311 research outputs found
Baryon Charge Radii and Quadrupole Moments in the 1/N_c Expansion: The 3-Flavor Case
We develop a straightforward method to compute charge radii and quadrupole
moments for baryons both with and without strangeness, when the number of QCD
color charges is N_c. The minimal assumption of the single-photon exchange
ansatz implies that only two operators are required to describe these baryon
observables. Our results are presented so that SU(3) flavor and isospin
symmetry breaking can be introduced according to any desired specification,
although we also present results obtained from two patterns suggested by the
quark model with gluon exchange interactions. The method also permits to
extract a number of model-independent relations; a sample is r^2_Lambda / r_n^2
= 3/(N_c+3), independent of SU(3) symmetry breaking.Comment: 30 pages, no figures, REVTeX
Optical frequency measurement of the 1S-3S two-photon transition in hydrogen
This article reports the first optical frequency measurement of the
transition in hydrogen. The excitation of this
transition occurs at a wavelength of 205 nm which is obtained with two
frequency doubling stages of a titanium sapphire laser at 820 nm. Its frequency
is measured with an optical frequency comb. The second-order Doppler effect is
evaluated from the observation of the motional Stark effect due to a transverse
magnetic field perpendicular to the atomic beam. The measured value of the
frequency splitting is with a relative uncertainty of
. After the measurement of the
frequency, this result is the most precise of the optical frequencies in
Muonic hydrogen cascade time and lifetime of the short-lived state
Metastable muonic-hydrogen atoms undergo collisional -quenching,
with rates which depend strongly on whether the kinetic energy is above
or below the energy threshold. Above threshold, collisional
excitation followed by fast radiative
deexcitation is allowed. The corresponding short-lived component
was measured at 0.6 hPa room temperature gas pressure, with
lifetime ns (i.e.,
at liquid-hydrogen density) and population
% (per atom). In
addition, a value of the cascade time, ns, was found.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
The proton radius puzzle
High-precision measurements of the proton radius from laser spectroscopy of
muonic hydrogen demonstrated up to six standard deviations smaller values than
obtained from electron-proton scattering and hydrogen spectroscopy. The status
of this discrepancy, which is known as the proton radius puzzle will be
discussed in this paper, complemented with the new insights obtained from
spectroscopy of muonic deuterium.Comment: Moriond 2017 conference, 8 pages, 4 figure
Recipes and mechanisms of cellular reprogramming: a case study on budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Generation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and converting one cell type to another (transdifferentiation) by manipulating the expression of a small number of genes highlight the progress of cellular reprogramming, which holds great promise for regenerative medicine. A key challenge is to find the recipes of perturbing genes to achieve successful reprogramming such that the reprogrammed cells function in the same way as the natural cells.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We present here a systems biology approach that allows systematic search for effective reprogramming recipes and monitoring the reprogramming progress to uncover the underlying mechanisms. Using budding yeast as a model system, we have curated a genetic network regulating cell cycle and sporulation. Phenotypic consequences of perturbations can be predicted from the network without any prior knowledge, which makes it possible to computationally reprogram cell fate. As the heterogeneity of natural cells is important in many biological processes, we find that the extent of this heterogeneity restored by the reprogrammed cells varies significantly upon reprogramming recipes. The heterogeneity difference between the reprogrammed and natural cells may have functional consequences.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our study reveals that cellular reprogramming can be achieved by many different perturbations and the reprogrammability of a cell depends on the heterogeneity of the original cell state. We provide a general framework that can help discover new recipes for cellular reprogramming in human.</p
Galanin Receptor 1 Deletion Exacerbates Hippocampal Neuronal Loss after Systemic Kainate Administration in Mice
Galanin is a neuropeptide with a wide distribution in the central and peripheral nervous systems and whose physiological effects are mediated through three G protein-coupled receptor subtypes, GalR1, GalR2, and GalR3. Several lines of evidence indicate that galanin, as well as activation of the GalR1 receptor, is a potent and effective modulator of neuronal excitability in the hippocampus.In order to test more formally the potential influence of GalR1 on seizure-induced excitotoxic cell death, we conducted functional complementation tests in which transgenic mice that exhibit decreased expression of the GalR1 candidate mRNA underwent kainate-induced status epilepticus to determine if the quantitative trait of susceptibility to seizure-induced cell death is determined by the activity of GalR1. In the present study, we report that reduction of GalR1 mRNA via null mutation or injection of the GalR1 antagonist, galantide, prior to kainate-induced status epilepticus induces hippocampal damage in a mouse strain known to be highly resistant to kainate-induced neuronal injury. Wild-type and GalR1 knockout mice were subjected to systemic kainate administration. Seven days later, Nissl and NeuN immune- staining demonstrated that hippocampal cell death was significantly increased in GalR1 knockout strains and in animals injected with the GalR1 antagonist. Compared to GalR1-expressing mice, GalR1-deficient mice had significantly larger hippocampal lesions after status epilepticus.Our results suggest that a reduction of GalR1 expression in the C57BL/6J mouse strain renders them susceptible to excitotoxic injury following systemic kainate administration. From these results, GalR1 protein emerges as a new molecular target that may have a potential therapeutic value in modulating seizure-induced cell death
