107 research outputs found

    Non-perturbative many-body approach to the Hubbard model and single-particle pseudogap

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    A new approach to the single-band Hubbard model is described in the general context of many-body theories. It is based on enforcing conservation laws, the Pauli principle and a number of crucial sum-rules. More specifically, spin and charge susceptibilities are expressed, in a conserving approximation, as a function of two constant irreducible vertices whose values are found self-consistently. The Mermin-Wagner theorem in two dimensions is automatically satisfied. The effect of collective modes on single-particle properties is then obtained by a paramagnon-like formula that is consistent with the two-particle properties in the sense that the potential energy obtained from TrÎŁGTr\Sigma G is identical to that obtained using the fluctuation-dissipation theorem for susceptibilities. The vertex corrections are included through constant irreducible vertices. The theory is in quantitative agreement with Monte Carlo simulations for both single-particle and two-particle properties. In the two-dimensional renormalized classical regime, spin fluctuations lead to precursors of antiferromagnetic bands (shadow bands) and to the destruction of the Fermi-liquid quasiparticles in a wide temperature range above the zero-temperature phase transition. The analogous phenomenon of pairing pseudogap can occur in the attractive model in two dimensions when the pairing fluctuations become critical. Other many-body approaches are critically compared. It is argued that treating the spin fluctuations as if there was a Migdal's theorem can lead to wrong predictions, in particular with regard to the the single-particle pseudogap.Comment: Small changes to conform to published version. Main text 33 pages. Appendices 16 pages. 11 PS figures epsf/Latex. Section on the single-particle pseudogap can be read independentl

    Slave spin cluster mean field theory away from half-filling: Application to the Hubbard and the extended Hubbard Model

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    A new slave-spin representation of fermion operators has recently been proposed for the half-filled Hubbard model. We show that with the addition of a gauge variable, the formalism can be extended to finite doping. The resulting spin problem can be solved using the cluster mean-field approximation. This approximation takes short-range correlations into account by exact diagonalization on the cluster, whereas long-range correlations beyond the size of clusters are treated at the mean-field level. In the limit where the cluster has only one site and the interaction strength UU is infinite, this approach reduces to the Gutzwiller approximation. There are some qualitative differences when the size of the cluster is finite. We first compute the critical UU for the Mott transition as a function of a frustrating second-neighbor interaction on lattices relevant for various correlated systems, namely the cobaltites, the layered organic superconductors and the high-temperature superconductors. For the triangular lattice, we also study the extended Hubbard model with nearest-neighbor repulsion. In additionto a uniform metallic state, we find a (3)Ă—(3)\sqrt(3) \times \sqrt(3) charge density wave in a broad doping regime, including commensurate ones. We find that in the large UU limit, intersite Coulomb repulsion VV strongly suppresses the single-particle weight of the metallic state.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures, submitted to PR

    Many-body Theory vs Simulations for the pseudogap in the Hubbard model

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    The opening of a critical-fluctuation induced pseudogap (or precursor pseudogap) in the one-particle spectral weight of the half-filled two-dimensional Hubbard model is discussed. This pseudogap, appearing in our Monte Carlo simulations, may be obtained from many-body techniques that use Green functions and vertex corrections that are at the same level of approximation. Self-consistent theories of the Eliashberg type (such as the Fluctuation Exchange Approximation) use renormalized Green functions and bare vertices in a context where there is no Migdal theorem. They do not find the pseudogap, in quantitative and qualitative disagreement with simulations, suggesting these methods are inadequate for this problem. Differences between precursor pseudogaps and strong-coupling pseudogaps are also discussed.Comment: Accepted, Phys. Rev. B15 15Mar00. Expanded version of original submission, Latex, 8 pages, epsfig, 5 eps figures (Last one new). Discussion on fluctuation and strong coupling induced pseudogaps expande

