35 research outputs found

    Quantum scars as embeddings of weakly broken Lie algebra representations

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    Recently, much effort has focused on understanding weak ergodicity breaking in many-body quantum systems that could lead to wavefunction revivals in their dynamics far from equilibrium. An example of such nonthermalizing behavior is the phenomenon of quantum many-body scars, which has been experimentally observed in Rydberg-atom quantum simulators. Here, the authors show that many-body scars can generally be viewed as forming approximate subspaces of “broken” Lie algebra representations. Furthermore, they use an iterative process to identify perturbations which “correct” the broken Lie algebra, resulting in improved quantum revivals from special initial states. The description of embedded Lie algebra representations unifies several theoretical models, which feature exact many-body scars, with experimentally realized models, such as the constrained Rydberg-atom system, where scars only form an approximate Lie algebra representation. We present an interpretation of scar states and quantum revivals as weakly “broken” representations of Lie algebras spanned by a subset of eigenstates of a many-body quantum system. We show that the PXP model, describing strongly interacting Rydberg atoms, supports a “loose” embedding of multiple su(2) Lie algebras corresponding to distinct families of scarred eigenstates. Moreover, we demonstrate that these embeddings can be made progressively more accurate via an iterative process which results in optimal perturbations that stabilize revivals from arbitrary charge density wave product states, |ZnâŒȘ, including ones that show no revivals in the unperturbed PXP model. We discuss the relation between the loose embeddings of Lie algebras present in the PXP model and recent exact constructions of scarred states in related models

    Proposal for Realizing Quantum Scars in the Tilted 1D Fermi-Hubbard Model

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    Motivated by recent observations of ergodicity breaking due to Hilbert space fragmentation in 1D Fermi-Hubbard chains with a tilted potential [Scherg et al., arXiv:2010.12965], we show that the same system also hosts quantum many-body scars in a regime U ≈ Δ ≫ J at electronic filling factor Îœ = 1. We numerically demonstrate that the scarring phenomenology in this model is similar to other known realizations such as Rydberg atom chains, including persistent dynamical revivals and ergodicity-breaking many-body eigenstates. At the same time, we show that the mechanism of scarring in the Fermi-Hubbard model is different from other examples in the literature: the scars originate from a subgraph, representing a free spin-1 paramagnet, which is weakly connected to the rest of the Hamiltonian’s adjacency graph. Our work demonstrates that correlated fermions in tilted optical lattices provide a platform for understanding the interplay of many-body scarring and other forms of ergodicity breaking, such as localization and Hilbert space fragmentation

    Correspondence Principle for Many-Body Scars in Ultracold Rydberg Atoms

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    The theory of quantum scarring—a remarkable violation of quantum unique ergodicity—rests on two complementary pillars: the existence of unstable classical periodic orbits and the so-called quasimodes, i.e., the nonergodic states that strongly overlap with a small number of the system’s eigenstates. Recently, interest in quantum scars has been revived in a many-body setting of Rydberg atom chains. While previous theoretical works have identified periodic orbits for such systems using time-dependent variational principle (TDVP), the link between periodic orbits and quasimodes has been missing. Here we provide a conceptually simple analytic construction of quasimodes for the nonintegrable Rydberg atom model and prove that they arise from a “requantization” of previously established periodic orbits when quantum fluctuations are restored to all orders. Our results shed light on the TDVP classical system simultaneously playing the role of both the mean-field approximation and the system’s classical limit, thus allowing us to firm up the analogy between the eigenstate scarring in the Rydberg atom chains and the single-particle quantum systems

    Prominent quantum many-body scars in a truncated Schwinger model

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    The high level of control and precision achievable in current synthetic quantum matter setups has enabled first attempts at quantum-simulating various intriguing phenomena in condensed matter physics, including those probing thermalization or its absence in closed quantum systems. In the companion Letter to this article [J.-Y. Desaules, Phys. Rev. B 107, L201105 (2023)10.1103/PhysRevB.107.L201105], we have shown that quantum many-body scars, special low-entropy eigenstates that weakly break ergodicity in nonintegrable systems, arise in spin-S quantum link models that converge to (1+1)-dimensional lattice quantum electrodynamics (Schwinger model) in the Kogut-Susskind limit S→∞. In this work, we further demonstrate that quantum many-body scars exist in a truncated version of the Schwinger model, and are qualitatively more prominent than their counterparts in spin-S quantum link models. We illustrate this by, among other things, performing a finite-S scaling analysis that strongly suggests that scarring persists in the truncated Schwinger model in the limit S→∞. Although it does not asymptotically converge to the Schwinger model, the truncated formulation is relevant to synthetic quantum matter experiments, and also provides fundamental insight into the nature of quantum many-body scars, their connection to lattice gauge theories, and the thermalization dynamics of the latter. Our conclusions can be readily tested in current cold-atom setups

    Weak ergodicity breaking in the Schwinger model

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    As a paradigm of weak ergodicity breaking in disorder-free nonintegrable models, quantum many-body scars (QMBS) can offer deep insights into the thermalization dynamics of gauge theories. Having been first discovered in a spin-12 quantum link formulation of the Schwinger model, it is a fundamental question as to whether QMBS persist for S>12 since such theories converge to the lattice Schwinger model in the large-S limit, which is the appropriate version of lattice QED in one spatial dimension. In this work, we address this question by exploring QMBS in spin-SU(1) quantum link models (QLMs) with staggered fermions. We find that QMBS persist at S>12, with the resonant scarring regime, which occurs for a zero-mass quench, arising from simple high-energy gauge-invariant initial product states. We furthermore find evidence of detuned scarring regimes, which occur for finite-mass quenches starting in the physical vacua and the charge-proliferated state. Our results conclusively show that QMBS exist in a wide class of lattice gauge theories in one spatial dimension represented by spin-S QLMs coupled to dynamical fermions, and our findings can be tested on near-term cold-atom quantum simulators of these models