B-Cyclin/CDKs Regulate Mitotic Spindle Assembly by Phosphorylating Kinesins-5 in Budding Yeast
Although it has been known for many years that B-cyclin/CDK complexes regulate the assembly of the mitotic spindle and entry into mitosis, the full complement of relevant CDK targets has not been identified. It has previously been shown in a variety of model systems that B-type cyclin/CDK complexes, kinesin-5 motors, and the SCFCdc4 ubiquitin ligase are required for the separation of spindle poles and assembly of a bipolar spindle. It has been suggested that, in budding yeast, B-type cyclin/CDK (Clb/Cdc28) complexes promote spindle pole separation by inhibiting the degradation of the kinesins-5 Kip1 and Cin8 by the anaphase-promoting complex (APCCdh1). We have determined, however, that the Kip1 and Cin8 proteins are present at wild-type levels in the absence of Clb/Cdc28 kinase activity. Here, we show that Kip1 and Cin8 are in vitro targets of Clb2/Cdc28 and that the mutation of conserved CDK phosphorylation sites on Kip1 inhibits spindle pole separation without affecting the protein's in vivo localization or abundance. Mass spectrometry analysis confirms that two CDK sites in the tail domain of Kip1 are phosphorylated in vivo. In addition, we have determined that Sic1, a Clb/Cdc28-specific inhibitor, is the SCFCdc4 target that inhibits spindle pole separation in cells lacking functional Cdc4. Based on these findings, we propose that Clb/Cdc28 drives spindle pole separation by direct phosphorylation of kinesin-5 motors
Hypericum sp.: essential oil composition and biological activities
Phytochemical composition of Hypericum
genus has been investigated for many years. In the recent past, studies on the essential oils (EO) of this genus have been progressing and many of them have reported interesting biological activities. Variations in the EO composition of Hypericum species influenced
by seasonal variation, geographic distribution, phenological cycle and type of the organ in which EO are produced and/or accumulated have also been reported. Although many reviews attributed to the characterization
as well as biological activities of H. perforatum
crude extracts have been published, no review has been published on the EO composition and biological activities of Hypericum species until recently (Crockett
in Nat Prod Commun 5(9):1493–1506, 2010;
Bertoli et al. in Global Sci Books 5:29–47, 2011). In this article, we summarize and update information regarding the composition and biological activities of Hypericum species EO. Based on experimental work carried out in our laboratory we also mention possible biotechnology approaches envisaging EO improvement of some species of the genus.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - project PTDC/AGR AAM/70418/2006, SFRH/BD/
The location of olfactory receptors within olfactory epithelium is independent of odorant volatility and solubility
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Our objective was to study the pattern of olfactory receptor expression within the dorsal and ventral regions of the mouse olfactory epithelium. We hypothesized that olfactory receptors were distributed based on the chemical properties of their ligands: e.g. receptors for polar, hydrophilic and weakly volatile odorants would be present in the dorsal region of olfactory epithelium; while receptors for non-polar, more volatile odorants would be distributed to the ventral region. To test our hypothesis, we used micro-transplantation of cilia-enriched plasma membranes derived from dorsal or ventral regions of the olfactory epithelium into Xenopus oocytes for electrophysiological characterization against a panel of 100 odorants.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>Odorants detected by ORs from the dorsal and ventral regions showed overlap in volatility and water solubility. We did not find evidence for a correlation between the solubility and volatility of odorants and the functional expression of olfactory receptors in the dorsal or ventral region of the olfactory epithelia.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>No simple clustering or relationship between chemical properties of odorants could be associated with the different regions of the olfactory epithelium. These results suggest that the location of ORs within the epithelium is not organized based on the physico-chemical properties of their ligands.</p
Segmental Duplications Arise from Pol32-Dependent Repair of Broken Forks through Two Alternative Replication-Based Mechanisms
The propensity of segmental duplications (SDs) to promote genomic instability is of increasing interest since their involvement in numerous human genomic diseases and cancers was revealed. However, the mechanism(s) responsible for their appearance remain mostly speculative. Here, we show that in budding yeast, replication accidents, which are most likely transformed into broken forks, play a causal role in the formation of SDs. The Pol32 subunit of the major replicative polymerase Polδ is required for all SD formation, demonstrating that SDs result from untimely DNA synthesis rather than from unequal crossing-over. Although Pol32 is known to be required for classical (Rad52-dependant) break-induced replication, only half of the SDs can be attributed to this mechanism. The remaining SDs are generated through a Rad52-independent mechanism of template switching between microsatellites or microhomologous sequences. This new mechanism, named microhomology/microsatellite-induced replication (MMIR), differs from all known DNA double-strand break repair pathways, as MMIR-mediated duplications still occur in the combined absence of homologous recombination, microhomology-mediated, and nonhomologous end joining machineries. The interplay between these two replication-based pathways explains important features of higher eukaryotic genomes, such as the strong, but not strict, association between SDs and transposable elements, as well as the frequent formation of oncogenic fusion genes generating protein innovations at SD junctions
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