    Non-perturbative approach to the attractive Hubbard model

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    A non-perturbative approach to the single-band attractive Hubbard model is presented in the general context of functional derivative approaches to many-body theories. As in previous work on the repulsive model, the first step is based on a local-field type ansatz, on enforcement of the Pauli principle and a number of crucial sum-rules. The Mermin-Wagner theorem in two dimensions is automatically satisfied. At this level, two-particle self-consistency has been achieved. In the second step of the approximation, an improved expression for the self-energy is obtained by using the results of the first step in an exact expression for the self-energy where the high- and low-frequency behaviors appear separately. The result is a cooperon-like formula. The required vertex corrections are included in this self-energy expression, as required by the absence of a Migdal theorem for this problem. Other approaches to the attractive Hubbard model are critically compared. Physical consequences of the present approach and agreement with Monte Carlo simulations are demonstrated in the accompanying paper (following this one).Comment: Revtex, 19 page

    Evolution of the pairing pseudogap in the spectral function with interplane anisotropy

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    We study the pairing pseudogap in the spectral function as a function of interplane coupling. The analytical expressions for the self-energy in the critical regime are obtained for any degree of anisotropy. The frequency dependence of the self-energy is found to be qualitatively different in two and three dimensions, and the crossover from two to three dimensional behavior is discussed. In particular, by considering the anisotropy of the Fermi velocity and gap along the Fermi surface, we can qualitatively explain recent photoemission experiments on high temperature superconductors concerning the temperature dependent Fermi arcs seen in the pseudogap phase.Comment: 20 pages, revtex, 5 encapsulated postscript figures include

    Role of symmetry and dimension on pseudogap phenomena

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    The attractive Hubbard model in d=2 is studied through Monte Carlo simulations at intermediate coupling. There is a crossover temperature TXT_X where a pseudogap appears with concomitant precursors of Bogoliubov quasiparticles that are not local pairs. The pseudogap in A(k,ω)A(k,\omega) occurs in the renormalized classical regime when the correlation length is larger than the direction-dependent thermal de Broglie wave length, ξth=ℏvF(k)/kBT.\xi_{th}=\hbar v_{F}(k)/k_{B}T. The ratio TX/TcT_{X}/T_{c} for the pseudogap may be made arbitrarily large when the system is close to a point where the order parameter has SO(n) symmetry with n>2. This is relevant in the context of SO(5) theories of high TcT_c but has more general applicability.Comment: 4 pages, LaTeX, 4 epsf figures included. Corrected to agree with published version. Main change, one new figur

    Spin susceptibility of interacting electrons in one dimension: Luttinger liquid and lattice effects

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    The temperature-dependent uniform magnetic susceptibility of interacting electrons in one dimension is calculated using several methods. At low temperature, the renormalization group reaveals that the Luttinger liquid spin susceptibility χ(T)\chi (T) approaches zero temperature with an infinite slope in striking contrast with the Fermi liquid result and with the behavior of the compressibility in the absence of umklapp scattering. This effect comes from the leading marginally irrelevant operator, in analogy with the Heisenberg spin 1/2 antiferromagnetic chain. Comparisons with Monte Carlo simulations at higher temperature reveal that non-logarithmic terms are important in that regime. These contributions are evaluated from an effective interaction that includes the same set of diagrams as those that give the leading logarithmic terms in the renormalization group approach. Comments on the third law of thermodynamics as well as reasons for the failure of approaches that work in higher dimensions are given.Comment: 21 pages, latex including 5 eps figure

    Self-Consistent Random Phase Approximation - Application to the Hubbard Model for finite number of sites

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    Within the 1D Hubbard model linear closed chains with various numbers of sites are considered in Self Consistent Random Phase Approximation (SCRPA). Excellent results with a minimal numerical effort are obtained for 2+4n sites cases, confirming earlier results with this theory for other models. However, the 4n sites cases need further considerations. SCRPA solves the two sites problem exactly. It therefore contains the two electrons and high density Fermi gas limits correctly.Comment: 17 pages, 17 figure
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