2,632 research outputs found

    Kinetic conversion of CO to CH4 in the Solar System

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    Some of the most interesting chemistry in the Solar System involves changes in the oxidation state of the simple carbon species. The chemical pathways for the conversion of CH4 to CO and CO2 are for the most part known. The reverse process, the reduction of CO to CH4, is, however, poorly understood. This is surprising in view of the importance of the reduction process in the chemistry of the Solar System. Recently we investigated the chemical kinetics of a hitherto unsuspected reaction. It is argued that the formation of the methoxy radical (CH3O) from H+H2CO may play an essential role in the reduction of CO to CH4. The rate coefficient for this reaction has been estimated using the approximate theory of J. Troe and transition state theory. We will discuss the implications of this reaction for the chemistry of CO on Jupiter, in the solar nebula, for interpreting the laboratory experiments of A. Bar-Nun and A. Shaviv and A. Bar-Nun and S. Chang, and for organic synthesis in the prebiotic terrestrial atmosphere. The possible relation of CO reduction in the solar nebula and polyoxymethylene observed in comet Halley will be discussed

    A sputtering derived atomic oxygen source for studying fast atom reactions

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    A technique for the generation of fast atomic oxygen was developed. These atoms are created by ion beam sputtering from metal oxide surfaces. Mass resolved ion beams at energies up to 60 KeV are produced for this purpose using a 150 cm isotope separator. Studies have shown that particles sputtered with 40 KeV Ar(+) on Ta2O5 were dominantly neutral and exclusively atomic. The atomic oxygen also resided exclusively in its 3P ground state. The translational energy distribution for these atoms peaked at ca 7 eV (the metal-oxygen bond energy). Additional measurements on V2O5 yielded a bimodal distribution with the lower energy peak at ca 5 eV coinciding reasonably well with the metal-oxygen bond energy. The 7 eV source was used to investigate fast oxygen atom reactions with the 2-butene stereoisomers. Relative excitation functions for H-abstraction and pi-bond reaction were measured with trans-2-butene. The abstraction channel, although of minor relative importance at thermal energy, becomes comparable to the addition channel at 0.9 eV and dominates the high-energy regime. Structural effects on the specific channels were also found to be important at high energy

    Molecular Signatures in the Near Infrared Dayside Spectrum of HD 189733b

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    We have measured the dayside spectrum of HD 189733b between 1.5 and 2.5 microns using the NICMOS instrument on the Hubble Space Telescope. The emergent spectrum contains significant modulation, which we attribute to the presence of molecular bands seen in absorption. We find that water (H2O), carbon monoxide (CO), and carbon dioxide (CO2) are needed to explain the observations, and we are able to estimate the mixing ratios for these molecules. We also find temperature decreases with altitude in the ~0.01 < P < ~1 bar region of the dayside near-infrared photosphere and set an upper limit to the dayside abundance of methane (CH4) at these pressures.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures. accepted in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Methyl bromide: Ocean sources, ocean sinks, and climate sensitivity

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    The oceans play an important role in the geochemical cycle of methyl bromide (CH_3Br), the major carrier of O_3-destroying bromine to the stratosphere. The quantity of CH_3Br produced annually in seawater is comparable to the amount entering the atmosphere each year from natural and anthropogenic sources. The production mechanism is unknown but may be biological. Most of this CH_3Br is consumed in situ by hydrolysis or reaction with chloride. The size of the fraction which escapes to the atmosphere is poorly constrained; measurements in seawater and the atmosphere have been used to justify both a large oceanic CH_3Br flux to the atmosphere and a small net ocean sink. Since the consumption reactions are extremely temperature-sensitive, small temperature variations have large effects on the CH_3Br concentration in seawater, and therefore on the exchange between the atmosphere and the ocean. The net CH_3Br flux is also sensitive to variations in the rate of CH_3Br production. We have quantified these effects using a simple steady state mass balance model. When CH_3Br production rates are linearly scaled with seawater chlorophyll content, this model reproduces the latitudinal variations in marine CH_3Br concentrations observed in the east Pacific Ocean by Singh et al. [1983] and by Lobert et al. [1995]. The apparent correlation of CH_3Br production with primary production explains the discrepancies between the two observational studies, strengthening recent suggestions that the open ocean is a small net sink for atmospheric CH_3Br, rather than a large net source. The Southern Ocean is implicated as a possible large net source of CH_3Br to the atmosphere. Since our model indicates that both the direction and magnitude of CH_3Br exchange between the atmosphere and ocean are extremely sensitive to temperature and marine productivity, and since the rate of CH_3Br production in the oceans is comparable to the rate at which this compound is introduced to the atmosphere, even small perturbations to temperature or productivity can modify atmospheric CH_3Br. Therefore atmospheric CH_3Br should be sensitive to climate conditions. Our modeling indicates that climate-induced CH_3Br variations can be larger than those resulting from small (±25%) changes in the anthropogenic source, assuming that this source comprises less than half of all inputs. Future measurements of marine CH_3Br, temperature, and primary production should be combined with such models to determine the relationship between marine biological activity and CH_3Br production. Better understanding of the biological term is especially important to assess the importance of non anthropogenic sources to stratospheric ozone loss and the sensitivity of these sources to global climate change