    Ergodicity Breaking Under Confinement in Cold-Atom Quantum Simulators

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    The quantum simulation of gauge theories on synthetic quantum matter devices has gained a lot of traction in the last decade, making possible the observation of a range of exotic quantum many-body phenomena. In this work, we consider the spin-1/2 quantum link formulation of 1+1D quantum electrodynamics with a topological Ξ-angle, which can be used to tune a confinement-deconfinement transition. Exactly mapping this system onto a PXP model with mass and staggered magnetization terms, we show an intriguing interplay between confinement and the ergodicity-breaking paradigms of quantum many-body scarring and Hilbert-space fragmentation. We map out the rich dynamical phase diagram of this model, finding an ergodic phase at small values of the mass ÎŒ and confining potential χ, an emergent integrable phase for large ÎŒ, and a fragmented phase for large values of both parameters. We also show that the latter hosts resonances that lead to a vast array of effective models. We propose experimental probes of our findings, which can be directly accessed in current cold-atom setups

    Driving quantum many-body scars in the PXP model

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    Periodic driving has been established as a powerful technique for engineering novel phases of matter and intrinsically out-of-equilibrium phenomena such as time crystals. Recent paper by Bluvstein et al. [Science 371, 1355 (2021)] has demonstrated that periodic driving can also lead to a significant enhancement of quantum many-body scarring, whereby certain nonintegrable systems can display persistent quantum revivals from special initial states. Nevertheless, the mechanisms behind driving-induced scar enhancement remain poorly understood. Here we report a detailed study of the effect of periodic driving on the PXP model describing Rydberg atoms in the presence of a strong Rydberg blockade—the canonical static model of quantum many-body scarring. We show that periodic modulation of the chemical potential gives rise to a rich phase diagram, with at least two distinct types of scarring regimes that we distinguish by examining their Floquet spectra. We formulate a toy model, based on a sequence of square pulses, that accurately captures the details of the scarred dynamics and allows for analytical treatment in the large-amplitude and high-frequency driving regimes. Finally, we point out that driving with a spatially inhomogeneous chemical potential allows to stabilize quantum revivals from arbitrary initial states in the PXP model, via a mechanism similar to prethermalization

    Observation of unconventional many-body scarring in a quantum simulator

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    The ongoing quest for understanding nonequilibrium dynamics of complex quantum systems underpins the foundation of statistical physics as well as the development of quantum technology. Quantum many-body scarring has recently opened a window into novel mechanisms for delaying the onset of thermalization, however its experimental realization remains limited to the Z2\mathbb{Z}_2 state in a Rydberg atom system. Here we realize unconventional many-body scarring in a Bose--Hubbard quantum simulator with a previously unknown initial condition -- the unit-filling state. Our measurements of entanglement entropy illustrate that scarring traps the many-body system in a low-entropy subspace. Further, we develop a quantum interference protocol to probe out-of-time correlations, and demonstrate the system's return to the vicinity of the initial state by measuring single-site fidelity. Our work makes the resource of scarring accessible to a broad class of ultracold-atom experiments, and it allows to explore its relation to constrained dynamics in lattice gauge theories, Hilbert space fragmentation, and disorder-free localization

    Identification of the amino-acetonitrile derivative monepantel (AAD 1566) as a new anthelmintic drug development candidate

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    Anthelmintic resistance has become a global phenomenon in gastro-intestinal nematodes of farm animals, including multi-drug resistance against the three major classes of anthelmintics. There is an urgent need for an anthelmintic with a new mode of action. The recently discovered amino-acetonitrile derivatives (AADs) offer a new class of synthetic chemicals with anthelmintic activity. The evaluation of AADs was pursued applying in vitro assays and efficacy and tolerability studies in rodents, sheep, and cattle. Amongst various suitable compounds, AAD 1566 eliminated many tested pathogenic nematode species, both at larval and adult stages, at a dose of 2.5 mg/kg bodyweight in sheep and 5.0 mg/kg bodyweight in cattle. The same doses were sufficient to cure animals infected with resistant or multi-drug-resistant nematode isolates. These findings, complemented by the good tolerability and low toxicity to mammals, suggest that AAD 1566, monepantel, would be a suitable anthelmintic drug development candidate

    Deep thermalization in constrained quantum systems

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    The concept of "deep thermalization" has recently been introduced to characterize moments of an ensemble of pure states, resulting from projective measurements on a subsystem, which lie beyond the purview of conventional Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis (ETH). In this work, we study deep thermalization in systems with kinetic constraints, such as the quantum East and the PXP models, which have been known to weakly break ETH by the slow dynamics and high sensitivity to the initial conditions. We demonstrate a sharp contrast in deep thermalization between the first and higher moments in these models by studying quench dynamics from initial product states in the computational basis: while the first moment shows good agreement with ETH, higher moments deviate from the uniform Haar ensemble at infinite temperature. We show that such behavior is caused by an interplay of time-reversal symmetry and an operator that anticommutes with the Hamiltonian. We formulate sufficient conditions for violating deep thermalization, even for systems that are otherwise "thermal" in the ETH sense. By appropriately breaking these properties, we illustrate how the PXP model fully deep-thermalizes for all initial product states in the thermodynamic limit. Our results highlight the sensitivity of deep thermalization as a probe of physics beyond ETH in kinetically-constrained systems