14,423 research outputs found

    Famille et filiation dans le théâtre expérimental de Noëlle Renaude

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    Les oeuvres théâtrales de Noëlle Renaude (née à Paris en 1949) s’insèrent dans le courant contemporain que les critiques ont baptisé « le théâtre de voix ». Dans ce théâtre d’avant-garde, la parole dramatique peut se passer de situations, de personnages bien définis et de didascalies. La parole n’est plus l’instrument de l’action : elle est l’action. Chaque énonciation engendre ses propres temps et espace. Comment susciter et retenir l’intérêt des lecteurs lorsqu’on écrit un texte théâtral sans situations ni fable ? Comment assurer la lisibilité de textes aussi fragmentés ? Dans les pièces de Noëlle Renaude, on constate la récurrence de quelques motifs — notamment la famille et la filiation — qui servent à compenser l’éclatement radical de la forme dramatique, en créant une apparence de profondeur psychologique ainsi que l’illusion d’une dimension spatio-temporelle.The plays of Noëlle Renaude (born in Paris in 1949) fall within the contemporary wave that critics have christened “voice theatre.” In this avant-garde theatre, dramatic speech can do without situations, well-defined characters and stage direction. Speech is no longer the instrument of action: it is the action. Each pronouncement generates its own time and space. How does one arouse and retain the interest of readers when writing a play with neither situations nor a story? How can the legibility of such fragmented texts be ensured? In the plays of Noëlle Renaude, one observes the reoccurrence of a few motifs—notably the family and relationship—which serve to compensate for the radical breakdown of dramatic form by creating an appearance of psychological depth as well as the illusion of a spatio-temporal dimension

    The Charitable Deduction and Looting of Antiquities: A Comparative Approach

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    The tax incentive structure for charitable giving in the United States, as in many other countries, is imperfect. The structure over-incentivizes donations from wealthy individuals, whether those donations are made up of cash or of property. This structure has negative impacts not only domestically, but abroad as well. By providing an incentive for donations of antiquities to museums— an incentive that was perhaps largely necessitated by the state of American museums in the 19th century— the charitable deduction has not only created a market for antiquities of questionable provenance, but has also created what is potentially a get-out-of-jail free card for those who knowingly purchase antiquities of questionable provenance or fail to conduct their due diligence in determining whether an antiquity’s provenance is genuine. The international community has largely condemned the looting of archaeological sites and the sale of unprovenanced antiquities. Regardless of whether one subscribes to cultural property nationalism or internationalism, incentivizing the looting of these sites through the tax system is a problem that must be remedied

    The Charitable Deduction and Looting of Antiquities: A Comparative Approach

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    The tax incentive structure for charitable giving in the United States, as in many other countries, is imperfect. The structure over-incentivizes donations from wealthy individuals, whether those donations are made up of cash or of property. This structure has negative impacts not only domestically, but abroad as well. By providing an incentive for donations of antiquities to museums— an incentive that was perhaps largely necessitated by the state of American museums in the 19th century— the charitable deduction has not only created a market for antiquities of questionable provenance, but has also created what is potentially a get-out-of-jail free card for those who knowingly purchase antiquities of questionable provenance or fail to conduct their due diligence in determining whether an antiquity’s provenance is genuine. The international community has largely condemned the looting of archaeological sites and the sale of unprovenanced antiquities. Regardless of whether one subscribes to cultural property nationalism or internationalism, incentivizing the looting of these sites through the tax system is a problem that must be remedied

    Reorganization and participation in decentralized platform ecosystems: evidence from blockchain forking

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    Like any organizational system, platform ecosystems reorganize to update its alignment with the internal and external environments. However, unlike reorganizations of centrally managed platforms performed by the owners, reorganizations of decentralized platforms ecosystems do not rely on formal authority. Instead, the network self-reorganizes to renew the structure, rules, and information to evolve. Little is known about how self-reorganizations influence the participation of various types of networks. In this study, we investigate nine reorganization events on Ethereum, a blockchain-based decentralized smart contract platform, to unpack how self-reorganization related to hard forking influence participation in the development, validation, transaction, and complementor networks. We find that, while participation increases across all networks show a small increase after hard forking events, more complex dynamics are at play within each network that builds on delicate trade-offs between participation structure, configuration, and incentives. Our findings have implications for blockchain research as well as for start-ups building decentralized applications on top of decentralized smart contract platforms

