368 research outputs found

    A new method of boundary parameter estimation for a two-dimensional diffusion system under noisy observations

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    The purpose of this paper is to establish a method for identifying unknown parameters involved in the boundary state of a class of diffusion systems under noisy observations. A mathematical model of the system dynamics is given by a two-dimensional diffusion equation. Noisy observations are made by sensors allocated on the system boundary. Starting with the mathematical model mentioned above, an online parameter estimation algorithm is proposed within the framework of the maximum likelihood estimation. Existence of the optimal solution and related necessary conditions are discussed. By solving a local variation of the cost functional with respect to the perturbation of parameters, the estimation mechanism is proposed in a form of recursive computations. Finally, the feasibility of the estimator proposed here is demonstrated through results of digital simulation experiments

    Delay analysis for CBR traffic under static-priority scheduling

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    We examine the delay performance of packets from constant-bit-rate (CBR) traffic whose delay is affected by non-real-time traffic. The delay performance is analyzed by solving the nD/D/1 queue with vacations. We obtain an exact and closed form solution, hence obviating the need of any approximations or numerical Laplace inversions. We then provide various numerical results for low-bit-rate transmission links, in which packets can experience large delay. From our quantitative evaluation, we conclude that there exists an optimum packet size for a given delay bound. In extremely slow links, such as modem links, transmission control protocol (TCP) packets should be segmented to reduce the CBR delay. We therefore investigate the delay impact of TCP packet sizes as wel

    Conceptual Design of a Fast-Ignition Laser Fusion Reactor FALCON-D

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    A new conceptual design of the laser fusion power plant FALCON-D (Fast ignition Advanced Laser fusion reactor CONcept with a Dry wall chamber) has been proposed. The fast ignition method can achieve the sufficient fusion gain for a commercial operation (~100) with about 10 times smaller fusion yield than the conventional central ignition method. FALCON-D makes full use of this property and aims at designing with a compact dry wall chamber (5~6m radius). 1-D/2-D hydrodynamic simulations showed the possibility of the sufficient gain achievement with a 40 MJ target yield. The design feasibility of the compact dry wall chamber and solid breeder blanket system was shown through the thermomecanical analysis of the dry wall and neutronics analysis of the blanket system. A moderate electric output (~400MWe) can be achieved with a high repetition (30Hz) laser. This dry wall concept not only reduces some difficulties accompanied with a liquid wall but also enables a simple cask maintenance method for the replacement of the blanket system, which can shorten the maintenance time. The basic idea of the maintenance method for the final optics system has also been proposed. Some critical R&D issues required for this design are also discussed