43 research outputs found

    Energy spectra of high energy atmospheric neutrinos

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    Focusing on high energy neutrinos ( or = 1 TeV), a new calculation of atmospheric neutrino intensities was carried out taking into account EMC effects observed in P-A collisions by accelerator, recent measurement of primary cosmic ray spectrum and results of cosmic ray muon spectrum and charge ratio. Other features of the present calculation are (1) taking into account kinematics of three body decays of kaons and charm particles in diffusion equations and (2) taking into account energy dependence of kaon production

    Range fluctuations of high energy muons passing through matter

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    The information about energy spectrum of sea level muons at high energies beyond magnetic spectrographs can be obtained from the underground intensity measurements if the fluctuations problems are solved. The correction factor R for the range fluctuations of high energy muons were calculated by analytical method of Zatsepin, where most probable energy loss parameter are used. It is shown that by using the R at great depth together with the slope, lambda, of the vertical depth-intensity (D-I) curve in the form of exp(-t/lambda), the spectral index, gamma, in the power law energy spectrum of muons at sea level can be obtained

    New calculation of atmospheric neutrino fluxes

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    We have performed a one-dimensional Monte Carlo calculation of atmospheric neutrino fluxes in the energy range 0.05 GeV–20 GeV including muon polarization effects. It is shown that the calculated n m On e ratio does not appear sufficient to explain the Kamiokande data from sub-GeV to multi-GeV energy region. It is suggested that neutrino oscillations would provide a solution to the anomalous n m On e ratio