIFobs and the differences in R2 (ΔR2) tend to decrease with the increasing levels of uncertainties in i0 and RV. The resultant ΔR2 decreased to zero when the uncertainty level in i0 and RV was ~30% for red band SIF (RSIF, 683 nm) and ~20% for far-red band SIF (FRSIF, 740 nm). In addition, as compared to the TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) SIFobs at both red and far-red bands, SIFtotal derived using any combination of i0 (from MCD15, VNP15, and CGLS LAI products) and RV (from MCD34, MCD19, and VNP43 BRDF products) showed comparable improvements in estimating GPP. With this study, we suggest a way to advance our understanding in the estimation of a more physiological relevant SIF datasets (SIFtotal) using current satellite products

    EM Decay of X(3872) as the 11D2(2+)1{^1D_2}(2^{-+}) charmonium

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    The recently BaBar results raise the possibility that X(3872) has negative parity. This makes people reconsider assigning X(3872) to the 11D2(ccˉ)1{^1D_2}(c\bar c) state. In this paper we give a general form of the wave function of 2+2^{-+} mesons. By solving the instantaneous Bethe-Salpeter equation, we get the mass spectrum and corresponding wave functions. We calculate electromagnetic decay widths of the first 2+2^{-+} state which we assume to be the X(3872) particle. The results are Γ(2+(3872)J/ψγ)=1.590.42+0.53\Gamma(2^{-+}(3872)\rightarrow J/\psi\gamma) = 1.59^{+0.53}_{-0.42} keV, Γ(2+(3872)ψ(2S)γ)=2.870.97+1.46\Gamma(2^{-+}(3872)\rightarrow \psi(2S)\gamma) = 2.87^{+1.46}_{-0.97} eV and Γ(2+(3872)ψ(3770)γ)=0.1350.047+0.066\Gamma(2^{-+}(3872)\rightarrow \psi(3770)\gamma) = 0.135^{+0.066}_{-0.047} keV. The ratio of branch fractions of the second and first channel is about 0.002, which is inconsistent with the experimental value 3.4±1.43.4\pm 1.4. So X(3872) is unlikely to be a 2+2^{-+} charmonium state. In addition, we obtain a relatively large decay width for 2+(3872)hcγ2^{-+}(3872)\rightarrow h_c\gamma channel which is 392111+62392^{+62}_{-111} keV.Comment: Revised versio