42 research outputs found

    Development of a Definition of Postacute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 Infection

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    IMPORTANCE: SARS-CoV-2 infection is associated with persistent, relapsing, or new symptoms or other health effects occurring after acute infection, termed postacute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (PASC), also known as long COVID. Characterizing PASC requires analysis of prospectively and uniformly collected data from diverse uninfected and infected individuals. OBJECTIVE: To develop a definition of PASC using self-reported symptoms and describe PASC frequencies across cohorts, vaccination status, and number of infections. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: Prospective observational cohort study of adults with and without SARS-CoV-2 infection at 85 enrolling sites (hospitals, health centers, community organizations) located in 33 states plus Washington, DC, and Puerto Rico. Participants who were enrolled in the RECOVER adult cohort before April 10, 2023, completed a symptom survey 6 months or more after acute symptom onset or test date. Selection included population-based, volunteer, and convenience sampling. EXPOSURE: SARS-CoV-2 infection. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: PASC and 44 participant-reported symptoms (with severity thresholds). RESULTS: A total of 9764 participants (89% SARS-CoV-2 infected; 71% female; 16% Hispanic/Latino; 15% non-Hispanic Black; median age, 47 years [IQR, 35-60]) met selection criteria. Adjusted odds ratios were 1.5 or greater (infected vs uninfected participants) for 37 symptoms. Symptoms contributing to PASC score included postexertional malaise, fatigue, brain fog, dizziness, gastrointestinal symptoms, palpitations, changes in sexual desire or capacity, loss of or change in smell or taste, thirst, chronic cough, chest pain, and abnormal movements. Among 2231 participants first infected on or after December 1, 2021, and enrolled within 30 days of infection, 224 (10% [95% CI, 8.8%-11%]) were PASC positive at 6 months. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: A definition of PASC was developed based on symptoms in a prospective cohort study. As a first step to providing a framework for other investigations, iterative refinement that further incorporates other clinical features is needed to support actionable definitions of PASC

    Non-affirmative Theory of Education as a Foundation for Curriculum Studies, Didaktik and Educational Leadership

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    This chapter presents non-affirmative theory of education as the foundation for a new research program in education, allowing us to bridge educational leadership, curriculum studies and Didaktik. We demonstrate the strengths of this framework by analyzing literature from educational leadership and curriculum theory/didaktik. In contrast to both socialization-oriented explanations locating curriculum and leadership within existing society, and transformation-oriented models viewing education as revolutionary or super-ordinate to society, non-affirmative theory explains the relation between education and politics, economy and culture, respectively, as non-hierarchical. Here critical deliberation and discursive practices mediate between politics, culture, economy and education, driven by individual agency in historically developed cultural and societal institutions. While transformative and socialization models typically result in instrumental notions of leadership and teaching, non-affirmative education theory, previously developed within German and Nordic education, instead views leadership and teaching as relational and hermeneutic, drawing on ontological core concepts of modern education: recognition; summoning to self-activity and Bildsamkeit. Understanding educational leadership, school development and teaching then requires a comparative multi-level approach informed by discursive institutionalism and organization theory, in addition to theorizing leadership and teaching as cultural-historical and critical-hermeneutic activity. Globalisation and contemporary challenges to deliberative democracy also call for rethinking modern nation-state based theorizing of education in a cosmopolitan light. Non-affirmative education theory allows us to understand and promote recognition based democratic citizenship (political, economical and cultural) that respects cultural, ethical and epistemological variations in a globopolitan era. We hope an American-European-Asian comparative dialogue is enhanced by theorizing education with a non-affirmative approach

    Increase of efficiency of the use of capital assets on an enterprise

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    Статтю присвячено дослідженню системи показників ефективності використання основних фондів з урахуванням ринкових умов господарювання. В роботі проаналізовані та систематизовані методи наукового пошуку оптимальних шляхів використання всіх наявних ресурсів з метою найшвидшого вирішення проблем конкурентноздатності та економічної стабільності. Виявлені резерви та розроблені пропозиції щодо підвищення ефективності використання основних виробничих фондів.The article is devoted research of the system of indexes of efficiency of the use of capital assets taking into account the market conditions of menage. In-process analysable and systematized methods of scientific search of optimum ways of the use of all present resources are with the purpose of the most rapid decision of problems of konkurentnozdatnosti and economic stability. The found out backlogs and developed suggestions is in relation to the increase of efficiency of the use of capital production assets.Статья посвящена исследованию системы показателей эффективности использования основных фондов с учетом рыночных условий ведения хозяйства. В работе проанализированные и систематизированные методы научного поиска оптимальных путей использования всех имеющихся ресурсов с целью самого быстрого решения проблем конкурентоспособности и экономической стабильности. Обнаруженные резервы и разработанные предложения относительно повышения эффективности использования основных производственных фондов

    Forming of strategy of increase of efficiency of recreation and use of capital assets

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    Статтю присвячено дослідженню і розробці ефективних стратегій управління основним капіталом підприємства, розглянуто роль стратегічного підходу в управлінні основними фондами, сформовано стратегію підвищення ефективності відтворення та використання основних фондів, з метою виявлення резервів та створення конкурентноспроможної продукції.The article is sanctified to research and developments of effective strategies of management of enterprise the fixed assets, the role of strategic approach is considered in a management capital assets, strategy of increase of efficiency is formed recreation and use of capitalСтатья посвящена исследованию и разработки эффективных стратегий управления основным капиталом предприятия, рассмотрена роль стратегического подхода в управлении основными фондами, сформирована стратегия повышения эффективности воссоздания и использования основных фондов, с целью выявления резервов и создания конкурентоспособной продукции