721 research outputs found

    Religious Activity Participation and Self-Rated Health Among Older Population in Indonesia

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    A number of studies have documented a positive and robust relationship between religious activity and health outcomes. The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between religious activity participation and self-rated health (SRH) among older population in Indonesia. Data were obtained from 2,915 respondents 60 years and older from the Indonesian Family Life Survey 4 (2007). SRH was assessed by a single-item health measure with four options: “very healthy,” “somewhat healthy,” “somewhat unhealthy,” and “unhealthy”. Logistic regression were used to examine the relationship of the religious activity participation and SRH. Bivariate analysis revealed that religious activity participation was significantly associated with SRH. Multivariate analysis shows that among participants who participated in religious activity, the likehood of a better SRH is increased (OR = 1.422; 95% CI = 1.203 to 1.682) after controlling for sociodemographic variables, socio-economic status (SES), health behaviour and number of Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs). This findings suggest that religious activity participation has an important effect on self-rated health status. Longitudinal studies are needed to help elucidate mechanisms and the order and direction of effects

    Genre-based Course Book for Hospitality Departmentn in Surakarta

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    This research is aimed at designing ESP Course book at SMK Sahid Surakarta that mainly focus: To investigate the quality of existing learning book used in English teaching and learning at SMK especially in hospitality department and to describe the design of Genre-based ESP course book for hospitality department of SMK.This research and development was carried out in SMK Sahid Surakarta in the academic year of 2015/2016. The number of population was three classes (that consisted of the eighth grade of APH1,APH2, APH3. The samples were 30 students of APH1.The product of this study is the genre-based course book for hospitality department with integrated skills, syllabus and course grid as the models for lesson plan. The course book consists of standard competence, topics, basic competence (core material), general aims or indicators, teaching and learning activities, methods and media, assessment, the allotted time and sources of the materials. The role and design of instructional materials are a key to help teacher and students being bale to use language in specific context. The proposed course book consists of 2 units and each unit has a topic which is developed to 19 activities. The teaching activities included in the course book are starting point, modeling, joint construction, and independent construction. Such features are added as vocabulary notes, grammar point, useful expression, and for your information to support the fourth stages of activities

    The Relationship Between Spirituality and Depression Among the Elderly in Indonesia

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    Background: Studies have shown that there is an association between spirituality and better physical and mental health. Depression has one of the highest prevalence amongst the mental health illnesses in the elderly, and it can lead to poor physical health. This study aims to determine the relationship between spirituality and depression. Methods: Data was obtained from the 4th Indonesian Family Life Survey, that was conducted in 2007; the total study sample included 3,103 elderly Indonesians. Logistic regression was performed to determine the relationship between spirituality and depression.  Results: This study found that the prevalence of depression was 7.2%, with the largest proportion of those being ≥70 years, female, less educated, unemployed, elderly with multimorbidities, unmarried, and less spiritual. Logistic regression analysis showed a strong relationship between spirituality and depression (odds ratio= 1.869; 95% confidence interval; 1.422 to 2.458) after it was controlled for all variables. Conclusions: This study found that spirituality has a significant relationship with rates of depression. The government needs to develop a program that strengthens spirituality to improve mental health in the elderly

    Bentuk Perlakuan Patron Terhadap Klien Dalam Perdagangan Kayu Manis Di Pasar Nagari Kabupaten Tanah Datar

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    The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze any form of treatment patron of the client in the cinnamon trade in Nagari Pasar Tanah Datar. The research is a qualitative research, the naturalistic or natural, it is done on a particular natural background, and has a particular case. The results of the research are: 1). Rooted historically to trading activity in the village market, especially with the Client Patron export commodities traders. 2). Having a wide network klientisasi in control of the business, has the ability to build reciprocity to strengthen social insurance with business partners. 3). Patron business network and market traders in villages Clients who trade export crops can be used as a base to develop the agricultural product processing industry whose market is wide open in the ASEAN and China. 4). The creation of a network of business groups klientisasi to village markets can be a forerunner to form a business network Minangkabau to compete with China\u27s business network, in exploiting investment opportunities provided by the government of West Sumatra. 5). With the capability of reciprocity and social insurance held so far, can create business linkages (business leakage) with groups of businesses along the corridor of Sumatra

