429 research outputs found

    ОСОБЛИВОСТІ СТАНОВЛЕННЯ СИСТЕМИ ОРЕНДНИХ ВІДНОСИН В КОНТЕКСТІ РЕФОРМУВАННЯ АГРАРНОГО СЕКТОРУ УКРАЇНСЬКОГО СЕЛА В 1991-2012 РОКАХ (Peculiarities of formation of lease relations system in the context of ukrainian village agrarian sector reform in 1991-2012)

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    У статті розкрито процес формування системи орендних відносин в українському селі періоду незалежності. Зокрема, автор акцентувала свою увагу на питаннях формування нормативно-правової бази, котра стала регулятором оренди землі, аналізує діяльність приватних сільськогосподарських товариств, виплату ними орендної плати власникам паїв, а також з’ясовує проблеми, які стали на заваді розвитку орендних відносин за європейським зразком. (The process of formation of lease relations system in the Ukrainian village of the Independence period is revealed in the article. The author, in particular, emphasizes the question of regulatory base formation that has become the land lease regulator, analyzes activity of private farming communities, their rent to the share owners, and disputes problems hindering the development of lease relations as of the European frame. In the end of the article the author makes a conclusion that the country has focused its economy on the development of large-scale production that caused the tendency of overrepresentation of farmers’ interests over villagers’ (landowners’) interests. The very same system of lease relations even in the beginning of the ХХІ century hasn’t met the criteria of the European countries.


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    У статті досліджується функціонування одного з невід 'ємних елементів сільської інфраструктури - мережі водопостачання. Основна увага приділена проблемам, які постали перед сільськими радами після проголошення незалежності у зв'язку із забезпеченнями населення водою. А також аналізуються шляхи їх подолання як місцевим керівництвом, так і власне селянами. (Functioning of one of inseperable elements of rural infrastructure -wa-tersupply network - is researched in the article. Main attention is given to the problems facing village councils after gaining independence in connection with water supply for the population. Ways of overcoming them by both local authorities and the villagers are also analyzed.

    The influence of reflexive educational environment on students’ reflection development in the process of social adaptation

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    The topicality of the research is caused by the necessity to overcome contradictions between the traditional environment of educational institutions and the socialization of future graduates related to their mental world creation, to finding their identity in terms of civilization change and the rapid development of digital technologies. The aim of the study lies in defining the additional functions of the reflexive educational environment and its influence in the formation of students’ reflexive abilities and their understanding of the relationship between reflection and adaptation process in society. The leading method to investigate this problem (issue) is the reflexive method, including introspection, self-analysis, existential techniques of ‘self-exploration’, a dialogical communicative technique that allowed identifying, through content analysis of reflexive and analytical essays of students, the types of adaptive orientations (and the reflexive repertoires based on them) from which, as they integrate, a reflexive personality style is developed. It is established that the reflexive repertoires used in the process of self-identification correspond to the four adaptive attitudes of the person: homeostatic, hedonistic, rationalistic and pragmatic. Social adaptation is manifested in a conscious change in behavior and one’s own life support system, in creating a new environment of social existence, and is accompanied by a transformation of consciousness and self-awareness. In this case, reflection is the main means of these changes and the integration of reflexive repertoires and of formed reflection levels (narrative, dialogical, cognitive and axiological) are the factors influencing the outcome of social adaptation. The results of the research are aimed at solving the problem of creating a reflexive educational environment for students’ personal development and at choosing effective ways and mechanisms for their adaptation and self-realization in society. The materials of the study can prove useful both for theoretical research of reflexive thinking development in a specially created educational environment and for the teaching activities, including a foreign language.Keywords: reflexive educational environment, reflexive orientation, reflexive repertoires, social adaptation

    Effect of the medium on the equilibrium between stereoisomeric six- and seven-membered cyclic chair-like acetals. Role of nonspecific and specific interactions

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    Principles for establishing the nature of solvation effects in stereoisomeric equilibria have been formulated. Using 1H NMR spectroscopy, the equilibrium constants have been determined in 12 solvents for the endo and exo isomers of 1,9,10,11,12,12-hexachloro-4,6-dioxatricyclo[,8]dodec-10-ene which is characterized by a high barrier to stereoisomeric transformations. The results of correlation analysis have shown that solvation of the conformers with dissimilar orientations of the hexachloronorbornene fragment with respect to the chair-like acetal moiety is determined by the polarity and proton-acceptor properties of the medium. Comparison with the data on solvent effect on the equilibrium between 2-isopropyl-5-methoxy1,3-dioxane epimers suggests that the formation of H-complexes is controlled by electronic and conformational factors

    Тень международного обычая в украинском законодательстве

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    Федоренко Ю. Н. Тень международного обычая в украинском законодательстве / Ю. Н. Федоренко // Міжнародні читання присвячені пам’яті професора Імператорського Новоросійського університету П. Є. Казанського: матеріали Міжнародної конференції (м. Одеса, 22-23 жовтня 2010 року). – Одеса : Фенікс, 2010.- С. 69-71.Автор статьи доказывает, что обычай до настоящего времени является актуальным источником, поэтому в силу своей значимости должен иметь место в нашем законодательстве. Разумеется, подпись Украины под Уставом ООН как государства-основателя этой организации свидетельствует о признании ею международного обычая в качестве источника международного права. Но было бы целесообразно сделать это также в нормах Конституции Украины и ее текущего законодательства, что устранило бы всякую двусмысленность