85 research outputs found


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    An original approach of the author to the assessment of efficiency of activities of industrial organizations, based on the comparison of key performance indicators of industrial organizations with industry average indexes, is presented. Stimulation methods of the efficiency improvement are developed in the form of benefits and preferences for effective enterprises and in the form of economic coercion to improve the efficiency for unfair participants of the economic turnover.Представлен оригинальный авторский подход к оценке эффективности деятельности промышленных предприятий, основанный на сравнении ключевых показателей эффективности со среднеотраслевыми значениями. Разработаны методы стимулирования повышения эффективности в виде системы льгот и преференций для эффективных предприятий и экономического принуждения к повышению эффективности для недобросовестных участников хозяйственного оборота

    Thermodynamic properties of methylprednisolone aceponate

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    © 2016 Elsevier LtdIn the present work, temperature dependence of heat capacity of methylprednisolone aceponate has been measured for the first time over the range from 7 K to 346 K by precision adiabatic vacuum calorimetry. Based on the experimental results, the thermodynamic functions of the methylprednisolone aceponate, namely, the heat capacity, enthalpy H°(T)−H°(0), entropy S°(T)−S°(0) and Gibbs function G°(T)−H°(0) have been determined for the range from T/K → 0–333. The enthalpy of combustion (−14304.4 ± 9.1) kJ·mol−1 of the methylprednisolone aceponate was determined for the first time using high-precision combustion calorimeter. The standard molar enthalpy of formation in the crystalline state (−1465.3 ± 9.8) kJ·mol−1 of compound at 298.15 K was derived from the combustion experiments. Using a combination of the adiabatic and combustion calorimetry results the thermodynamic functions of formation of the folic acid dihydrate at T = 298.15 K and p = 0.1 MPa have been calculated


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    Below is the original author's method of assessment of financial and economic sustainability of enterprises-performers of the state defense order. This method takes into account the financial and economic performance of the enterprise. The proposed comprehensive indicator of financial and economic sustainability can be used by the state customer at the stage of analyzing the possibility of the state contract execution by potential contractors.Предложен оригинальный авторский метод оценки финансово-экономической устойчивости предприятий – исполнителей государственного оборонного заказа. Метод учитывает финансовые и экономические показатели деятельности предприятия. Предлагаемый комплексный показатель оценки финансово-экономической устойчивости может быть использован государственным заказчиком на этапе анализа возможностей выполнения государственного контракта потенциальными исполнителями


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    Below is the original author's approach to the companies' tax risks valuation based on the comparison of the tax and financial statements. Algorithm of the tax risks identification based on the criteria settled by the note of the Federal Tax Authority of Russian Federation from 17.07.2013 №АС-4-2/12722 "About tax authorities committees operation on legalisation of the tax base" is described. Model of the companies classification by tax risks based on the tax burden and specific cash flow is provided.Представлен оригинальный авторский подход к оценке налоговых рисков организаций, который основан на сопоставлении налоговой и бухгалтерской отчетности. Описан алгоритм выявления налоговых рисков по критериям, установленным письмом ФНС РФ от 17.07.2013 г. № АС-4-2/12722 «О работе комиссий налоговых органов по легализации налоговой базы». Представлена модель классификации организаций по налоговым рискам на основе сравнения налоговой нагрузки и удельного денежного потока

    Deletion of Forkhead Box M1 Transcription Factor from Respiratory Epithelial Cells Inhibits Pulmonary Tumorigenesis

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    The Forkhead Box m1 (Foxm1) protein is induced in a majority of human non-small cell lung cancers and its expression is associated with poor prognosis. However, specific requirements for the Foxm1 in each cell type of the cancer lesion remain unknown. The present study provides the first genetic evidence that the Foxm1 expression in respiratory epithelial cells is essential for lung tumorigenesis. Using transgenic mice, we demonstrated that conditional deletion of Foxm1 from lung epithelial cells (epFoxm1−/− mice) prior to tumor initiation caused a striking reduction in the number and size of lung tumors, induced by either urethane or 3-methylcholanthrene (MCA)/butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT). Decreased lung tumorigenesis in epFoxm1−/− mice was associated with diminished proliferation of tumor cells and reduced expression of Topoisomerase-2α (TOPO-2α), a critical regulator of tumor cell proliferation. Depletion of Foxm1 mRNA in cultured lung adenocarcinoma cells significantly decreased TOPO-2α mRNA and protein levels. Moreover, Foxm1 directly bound to and induced transcription of the mouse TOPO-2α promoter region, indicating that TOPO-2α is a direct target of Foxm1 in lung tumor cells. Finally, we demonstrated that a conditional deletion of Foxm1 in pre-existing lung tumors dramatically reduced tumor growth in the lung. Expression of Foxm1 in respiratory epithelial cells is critical for lung cancer formation and TOPO-2α expression in vivo, suggesting that Foxm1 is a promising target for anti-tumor therapy

    Molecular Determinants and Dynamics of Hepatitis C Virus Secretion

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    The current model of hepatitis C virus (HCV) production involves the assembly of virions on or near the surface of lipid droplets, envelopment at the ER in association with components of VLDL synthesis, and egress via the secretory pathway. However, the cellular requirements for and a mechanistic understanding of HCV secretion are incomplete at best. We combined an RNA interference (RNAi) analysis of host factors for infectious HCV secretion with the development of live cell imaging of HCV core trafficking to gain a detailed understanding of HCV egress. RNAi studies identified multiple components of the secretory pathway, including ER to Golgi trafficking, lipid and protein kinases that regulate budding from the trans-Golgi network (TGN), VAMP1 vesicles and adaptor proteins, and the recycling endosome. Our results support a model wherein HCV is infectious upon envelopment at the ER and exits the cell via the secretory pathway. We next constructed infectious HCV with a tetracysteine (TC) tag insertion in core (TC-core) to monitor the dynamics of HCV core trafficking in association with its cellular cofactors. In order to isolate core protein movements associated with infectious HCV secretion, only trafficking events that required the essential HCV assembly factor NS2 were quantified. TC-core traffics to the cell periphery along microtubules and this movement can be inhibited by nocodazole. Sub-populations of TC-core localize to the Golgi and co-traffic with components of the recycling endosome. Silencing of the recycling endosome component Rab11a results in the accumulation of HCV core at the Golgi. The majority of dynamic core traffics in association with apolipoprotein E (ApoE) and VAMP1 vesicles. This study identifies many new host cofactors of HCV egress, while presenting dynamic studies of HCV core trafficking in infected cells


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    An original approach of the author to the assessment of efficiency of activities of industrial organizations, based on the comparison of key performance indicators of industrial organizations with industry average indexes, is presented. Stimulation methods of the efficiency improvement are developed in the form of benefits and preferences for effective enterprises and in the form of economic coercion to improve the efficiency for unfair participants of the economic turnover