18 research outputs found

    Исследования поведения динамически-настраиваемого гравиметра с помощью ЦВМ

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    Дослідження за допомогою ЦОМ поведінки динамічно-настроювального гравіметра при впливі на нього збурюючих факторів різного характеру (частоти, амплітуди) і виявлення найбільш небезпечних режимів його роботи.The studies by means of EBM dinamic-adjusted gravimeter at influence upon it outraging factors of the miscellaneous of the nature (the frequencies, amplitudes) and discovery the most dangerous mode his work.Исследования с помощью ЦВМ поведения гравиметра при воздействии на него возмущающих воздействий разного характера (частоты, амплитуды) и выявление наиболее опасных режимов его работы

    Экспериментальные исследования динамически-настраиваемого гравиметра

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    Проведення іспитів макету розроблюваного гравіметра й обґрунтування можливості його застосування в складі авіаційної гравіметричної системи.Undertaking the test the model under development dinamic-adjusted and motivation of the possibility of his using in composition aerogravimeter systems are offered.Проведения испытаний макета разрабатываемого гравиметра и обоснование возможности его применения в составе авиационной гравиметрической системы

    Postoperative cognitive dysfunction: etiology, clinical features, diagnosis

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    Introduction. The present study analyzed the possibility of using neuropsychological tests to assess postoperative cognitive dysfunction. New data were obtained: in the postoperative period, hippocampal memory impairments predominate in patients, which makes it expedient to use methods for diagnosing primary modal-nonspecific memory disorders in patients who are to undergo neurosurgical intervention on the spinal cord.The aim of the study to evaluate the influence of surgery with anesthesia on the cognitive functions of middle-age patients.Materials and methods. The study included 20 middle-aged patients. All patients had to undergo spinal surgery. Patients received total intravenous anesthesia with propofol induction (4–12 mg/kg/hr). Cognitive functions before and after the operation were made with the use of the MoCA, TMT A and B, FCSRT, state-trait anxiety inventory test (STAI).Results. The development of POCD was noted in 15% of cases. The patients showed a decrease in the FCSRT prompt index (1st day = 87 ± 9.0; 2nd day = 83 ± 15; p = 0,0005), while the overall severity of cognitive impairments (total score of MoCA) did not change significantly (standard deviation according to MoCA: 24.25 ± 2.86 on day 1 and 24 ± 3.24 on the second day, p = 0.61). The RT level decreased by day 2: 44.65 ± 7.4 versus 41.1 ± 8.2 (p = 0.001). Correlation analysis did not show the relationship between the age of patients, education level, comorbidity and development of POCD; however, the duration of anesthesia was associated with a decrease in MoCA scores (Pearson’s correlation coefficient r = –0.44; p = 0.050).Conclusion. Thus, our study shows that the study of hippocampal memory impairments is important in patients with POCD. These data differ from the data of researchers presented earlier, where the most important clinical manifestations of POCD are considered to be a decrease in attention and speed of mental processes. Of course, the small sample size dictates the need for additional research


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    The results of studing main features of influence of electromagnetic radiation of atmosphere oxygen molecular spectra of irradiation and absorption frequencies on whole blood rheology of patients with stable angina pectoris were present. The changes of rheological properties of whole blood samples of the patients with stable angina pectoris irradiated with electromagnetic radiation of atmosphere oxygen molecular spectra of irradiation and absorption frequencies depend on the time of treating, initial haematocrit level, fibrinogen concentration and arterial blood pressure

    Problems of Safety, Occupational Hygiene and Control Over Infections in Fighting with Occupational Diseases of Healthcare Workers with COVID-19 in Treatment Facilities of Ukraine

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    The objective of the publication was to assess the safety of treatment facilities, occupational health and infection control in Kiev, Zhytomyr and Zhytomyr region to enhance risk management of SARS-CoV-2 infection of healthcare workers and reduce occupational illness and mortality for COVID-19. Bibliosemantic, hygienic, questionnaire, statistical methods and methods of comparative and system analysis have been used. The work of doctors involved in overcoming COVID-19 pandemic is classified as dangerous (extreme). In addition to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the working conditions of medical workers are influenced by physical, chemical factors and high physical and neuro-emotional stress. Among medical workers of the Zhytomyr region who were diagnosed with an acute occupational disease COVID-19, nurses prevailed (38.57%). Junior nurses (26.1%) – the second COVID-19 incidence, paramedics (5.31%) occupy the third place. The doctors' incidence was ranked in the following sequence: doctors of GPFM – 4.85%, surgeons – 4.16%, anesthesiologists – 2.54%, infectious disease doctors – 2.08%, radiologists – 1.85%. This distribution of medical professions is observed for all Ukraine regions. Chance of becoming infected with SARS CoV 2 for healthcare workers in October was by 3.8 times higher than the general population. Risk of dying from COVID-19 in healthcare workers is greater by 1.5 times than the general population. The high level of occupational morbidity of COVID-19 in Ukrainian medical personnel is determined by personal negligence, incomplete staffing of TF with medical workers, of medical workers with PPE; dis-use of PPE if available, absence or poor-quality instruction on labor protection; shortage of epidemiologists, hygienists and occupational pathologists