5,411 research outputs found

    Software-Engineering Process Simulation (SEPS) model

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    The Software Engineering Process Simulation (SEPS) model is described which was developed at JPL. SEPS is a dynamic simulation model of the software project development process. It uses the feedback principles of system dynamics to simulate the dynamic interactions among various software life cycle development activities and management decision making processes. The model is designed to be a planning tool to examine tradeoffs of cost, schedule, and functionality, and to test the implications of different managerial policies on a project's outcome. Furthermore, SEPS will enable software managers to gain a better understanding of the dynamics of software project development and perform postmodern assessments

    Kesehatan Jiwa Wanita Usia Pada Usia Produktif: Suatu Kajian Masalah

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    Kesehatan jiwa wanita sangat mempengaruhi kesehatan wanita. Pada usia produktif gangguan kesehatan jiwa wanita sering berhubungan dengan: perannya sebagai istri, ibu dan pekerja; kondisi kesehatan fisik terutama kondisi bagian tubuh yang menjadi simbol kewanitaan; serta penganiayaan fisik atau mental. Proses berduka, kemurungan, psikosa paska melahirkan, bunuh diri merupakan reaksi negatif dari gangguan terhadap kesehatan jiwa. The status of woman mental health gives a lot of influences to the whole of her health condition. On productive age, the alteration of woman's mental health could be induced by her role as wife, mother and worker, her physical condition mainly the condition of sexual organ; as well as physical and mentaly abused. Grieving process, depression, psicosa after labour and suicide are negative responses that was triggered by those alterations

    Aspek Psikososial Pada Korban Tindak Kekerasan Dalam Konteks Keperawatan Jiwa

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    Violence and its impact had been a global issu and strongly affecting the mental health status of the victims and their family. Biological, psychological and socicultural theories have been used as theoretical foundation to explain about the predisposing factors of violence behavious as well as the ecological model which divide violence into four levels. In general, the victims of violence are women, children, and elderly in the forms of physical, sexual, emotional violences and neglected. The manifested responses by the victim can be classified as physical, biological, behavioral, interpersonal, and psychological. The psychological responses include low self esteen, guilty feeling shame, and anger. The treatmen of problems related to violence should be addressed by nurses comprehensively and continuously through the provision of human touch and professional nursing care

    Analisa Konsep Koping : Suatu Pengantar

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    Analisa konsep koping merupakan suatu upaya membahas phenomena-phenomena yang mendasari mekanisme pertahanan diri. Pada penelitian yang dilakukan banyak difokuskan pada perilaku, strategi dan gaya koping dibandingkan penggunaan yang tepat istilah pola koping. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan mekanisme koping mempunyai hasil positif dan negatif dan memberikan dampak yang sejalan terhadap penanganan stres yang menimbulkan koping tersebut.Pembahasan konsep koping sangat penting karena dapat membantu kemampuan klien dalam membatasi masalah dengan menggunakan strategi koping yang paling efektif

    Strategi Pengembangan USAha Mikro Kecil Dan Menengah Di Provinsi Daerah Istimewa YOGYAKARTA*

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    This research aims to arrange the correct and operational strategies for developing small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Province. It also needs to be known and analyzed the SMEs profile. Data used is primary and secondary data. Primary data obtained through field surveys, while secondary data obtained from various publication sources. Method of analysis used is descriptive approach. Associated with the various problems faced by SMEs, there are some strategies needed to overcome them. To develop the SMEs is not only charged to the SMEs themselves but also supported by all stakeholders. The support expected to come from business associations, colleges, related agencies in the area of regency/city governments in DIY. Moreover, government policy is needed to encourage SMEs development. The SMEs development in DIY basically is the acceleration of the SMEs transformation from formation phase to stabilization phase