12,622 research outputs found

    A Chandra Proper Motion for PSR J1809-2332

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    We report on a new Chandra exposure of PSR J1809-2332, the recently discovered pulsar powering the bright EGRET source 3EG J1809-2328. By registration of field X-ray sources in an archival exposure, we measure a significant proper motion for the pulsar point source over an ~11 year baseline. The shift of 0.30+/-0.06" (at PA= 153.3+/-18.4) supports an association with proposed SNR parent G7.5-1.7. Spectral analysis of diffuse emission in the region also supports the interpretation as a hard wind nebula trail pointing back toward the SNR.Comment: To Appear in the Astrophysical Journal, Sept 1 (v. 756

    Analytic continuation of the Hurwitz Zeta Function with physical application

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    A new formula relating the analytic continuation of the Hurwitz zeta function to the Euler gamma function and a polylogarithmic function is presented. In particular, the values of the first derivative of the real part of the analytic continuation of the Hurwitz zeta function for even negative integers and the imaginary one for odd negative integers are explicitly given. The result can be of interest both on mathematical and physical side, because we are able to apply our new formulas in the context of the Spectral Zeta Function regularization, computing the exact pair production rate per space-time unit of massive Dirac particles interacting with a purely electric background field.Comment: Replaced version, minor changes. 9 pages, to be published in J. Math. Phy

    Novel Bose-Einstein Interference in the Passage of a Fast Particle in a Dense Medium

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    When an energetic particle collides coherently with many medium particles at high energies, the Bose-Einstein symmetry with respect to the interchange of the exchanged virtual bosons leads to a destructive interference of the Feynman amplitudes in most regions of the phase space but a constructive interference in some other regions of the phase space. As a consequence, the recoiling medium particles have a tendency to come out collectively along the direction of the incident fast particle, each carrying a substantial fraction of the incident longitudinal momentum. Such an interference appearing as collective recoils of scatterers along the incident particle direction may have been observed in angular correlations of hadrons associated with a high-pTp_T trigger in high-energy AuAu collisions at RHIC.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, invited talk presented at the 35th Symposium on Nuclear Physics, Cocoyoc, Mexico, January 3, 2012, to be published in IOP Conference Serie

    Nitrogen-Functionalized Graphene Nanoflakes (GNFs:N): Tunable Photoluminescence and Electronic Structures

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    This study investigates the strong photoluminescence (PL) and X-ray excited optical luminescence observed in nitrogen-functionalized 2D graphene nanoflakes (GNFs:N), which arise from the significantly enhanced density of states in the region of {\pi} states and the gap between {\pi} and {\pi}* states. The increase in the number of the sp2 clusters in the form of pyridine-like N-C, graphite-N-like, and the C=O bonding and the resonant energy transfer from the N and O atoms to the sp2 clusters were found to be responsible for the blue shift and the enhancement of the main PL emission feature. The enhanced PL is strongly related to the induced changes of the electronic structures and bonding properties, which were revealed by the X-ray absorption near-edge structure, X-ray emission spectroscopy, and resonance inelastic X-ray scattering. The study demonstrates that PL emission can be tailored through appropriate tuning of the nitrogen and oxygen contents in GNFs and pave the way for new optoelectronic devices.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures (including toc figure

    A new Classical T Tauri object at the sub-stellar boundary in Chamaeleon II

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    We have obtained low- and medium-resolution optical spectra of 20 candidate young low-mass stars and brown dwarfs in the nearby Chamaeleon II dark cloud, using the Magellan Baade telescope. We analyze these data in conjunction with near-infrared photometry from the 2-Micron All Sky Survey. We find that one target, [VCE2001] C41, exhibits broad H(alpha) emission as well as a variety of forbidden emission lines. These signatures are usually associated with accretion and outflow in young stars and brown dwarfs. Our spectra of C41 also reveal LiI in absorption and allow us to derive a spectral type of M5.5 for it. Therefore, we propose that C41 is a classical T Tauri object near the sub-stellar boundary. Thirteen other targets in our sample have continuum spectra without intrinsic absorption or emission features, and are difficult to characterize. They may be background giants or foreground field stars not associated with the cloud or embedded protostars, and need further investigation. The six remaining candidates, with moderate reddening, are likely to be older field dwarfs, given their spectral types, lack of lithium and H(alpha).Comment: Astrophysical Journal, accepted June 19, 200

    Nonequilibrium spin transport on Au(111) surfaces

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    The well-known experimentally observed \textit{sp}-derived Au(111) Shockley surface states with Rashba spin splitting are perfectly fit by an effective tight-binding model, considering a two-dimensional hexagonal lattice with pzp_{z}-orbital and nearest neighbor hopping only. The extracted realistic band parameters are then imported to perform the Landauer-Keldysh formalism to calculate nonequilibrium spin transport in a two-terminal setup sandwiching a Au(111) surface channel. Obtained results show strong spin density on the Au(111) surface and demonstrate (i) intrinsic spin-Hall effect, (ii) current-induced spin polarization, and (iii) Rashba spin precession, all of which have been experimentally observed in semiconductor heterostructures, but not in metallic surface states. We therefore urge experiments in the latter for these spin phenomena.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Neutron Star Structure and the Neutron Radius of 208Pb

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    We study relationships between the neutron-rich skin of a heavy nucleus and the properties of neutron-star crusts. Relativistic effective field theories with a thicker neutron skin in 208^{208}Pb have a larger electron fraction and a lower liquid-to-solid transition density for neutron-rich matter. These properties are determined by the density dependence of the symmetry energy which we vary by adding nonlinear couplings between isoscalar and isovector mesons. An accurate measurement of the neutron radius in 208^{208}Pb---via parity violating electron scattering---may have important implications for the structure of neutron stars.Comment: 5 pages 3 figures, added additional evidence of model independence, Phys. Rev. Letters in pres

    Current-voltage relation of a centrifugally confined plasma

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    Observations of Jupiter's auroral regions indicate that electrons are accelerated into Jupiter's atmosphere creating emissions. The acceleration of the electrons intimate that parallel electric fields and field-aligned currents develop along the flux tubes which connect the equatorial plane to the areas with auroral emission. The relationship between the development of parallel electric fields and the parallel currents is often assumed to be the same as that on Earth. However, the relationship is significantly different at Jupiter due to a lack of plasma at high latitudes as large centrifugal forces caused by Jupiter's fast rotation period (about 9.8 h) constrain the magnetospheric plasma to the equatorial plane. We use a 1-D spatial, 2-D velocity space Vlasov code which has been modified to include centrifugal forces to examine the current-voltage relationship that exists at Jupiter. In particular, we investigate this relationship at a distance of 5.9 Jovian radii, the orbital radius of Io, which is coupled with the auroral spot and Io wake auroral emissions
