1,274 research outputs found

    Visualization of the 3-dimensional flow around a model with the aid of a laser knife

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    A method for visualizing the three-dimensional flow around models of various shapes in a wind tunnel at a Mach number of 5 is described. A laser provides a planar light flux such that any plane through the model can be selectively illuminated. The shape of shock waves and separation regions is then determined by the intensity of light scattered by soot particles in the flow

    Negative high-frequency differential conductivity in semiconductor superlattices

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    We examine the high-frequency differential conductivity response properties of semiconductor superlattices having various miniband dispersion laws. Our analysis shows that the anharmonicity of Bloch oscillations (beyond tight-binding approximation) leads to the occurrence of negative high-frequency differential conductivity at frequency multiples of the Bloch frequency. This effect can arise even in regions of positive static differential conductivity. The influence of strong electron scattering by optic phonons is analyzed. We propose an optimal superlattice miniband dispersion law to achieve high-frequency field amplification

    Thermodynamic functions of lactams in the ideal gas state

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    Thermodynamic functions (enthalpy, entropy, free energy, and heat capacity) of azacycloalkan-2-ones with ring sizes n = 4-8 in the ideal gas state are calculated by means of quantum chemistry and statistical physics, using an anharmonic approximation in the range of 298-1500 K with allowance for all known conformers and optical isomers. Equilibrium structures and total energies of lactams are calculated using the B3LYP/6-311++G(3df, 3pd), B3LYP/aug-cc-pVQZ, and MP2/6-311++G(3df, 3pd) methods, and the anharmonic frequencies of the fundamental vibrations of all the investigated structures were found via B3LYP/6-311++G(3df, 3pd). © 2014 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Thermodynamic properties of dimethylene urethane

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    © 2015 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. Abstract Enthalpies of the combustion and formation of crystalline dimethylene urethane (oxazolidin-2-one) are determined via combustion calorimetry. The enthalpy of sublimation is determined via the transpiration method, and the enthalpy of fusion is found by means of differential scanning calorimetry. The temperature dependence of the saturated vapor pressure is measured in the range of 323-353 K. Thermodynamic functions in the ideal gas state are calculated using the rigid rotator-anharmonic oscillator model in the range of T = 298.15-1500 K

    Critical Behavior of Disordered Systems with a Free Surface

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    The behavior of homogeneous and disordered systems with a free boundary is described on the basis of group theory in the two-loop approximation directly in three-dimensional space. The effect of the free boundary on the regime of the bulk critical behavior is revealed. It is shown that the boundedness of the system slightly affects the regime of the bulk critical behavior in the case of the ordinary transition, whereas this effect is more noticeable in the case of the special transition. Surface critical phenomena are described for homogeneous and disordered systems, and the critical exponents are calculated in the two-loop approximation. It is shown that the effect of impurities is insignificant in the special phase transition, whereas it is more noticeable in the ordinary phase transition. The derived critical exponents are compared with the computer-simulation results.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figure

    Прогнозування кримінологічної ефективності проектів нормативно-правових актів: науково-методичні засади

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    Орлов, Ю. В. Прогнозування кримінологічної ефективності проектів нормативно-правових актів: науково-методичні засади / Ю. В. Орлов // Вісник Кримінологічної асоціації України. - 2013. - № 3. - С. 132-144.Стаття присвячена концептуальним засадам прогнозування кримінологічної ефективності проектів нормативно-правових актів. Визначається система кримінологічної інформації, що є базою прогностичного дослідження, а також методи її збирання та узагальнення. Пропонується система критеріїв кримінологічної неефективності нормативно-правових актів як науково-пошукові орієнтири для оцінки проміжних прогнозів.The article is devoted to the conceptual principles of prognostication of criminology efficiency of normative-law acts’ projects. The system of criminology information which is the base of prognostic research, and also methods of its collecting and generalization, has introduced. The system of criteria of criminology uneffectiveness of normative-law acts is offered as scientifically-searching points for the estimation of intermediate prognoses.Статья посвящена концептуальным принципам прогнозирования криминологической эффективности проектов нормативно-правовых актов. Определяется система криминологической информации, которая является базой прогностического исследования, а также методы ее собирания и обобщения. Предлагается система критериев криминологической неэффективности нормативно-правовых актов как научно поисковые ориентиры для оценки промежуточных прогнозов