    Analytical technique for simplification of the encoder-decoder circuit for a perfect five-qubit error correction

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    Simpler encoding and decoding networks are necessary for more reliable quantum error correcting codes (QECCs). The simplification of the encoder-decoder circuit for a perfect five-qubit QECC can be derived analytically if the QECC is converted from its equivalent one-way entanglement purification protocol (1-EPP). In this work, the analytical method to simplify the encoder-decoder circuit is introduced and a circuit that is as simple as the existent simplest circuits is presented as an example. The encoder-decoder circuit presented here involves nine single- and two-qubit unitary operations, only six of which are controlled-NOT (CNOT) gates

    Inequivalent multipartite coherence classes and two operational coherence monotones

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    © 2019 American Physical Society. Quantum coherence has received significant attention in recent years, but the structure of multipartite coherent states is unclear. In this paper, we generalize important results in multipartite entanglement theory to their counterparts in quantum coherence theory. First, we give a necessary and sufficient condition for when two pure multipartite states are equivalent under local incoherent operations assisted by classical communications (LICC), i.e., two states can be deterministically transformed to each other under LICC operations. Next, we investigate and give the conditions in which such a transformation succeeds only stochastically. Different from the entanglement case for two-qubit states, we find that the stochastic LICC (sLICC) equivalence classes are infinite. Moreover, it is possible that there are some classes of states in multipartite entanglement that can convert into each other, whereas they cannot convert into each other in multipartite coherence. In order to show the difference among sLICC classes, we introduce two coherence monotones: accessible coherence and source coherence, following the logistics given in [Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 150502 (2015)10.1103/PhysRevLett.115.150502]. These coherence monotones have a straightforward operational interpretation, namely, the accessible coherence characterizes the proficiency of a state to generate other states via quantum incoherent operations, whereas the source coherence characterizes the set of states that can be reached via quantum incoherent operations acting on the given state of interest

    Far-infrared measurements of oxygen-doped polycrystalline La2CuO4.0315 superconductor under slow-cooled and fast-cooled conditions

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    We have studied the far-infrared (far-IR) charge dynamics of an equilibrated pure oxygen doped La2CuO4+0.0315 under slow-cooled and fast-cooled conditions. The superconducting transition temperature (Tc) for the slow-cooled and that for the fast-cooled processes were respectively found to be close to the two intrinsic Tc's: One at 30 K and the other at 15 K. Direct comparison with our previous results and other far-IR and Raman studies on single crystalline La2-xSrxCuO4, we conclude that the topology of the pristine electronic phases that are responsible for the two intrinsic Tc's is holes arranged into two-dimensional (2D) square lattices.Comment: Submitted to PR

    Nonlinear optical probe of tunable surface electrons on a topological insulator

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    We use ultrafast laser pulses to experimentally demonstrate that the second-order optical response of bulk single crystals of the topological insulator Bi2_2Se3_3 is sensitive to its surface electrons. By performing surface doping dependence measurements as a function of photon polarization and sample orientation we show that second harmonic generation can simultaneously probe both the surface crystalline structure and the surface charge of Bi2_2Se3_3. Furthermore, we find that second harmonic generation using circularly polarized photons reveals the time-reversal symmetry properties of the system and is surprisingly robust against surface charging, which makes it a promising tool for spectroscopic studies of topological surfaces and buried interfaces

    A parity-breaking electronic nematic phase transition in the spin-orbit coupled metal Cd2_2Re2_2O7_7

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    Strong electron interactions can drive metallic systems toward a variety of well-known symmetry-broken phases, but the instabilities of correlated metals with strong spin-orbit coupling have only recently begun to be explored. We uncovered a multipolar nematic phase of matter in the metallic pyrochlore Cd2_2Re2_2O7_7 using spatially resolved second-harmonic optical anisotropy measurements. Like previously discovered electronic nematic phases, this multipolar phase spontaneously breaks rotational symmetry while preserving translational invariance. However, it has the distinguishing property of being odd under spatial inversion, which is allowed only in the presence of spin-orbit coupling. By examining the critical behavior of the multipolar nematic order parameter, we show that it drives the thermal phase transition near 200 kelvin in Cd2_2Re2_2O7_7 and induces a parity-breaking lattice distortion as a secondary order.Comment: 9 pages main text, 4 figures, 10 pages supplementary informatio
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