    Atmospheric Bromine and Ozone Perturbations in the Lower Stratosphere

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    The role of bromine compounds in the photochemistry of the natural and perturbed stratosphere has been reexamined using an expanded reaction scheme and the results of recent laboratory studies of several key reactions. The most important finding is that through the reaction BrO + CIO → Br + Cl + O2, there is a synergistic effect between bromine and chlorine which results in an efficient catalytic destruction of ozone in the lower stratosphere. One-dimensional photochemical model results indicate that BrO is the major bromine species throughout the stratosphere, followed by BrONO2, HBr, HOBr and Br. We show from the foregoing that bromine is more efficient than chlorine as a catalyst for destroying ozone, and discuss the implications for stratospheric ozone of possible future growth in the industrial and agricultural use of bromine. Bromine concentrations of 20 pptv (2 × 10^−11), as suggested by recent observations, can decrease the present-day integrated ozone column density by 2.4%, and can enhance ozone depletion from steady-state chlorofluoromethane release at 1973 rates by a factor of 1.1–1.2


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    This study investigated the feasibility of using a uni-axial gyroscope to monitor the motion of foot segment. Five male subjects performed supination spraining motion simulated by a mechanical sprain simulator. A uni-axial gyroscope was attached on the shoe surface at the heel position of the right shoe to collect the heel tilting velocity. Optical motion analysis was also used to obtain heel tilting velocity as a standard. The intra class correlation and root mean square error of tilting velocity measured by the two methods are 0.70 – 0.99 and 8.21 – 37.11 deg/s, respectively. The result shows that it is possible to use only one uni-axial gyroscope for monitoring foot segment motion. This monitoring method can be contributed to the currently developing active protection “sprain-free shoe”


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    This study evaluated the effect of myoelectric stimulation on peroneal muscles to resist sudden simulated ankle sprain motions. Ten male subjects performed unanticipated inversion and supination spraining motions simulated by a mechanical sprain simulator. Myoelectric stimulations with different delay time were delivered to the peroneal muscles to initiate involuntary muscle contraction and ankle joint pronation torque to resist the spraining motion. The motion was captured and analyzed by a motion analysis system, and was quantified by the reduction of maximum heel tilting angle and angular velocity. Results showed significant effect in all conditions with the myoelectric stimulation of any delay time within 15ms. The maximum heel tilting angle and angular velocity dropped from 18 to 9-13 degrees and from 200-250 to 140-170 degree/s respectively. The present corrective mechanism could be implemented in our current research to develop an intelligent sprain-free sport shoe attempting to prevent ankle sprain injury in sports

    Neutral theory of chemical reaction networks

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    To what extent do the characteristic features of a chemical reaction network reflect its purpose and function? In general, one argues that correlations between specific features and specific functions are key to understanding a complex structure. However, specific features may sometimes be neutral and uncorrelated with any system-specific purpose, function or causal chain. Such neutral features are caused by chance and randomness. Here we compare two classes of chemical networks: one that has been subjected to biological evolution (the chemical reaction network of metabolism in living cells) and one that has not (the atmospheric planetary chemical reaction networks). Their degree distributions are shown to share the very same neutral system-independent features. The shape of the broad distributions is to a large extent controlled by a single parameter, the network size. From this perspective, there is little difference between atmospheric and metabolic networks; they are just different sizes of the same random assembling network. In other words, the shape of the degree distribution is a neutral characteristic feature and has no functional or evolutionary implications in itself; it is not a matter of life and death.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Coronavirus Genomics and Bioinformatics Analysis

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    The drastic increase in the number of coronaviruses discovered and coronavirus genomes being sequenced have given us an unprecedented opportunity to perform genomics and bioinformatics analysis on this family of viruses. Coronaviruses possess the largest genomes (26.4 to 31.7 kb) among all known RNA viruses, with G + C contents varying from 32% to 43%. Variable numbers of small ORFs are present between the various conserved genes (ORF1ab, spike, envelope, membrane and nucleocapsid) and downstream to nucleocapsid gene in different coronavirus lineages. Phylogenetically, three genera, Alphacoronavirus, Betacoronavirus and Gammacoronavirus, with Betacoronavirus consisting of subgroups A, B, C and D, exist. A fourth genus, Deltacoronavirus, which includes bulbul coronavirus HKU11, thrush coronavirus HKU12 and munia coronavirus HKU13, is emerging. Molecular clock analysis using various gene loci revealed that the time of most recent common ancestor of human/civet SARS related coronavirus to be 1999–2002, with estimated substitution rate of 4×10−4 to 2×10−2 substitutions per site per year. Recombination in coronaviruses was most notable between different strains of murine hepatitis virus (MHV), between different strains of infectious bronchitis virus, between MHV and bovine coronavirus, between feline coronavirus (FCoV) type I and canine coronavirus generating FCoV type II, and between the three genotypes of human coronavirus HKU1 (HCoV-HKU1). Codon usage bias in coronaviruses were observed, with HCoV-HKU1 showing the most extreme bias, and cytosine deamination and selection of CpG suppressed clones are the two major independent biological forces that shape such codon usage bias in coronaviruses