129 research outputs found

    Calculations of spin induced transport in ferromagnets

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    Based on first-principles density functional calculations, a general approach for determining and analyzing the degree of spin polarization (P) in ferromagnets is presented. The approach employs the so-called tetrahedron method to evaluate the Fermi surface integrations of P in both ballistic and diffusive regimes. The validity of the method is examined by comparing the calculated P values for Fe and Ni with the experiment. The method is shown to yield highly accurate results with minimal computational effort. Within our approach, it is also possible to systematically analyze the contributions of various types of electronic states to the spin induced transport. As a case study, the transport properties of the soft-ferromagnet CeMnNi4 are investigated in order to explain the origin of the existing difference between the experimental and theoretical values of P in this intermetallic compound.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures; to appear in Physical Review B 75 (2007

    Zero-bias anomalies in electrochemically fabricated nanojunctions

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    A streamlined technique for the electrochemical fabrication of metal nanojunctions (MNJs) between lithographically defined electrodes is presented. The first low-temperature transport measurements in such structures reveal suppression of the conductance near zero-bias. The size of the zero-bias anomaly (ZBA) depends strongly on the fabrication electrochemistry and the dimensions of the resulting MNJ. We present evidence that the nonperturbative ZBA in atomic-scale junctions is due to a density of states suppression in the leads.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Anomalous Aharonov-Bohm conductance oscillations from topological insulator surface states

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    We study transport properties of a topological insulator nanowire when a magnetic field is applied along its length. We predict that with strong surface disorder, a characteristic signature of the band topology is revealed in Aharonov Bohm (AB) oscillations of the conductance. These oscillations have a component with anomalous period Φ0=hc/e\Phi_0=hc/e, and with conductance maxima at odd multiples of 12Φ0\frac12\Phi_0, i.e. when the AB phase for surface electrons is π\pi. This is intimately connected to the band topology and a surface curvature induced Berry phase, special to topological insulator surfaces. We discuss similarities and differences from recent experiments on Bi2_2Se3_3 nanoribbons, and optimal conditions for observing this effect.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Dynamical mean field theory for strongly correlated inhomogeneous multilayered nanostructures

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    Dynamical mean field theory is employed to calculate the properties of multilayered inhomogeneous devices composed of semi-infinite metallic lead layers coupled via barrier planes that are made from a strongly correlated material (and can be tuned through the metal-insulator Mott transition). We find that the Friedel oscillations in the metallic leads are immediately frozen in and don't change as the thickness of the barrier increases from one to eighty planes. We also identify a generalization of the Thouless energy that describes the crossover from tunneling to incoherent Ohmic transport in the insulating barrier. We qualitatively compare the results of these self-consistent many-body calculations with the assumptions of non-self-consistent Landauer-based approaches to shed light on when such approaches are likely to yield good results for the transport.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Interaction of a CO molecule with a Pt monatomic wire: electronic structure and ballistic conductance

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    We carry out a first-principles density functional study of the interaction between a monatomic Pt wire and a CO molecule, comparing the energy of different adsorption configurations (bridge, on top, substitutional, and tilted bridge) and discussing the effects of spin-orbit (SO) coupling on the electronic structure and on the ballistic conductance of two of these systems (bridge and substitutional). We find that, when the wire is unstrained, the bridge configuration is energetically favored, while the substitutional geometry becomes possible only after the breaking of the Pt-Pt bond next to CO. The interaction can be described by a donation/back-donation process similar to that occurring when CO adsorbs on transition-metal surfaces, a picture which remains valid also in presence of SO coupling. The ballistic conductance of the (tipless) nanowire is not much reduced by the adsorption of the molecule on the bridge and on-top sites, but shows a significant drop in the substitutional case. The differences in the electronic structure due to the SO coupling influence the transmission only at energies far away from the Fermi level so that fully- and scalar-relativistic conductances do not differ significantly.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures; figure misplacement and minor syntax issues fixed, some references updated and correcte

    Spin-polarized electron transport in ferromagnet/semiconductor heterostructures: Unification of ballistic and diffusive transport

