2,083 research outputs found

    On the angular and energy distribution of solar neutrons generated in P-P reactions

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    The problem of high energy neutron generation in P-P reactions in the solar atmosphere is reconsidered. It is shown that the angular distribution of emitted neutrons is anisotropic and the energy spectrum of neutrons depends on the angle of neutron emission

    Single-Particle Momentum Distribution of an Efimov trimer

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    Experimental progress in the study of strongly interacting ultracold atoms has recently allowed the observation of Efimov trimers. We study theoretically a non-conventional observable for these trimer states, that may be accessed experimentally, the momentum distribution n(k) of the constitutive bosonic particles. The large momentum part of the distribution is particularly intriguing: In addition to the expected 1/k^4 tail associated to contact interactions, it exhibits a subleading tail 1/k^5 which is a hall-mark of Efimov physics and leads to a breakdown of a previously proposed expression of the energy as a functional of the momentum distribution.Comment: This is a subpart of the (too long to be published) work arXiv:1001.0774. This subpart has 11 pages and 2 figures. Revised version correcting minor error

    Classification of zero-energy resonances by dissociation of Feshbach molecules

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    We study the dissociation of Feshbach molecules by a magnetic field sweep across a zero-energy resonance. In the limit of an instantaneous magnetic field change, the distribution of atomic kinetic energy can have a peak indicating dominance of the molecular closed-channel spin configuration over the entrance channel. The extent of this dominance influences physical properties such as stability with respect to collisions, and so the readily measurable presence or absence of the corresponding peak provides a practical method of classifying zero-energy resonances. Currently achievable ramp speeds, e.g. those demonstrated by Duerr et al. [Phys. Rev. A 70, 031601 (2005)], are fast enough to provide magnetic field changes that may be interpreted as instantaneous. We study the transition from sudden magnetic field changes to asymptotically wide, linear ramps. In the latter limit, the predicted form of the atomic kinetic energy distribution is independent of the specific implementation of the two-body physics, provided that the near-resonant scattering properties are properly accounted for.Comment: 10 pages, 5 eps figure

    Stable Heteronuclear Few-Atom Bound States in Mixed Dimensions

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    We study few-body problems in mixed dimensions with N2N \ge 2 heavy atoms trapped individually in parallel one-dimensional tubes or two-dimensional disks, and a single light atom travels freely in three dimensions. By using the Born-Oppenheimer approximation, we find three- and four-body bound states for a broad region of heavy-light atom scattering length combinations. Specifically, the existence of trimer and tetramer states persist to negative scattering lengths regime, where no two-body bound state is present. These few-body bound states are analogous to the Efimov states in three dimensions, but are stable against three-body recombination due to geometric separation. In addition, we find that the binding energy of the ground trimer and tetramer state reaches its maximum value when the scattering lengths are comparable to the separation between the low-dimensional traps. This resonant behavior is a unique feature for the few-body bound states in mixed dimensions.Comment: Extended version with 14 pages and 14 figure

    BEC-BCS Crossover of a Trapped Two-Component Fermi Gas with Unequal Masses

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    We determine the energetically lowest lying states in the BEC-BCS crossover regime of s-wave interacting two-component Fermi gases under harmonic confinement by solving the many-body Schrodinger equation using two distinct approaches. Essentially exact basis set expansion techniques are applied to determine the energy spectrum of systems with N=4 fermions. Fixed-node diffusion Monte Carlo methods are applied to systems with up to N=20 fermions, and a discussion of different guiding functions used in the Monte Carlo approach to impose the proper symmetry of the fermionic system is presented. The energies are calculated as a function of the s-wave scattering length a_s for N=2-20 fermions and different mass ratios \kappa of the two species. On the BEC and BCS sides, our energies agree with analytically-determined first-order correction terms. We extract the scattering length and the effective range of the dimer-dimer system up to \kappa = 20. Our energies for the strongly-interacting trapped system in the unitarity regime show no shell structure, and are well described by a simple expression, whose functional form can be derived using the local density approximation, with one or two parameters. The universal parameter \xi for the trapped system for various \kappa is determined, and comparisons with results for the homogeneous system are presented.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, extended versio

    Exact relations for quantum-mechanical few-body and many-body problems with short-range interactions in two and three dimensions