    Analisis Terhadap Putusan Hakim Nomor 534/pdt.g/2013/pa.pbr.pada Perkara Cerai Gugat Oleh Pegawai Negeri Sipil Di Pengadilan Agama Pekanbaru

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    According to Article 1 of Law No. 1 of 1974 on Marriage, marriage is the emotional and physical bond between a man and a woman as husband and wife with the intention of forming a family (household) are happy and eternal berdadasarkan Belief in God Almighty. Marriage is a sacred bond that is also associated with the faith and belief in God. So it is not based on ones desire, but there is a dimension of worship in a marriage. Thus marriage should be maintained properly so what is the purpose of marriage in Islam that is the realization of a prosperous family (sakinah, mawaddah, warahmah) can be realized. Pekanbaru City Region which incidentally have enough qualified civil servants in the government sector is irony to be one area that the divorce rate sufficient to increase every year in the jurisdiction of religious courts Pekanbaru. Class 1 A religious court Pekanbaru as a research done, the courts that are within the judicial power in the judiciary menaganani divorce cases, including contested divorce cases, both contested divorce or divorce from the usual accountability among civil servants. Based on the above settings should any civil servant who wants to file a divorce was required to obtain permission from the supervisor or the competent authority, but in practice the civil divorce case is still there that did not get permission from the authorities but still be processed until the verdict as was the case Judgment in case No. 534/Pdt.G/2013/PA.Pbr.Based on the background above, the writer wants to know What are the reasons for divorce in the decision contested by the plaintiff No. Is 534/Pdt.G/2013/PA.Pbr and basic considerations in the decision of the judge that it meets the principle of legal certainty.This type of research when viewed from the angle of its kind, this research can be classified to normative research. Normative research is legal research library that includes the study of the principles of law, the source of the data used is primary data and secondary data, data collection techniques in this study with the literature study and interviews.From the results of research and analysis by the author of the first known principle of legal certainty, the reasons in case Number 534/Pdt.G/2013/PA.Pbr is already in accordance with the legal and regulatory basis there although there are some basic laws that have not been detailed. Second, divorce cases contested by civil servants annually increased and many are yet to get permission from the boss after the due date but still be processed, with the consideration of the judges wanted to bring more benefit than harm because it brings because marriage can no longer be sustained and the plaintiff is willing to make waiver will accept all the risk of not getting permission from his superiors rejection is accompanied by a letter from the officer in this case the judge considers it already meets the mandatory rule of law replaces the existing license for civil servants who want to sue for divorce.Keywords : Analysis - Divorce Sues - Civil Servant

    Perilaku Masa Puber Pengaruhnya terhadap Motivasi Belajar Siswa di Madrasah Aliyah Pui Kecamatan Maja Kabupaten Majalengka

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    Penelitian ini bertolak dari adanya analisis terhadap persoalan-persoalan dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar yang harus ada proses baik input maupun output, salah satu yang berpengaruh adalah masukan mental atau raw input yaitu siswa yang memiliki karakteristik baik fisiologis maupun psikologis. Dimana perkembangan masa puber yang merupakan periode yang ditandai oleh Perubahan perkembangan baik aspek biologis maupun aspek psikologis yang berpengaruh pada motivasi belajarnya. Dalam penelitian ini yang dijadikan sumber informasi adalah siswa dan siswi Madrasah Aliyah Persatuan Umat Islam Maja yang dijadikan sampel dalam penelitian ini. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, dan penyebaran angket. Data ini dimasukkan ke dalam data jenis data kualitatif yang dianalisa dengan menggunakan rumus persentase dan rumus uji kelinieran regresi, uji korelasi, dan uji hipotesis untuk analisa data kuantitatif..Dan dari hasil perhitungan dapat diketahui bahwa lebih dari setengahnya siswa mengalami Perubahan perkembangan pada masa puber dan kurang dari setengahnya siswa juga mengalami penurunan pada motivasi belajarnya.Serta hasil uji hipotesis ternyata terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap motivasi belajar mereka. Sehingga Pada masa puber perlu adanya bimbingan kepada siswa dari para pendidik untuk mengarahkan mereka supaya bisa mempersiapkan akan terjadinya Perubahan-Perubahan baik secara biologis maupun psikologi
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