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    A theory of spin-polarized electron transport in ferromagnet/semiconductor heterostructures, based on a unified semiclassical description of ballistic and diffusive transport in semiconductor structures, is developed. The aim is to provide a framework for studying the interplay of spin relaxation and transport mechanism in spintronic devices. A key element of the unified description of transport inside a (nondegenerate) semiconductor is the thermoballistic current consisting of electrons which move ballistically in the electric field arising from internal and external electrostatic potentials, and which are thermalized at randomly distributed equilibration points. The ballistic component in the unified description gives rise to discontinuities in the chemical potential at the boundaries of the semiconductor, which are related to the Sharvin interface conductance. By allowing spin relaxation to occur during the ballistic motion between the equilibration points, a thermoballistic spin-polarized current and density are constructed in terms of a spin transport function. An integral equation for this function is derived for arbitrary values of the momentum and spin relaxation lengths. For field-driven transport in a homogeneous semiconductor, the integral equation can be converted into a second-order differential equation that generalizes the standard spin drift-diffusion equation. The spin polarization in ferromagnet/semiconductor heterostructures is obtained by invoking continuity of the current spin polarization and matching the spin-resolved chemical potentials on the ferromagnet sides of the interfaces. Allowance is made for spin-selective interface resistances. Examples are considered which illustrate the effects of transport mechanism and electric field.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, REVTEX 4; minor corrections introduced; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Triple-gap superconductivity of MgB2 - (La,Sr)MnO3 composite. Which of the gaps is proximity induced?

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    Interplay of superconductivity and magnetism in a composite prepared of the ferromagnetic half-metallic La_0.67Sr_0.33MnO (LSMO) nanoparticles and the conventional s-wave superconductor MgB_2 has been studied. A few principal effects have been found in bulk samples. With an onset of the MgB_2 superconductivity, a spectacular drop of the sample resistance has been detected and superconductivity has been observed at temperature up to 20K. Point-contact (PC) spectroscopy has been used to measure directly the superconducting energy coupling. For small voltage, an excess current and doubling of the PC's normal state conductance have been found. Conductance peaks corresponding to three energy gaps are clearly observed. Two of these gaps we identified as enhanced \Delta_{\pi} and \Delta_{\sigma} gaps originating from the MgB_2; the third gap \Delta_{tr} is more than three times larger than the largest MgB_2 gap. The experimental results provide unambiguous evidences for a new type of proximity effect which follows the phase coherency scenario of proximity induced superconductivity. Specifically, at low temperature, the p-wave spin-triplet condensate with pairing energy \Delta_{tr} is essentially sustained in LSMO but is incapable to display long-range supercurrent response because of a phase-disordering state. The proximity coupling to MgB_2 restores the long-range phase coherency of the triplet superconducting state, which, in turn, enhances superconducting state of the MgB_2.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Andreev experiments on superconductor/ferromagnet point contacts

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    Andreev reflection is a smart tool to investigate the spin polarisation P of the current through point contacts between a superconductor and a ferromagnet. We compare different models to extract P from experimental data and investigate the dependence of P on different contact parameters.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Fizika Nizkikh Temperatu

    Ballistic resistivity in aluminum nanocontacts

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    One of the major industrial challenges is to profit from some fascinating physical features present at the nanoscale. The production of dissipationless nanoswitches (or nanocontacts) is one of such attractive applications. Nevertheless, the lack of knowledge of the real efficiency of electronic ballistic/non dissipative transport limits future innovations. For multi-valent metallic nanosystems -where several transport channels per atom are involved- the only experimental technique available for statistical transport characterization is the conductance histogram. Unfortunately its interpretation is difficult because transport and mechanical properties are intrinsically interlaced. We perform a representative series of semiclassical molecular dynamics simulations of aluminum nanocontact breakages, coupled to full quantum conductance calculations, and put in evidence a linear relationship between the conductance and the contact minimum cross-section for the geometrically favored aluminum nanocontact configurations. Valid in a broad range of conductance values, such relation allows the definition of a transport parameter for nanomaterials, that represents the novel concept of ballistic resistivity

    Force Detection Using a Fiber-Optic Cantilever

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    A force measurement technique has been developed that utilizes a clamped fiber optic element both as a cantilever and as a highly sensitive probe of the static and dynamic displacement of a sample that is mounted near its free end. Light from a 1.5 mW superluminescent diode coupled into the fiber is used to detect displacement with 6*10/sup -13 m*Hz/sup -1/2 sensitivity for frequencies above 40 kHz. This technique has been used to study the interaction between macroscopic bodies with atomic sensitivity. Here, we report measurements of stiffness of junctions that form when two gold surfaces are brought into contact.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure