257 research outputs found

    Two-dimensional cellular automaton model of traffic flow with open boundaries

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    A two-dimensional cellular automaton model of traffic flow with open boundaries are investigated by computer simulations. The outflow of cars from the system and the average velocity are investigated. The time sequences of the outflow and average velocity have flicker noises in a jamming phase. The low density behavior are discussed with simple jam-free approximation.Comment: 14 pages, Phys. Rev. E in press, PostScript figures available at ftp://hirose.ai.is.saga-u.ac.jp/pub/documents/papers/1996/2DTR/ OpenBoundaries/Figs.tar.g

    Phase Diagram Of The Biham-Middleton-Levine Traffic Model In Three Dimensions

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    We study numerically the behavior of the Biham-Middleton-Levine traffic model in three dimensions. Our extensive numerical simulations show that the phase diagram for this model in three dimensions is markedly different from that in one and two dimensions. In addition to the full speed moving as well as the completely jamming phases, whose respective average asymptotic car speeds equal one and zero, we observe an extensive region of car densities ρ\rho with a low but non-zero average asymptotic car speed. The transition from this extensive low average asymptotic car speed region to the completely jamming region is at least second order. We argue that this low speed region is a result of the formation of a spatially-limited-extended percolating cluster. Thus, this low speed phase is present in n>3n > 3 dimensional Biham-Middleton-Levine model as well.Comment: Minor clarifications, 1 figure adde

    Energy Dissipation Burst on the Traffic Congestion

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    We introduce an energy dissipation model for traffic flow based on the optimal velocity model (OV model). In this model, vehicles are defined as moving under the rule of the OV model, and energy dissipation rate is defined as the product of the velocity of a vehicle and resistant force which works to it.Comment: 15 pages, 19 Postscript figures. Reason for replacing: This is the submitted for

    SXDF-UDS-CANDELS-ALMA 1.5 arcmin2^2 deep survey

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    We have conducted 1.1 mm ALMA observations of a contiguous 105×50105'' \times 50'' or 1.5 arcmin2^2 window in the SXDF-UDS-CANDELS. We achieved a 5σ\sigma sensitivity of 0.28 mJy, providing a flat sensus of dusty star-forming galaxies with LIR6×1011L_{\rm IR} \sim6\times10^{11} LL_\odot (for TdustT_{\rm dust} =40K) up to z10z\sim10 thanks to the negative K-correction at this wavelength. We detected 5 brightest sources (S/N>>6) and 18 low-significance sources (5>>S/N>>4; these may contain spurious detections, though). One of the 5 brightest ALMA sources (S1.1mm=0.84±0.09S_{\rm 1.1mm} = 0.84 \pm 0.09 mJy) is extremely faint in the WFC3 and VLT/HAWK-I images, demonstrating that a contiguous ALMA imaging survey is able to uncover a faint dust-obscured population that is invisible in deep optical/near-infrared surveys. We found a possible [CII]-line emitter at z=5.955z=5.955 or a low-zz CO emitting galaxy within the field, which may allow us to constrain the [CII] and/or the CO luminosity functions across the history of the universe.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, 1 table, to appear in the proceedings of IAU Symposium 319 "Galaxies at High Redshift and Their Evolution over Cosmic Time", eds. S. Kaviraj & H. Ferguso

    Calibration of the Particle Density in Cellular-Automaton Models for Traffic Flow

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    We introduce density dependence of the cell size in cellular-automaton models for traffic flow, which allows a more precise correspondence between real-world phenomena and what observed in simulation. Also, we give an explicit calibration of the particle density particularly for the asymmetric simple exclusion process with some update rules. We thus find that the present method is valid in that it reproduces a realistic flow-density diagram.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figure

    Macroscopic traffic models from microscopic car-following models

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    We present a method to derive macroscopic fluid-dynamic models from microscopic car-following models via a coarse-graining procedure. The method is first demonstrated for the optimal velocity model. The derived macroscopic model consists of a conservation equation and a momentum equation, and the latter contains a relaxation term, an anticipation term, and a diffusion term. Properties of the resulting macroscopic model are compared with those of the optimal velocity model through numerical simulations, and reasonable agreement is found although there are deviations in the quantitative level. The derivation is also extended to general car-following models.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    ALMA twenty-six arcmin2 survey of GOODS-S at one millimeter (ASAGAO): Millimeter properties of stellar mass selected galaxies

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    We make use of the ASAGAO, deep 1.2 mm continuum observations of a 26 arcmin2^2 region in the GOODS-South field obtained with ALMA, to probe dust-enshrouded star formation in KK-band selected (i.e., stellar mass selected) galaxies, which are drawn from the ZFOURGE catalog. Based on the ASAGAO combined map, which was created by combining ASAGAO and ALMA archival data in the GOODS-South field, we find that 24 ZFOURGE sources have 1.2 mm counterparts with a signal-to-noise ratio >> 4.5 (1σ\sigma\simeq 30 - 70 μ\muJy beam1^{-1} at 1.2 mm). Their median redshift is estimated to be zmedian=z_\mathrm{median}= 2.38 ±\pm 0.14. They generally follow the tight relationship of the stellar mass versus star formation rate (i.e., the main sequence of star-forming galaxies). ALMA-detected ZFOURGE sources exhibit systematically larger infrared (IR) excess (IRX LIR/LUV\equiv L_\mathrm{IR}/L_\mathrm{UV}) compared to ZFOURGE galaxies without ALMA detections even though they have similar redshifts, stellar masses, and star formation rates. This implies the consensus stellar-mass versus IRX relation, which is known to be tight among rest-frame-UV-selected galaxies, can not fully predict the ALMA detectability of stellar-mass-selected galaxies. We find that ALMA-detected ZFOURGE sources are the main contributors to the cosmic IR star formation rate density at zz = 2 - 3.Comment: Accepted for publication in PASJ. A version with a high resolution figure and ALMA fits files are available from https://sites.google.com/view/asagao26

    Initial Results from the Nobeyama Molecular Gas Observations of Distant Bright Galaxies

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    We present initial results from the CO survey toward high redshift galaxies using the Nobeyama 45m telescope. Using the new wide bandwidth spectrometer equipped with a two-beam SIS receiver, we have robust new detections of three high redshift (z=1.6-3.4) submillimeter galaxies (SXDF 1100.001, SDP9, and SDP17), one tentative detection (SDSS J160705+533558), and one non-detection (COSMOS-AzTEC1). The galaxies observed during the commissioning phase are sources with known spectroscopic redshifts from previous optical or from wide-band submm spectroscopy. The derived molecular gas mass and line widths from Gaussian fits are ~10^11 Msun and 430-530 km/s, which are consistent with previous CO observations of distant submm galaxies and quasars. The spectrometer that allows a maximum of 32 GHz instantaneous bandwidth will provide new science capabilities at the Nobeyama 45m telescope, allowing us to determine redshifts of bright submm selected galaxies without any prior redshift information.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, PASJ Letter Accepte

    Concept of temperature in multi-horizon spacetimes: Analysis of Schwarzschild-De Sitter metric

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    In case of spacetimes with single horizon, there exist several well-established procedures for relating the surface gravity of the horizon to a thermodynamic temperature. Such procedures, however, cannot be extended in a straightforward manner when a spacetime has multiple horizons. In particular, it is not clear whether there exists a notion of global temperature characterizing the multi-horizon spacetimes. We examine the conditions under which a global temperature can exist for a spacetime with two horizons using the example of Schwarzschild-De Sitter (SDS) spacetime. We systematically extend different procedures (like the expectation value of stress tensor, response of particle detectors, periodicity in the Euclidean time etc.) for identifying a temperature in the case of spacetimes with single horizon to the SDS spacetime. This analysis is facilitated by using a global coordinate chart which covers the entire SDS manifold. We find that all the procedures lead to a consistent picture characterized by the following features: (a) In general, SDS spacetime behaves like a non-equilibrium system characterized by two temperatures. (b) It is not possible to associate a global temperature with SDS spacetime except when the ratio of the two surface gravities is rational (c) Even when the ratio of the two surface gravities is rational, the thermal nature depends on the coordinate chart used. There exists a global coordinate chart in which there is global equilibrium temperature while there exist other charts in which SDS behaves as though it has two different temperatures. The coordinate dependence of the thermal nature is reminiscent of the flat spacetime in Minkowski and Rindler coordinate charts. The implications are discussed.Comment: 12 page

    Experimental study of pedestrian flow through a bottleneck

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    In this work the results of a bottleneck experiment with pedestrians are presented in the form of total times, fluxes, specific fluxes, and time gaps. A main aim was to find the dependence of these values from the bottleneck width. The results show a linear decline of the specific flux with increasing width as long as only one person at a time can pass, and a constant value for larger bottleneck widths. Differences between small (one person at a time) and wide bottlenecks (two persons at a time) were also found in the distribution of time gaps.Comment: accepted for publication in J. Stat. Mec