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    We derive relations between various observables for N particles with zero-range or short-range interactions, in continuous space or on a lattice, in two or three dimensions, in an arbitrary external potential. Some of our results generalise known relations between large-momentum behavior of the momentum distribution, short-distance behavior of the pair correlation function and of the one-body density matrix, derivative of the energy with respect to the scattering length or to time, and the norm of the regular part of the wavefunction; in the case of finite-range interactions, the interaction energy is also related to dE/da. The expression relating the energy to a functional of the momentum distribution is also generalised, and is found to break down for Efimov states with zero-range interactions, due to a subleading oscillating tail in the momentum distribution. We also obtain new expressions for the derivative of the energy of a universal state with respect to the effective range, the derivative of the energy of an efimovian state with respect to the three-body parameter, and the second order derivative of the energy with respect to the inverse (or the logarithm in the two-dimensional case) of the scattering length. The latter is negative at fixed entropy. We use exact relations to compute corrections to exactly solvable three-body problems and find agreement with available numerics. For the unitary gas, we compare exact relations to existing fixed-node Monte-Carlo data, and we test, with existing Quantum Monte Carlo results on different finite range models, our prediction that the leading deviation of the critical temperature from its zero range value is linear in the interaction effective range r_e with a model independent numerical coefficient.Comment: 51 pages, 5 figures. Split into three articles: Phys. Rev. A 83, 063614 (2011) [arXiv:1103.5157]; Phys. Rev. A 86, 013626 (2012) [arXiv:1204.3204]; Phys. Rev. A 86, 053633 (2012) [ arXiv:1210.1784

    Three fermions in a box at the unitary limit: universality in a lattice model

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    We consider three fermions with two spin components interacting on a lattice model with an infinite scattering length. Low lying eigenenergies in a cubic box with periodic boundary conditions, and for a zero total momentum, are calculated numerically for decreasing values of the lattice period. The results are compared to the predictions of the zero range Bethe-Peierls model in continuous space, where the interaction is replaced by contact conditions. The numerical computation, combined with analytical arguments, shows the absence of negative energy solution, and a rapid convergence of the lattice model towards the Bethe-Peierls model for a vanishing lattice period. This establishes for this system the universality of the zero interaction range limit.Comment: 6 page

    Unitary Fermi gas, epsilon expansion, and nonrelativistic conformal field theories

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    We review theoretical aspects of unitary Fermi gas (UFG), which has been realized in ultracold atom experiments. We first introduce the epsilon expansion technique based on a systematic expansion in terms of the dimensionality of space. We apply this technique to compute the thermodynamic quantities, the quasiparticle spectrum, and the critical temperature of UFG. We then discuss consequences of the scale and conformal invariance of UFG. We prove a correspondence between primary operators in nonrelativistic conformal field theories and energy eigenstates in a harmonic potential. We use this correspondence to compute energies of fermions at unitarity in a harmonic potential. The scale and conformal invariance together with the general coordinate invariance constrains the properties of UFG. We show the vanishing bulk viscosities of UFG and derive the low-energy effective Lagrangian for the superfluid UFG. Finally we propose other systems exhibiting the nonrelativistic scaling and conformal symmetries that can be in principle realized in ultracold atom experiments.Comment: 44 pages, 15 figures, contribution to Lecture Notes in Physics "BCS-BEC crossover and the Unitary Fermi Gas" edited by W. Zwerge

    Illustration of universal relations for trapped four-fermion system with arbitrary s-wave scattering length

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    A two-component four-fermion system with equal masses, interspecies s-wave scattering length a and vanishing intraspecies interactions under external spherically symmetric harmonic confinement is considered. Using a correlated Gaussian basis set expansion approach, we determine the energies and various structural properties of the energetically lowest-lying gas-like state throughout the crossover for various ranges of the underlying two-body potential. Extrapolating to the zero-range limit, our numerical results show explicitly that the total energy, the trap energy as well as certain aspects of the pair distribution function and of the momentum distribution are related through the so-called integrated contact intensity I(a). Furthermore, it is shown explicitly that the total energy and the trap energy are related through a generalized virial theorem that accounts for a non-zero range.Comment: 9 figures with several subfigure

    Three body problem in a dilute Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We derive the explicit three body contact potential for a dilute condensed Bose gas from microscopic theory. The three body coupling constant exhibits the general form predicted by T.T. Wu [Phys. Rev. 113, 1390 (1959)] and is determined in terms of the amplitudes of two and three body collisions in vacuum. In the present form the coupling constant becomes accessible to quantitative studies which should provide the crucial link between few body collisions and the stability of condensates with attractive two body forces