1,686 research outputs found

    Theoretical description of mixed film formation at the air/water interface : carboxylic acids–fatty amines

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    Thermodynamic parameters of mixed monolayer formation of aliphatic amines CnH2n+1NH2 and carboxylic acids CnH2n+1COOH (n = 6–16) are calculated using the quantum chemical semiempirical PM3 method. Four types of mixed dimers and tetramers amine–acid are considered. The total contribution of interactions between the hydrophilic parts of amine and acid into clusterization Gibbs energy is slightly lower than the corresponding interactions for individual surfactants. It suggests a synergetic interaction between the regarded amphiphilic compounds as proved by experimental data in the literature. Two types of competitive film formation are possible: mixed 2D film 1, where the molecules of the minor component are single distributed among the molecules of the prevailing second component (mixture of components on molecular level), and 2D film 2 with a domain structure comprised of pure component “islands” linked together. The dependence of the Gibbs energy of clusterization per monomer for 2D film 1 on the component mole fraction shows that the maximum synergetic effect is typical for the case that both surfactants have the same even number of carbon atoms in the hydrocarbon chain and form an equimolar mixture. Formation of 2D film 1 is more preferable than that of 2D film 2, if the difference of the hydrocarbon chain lengths is not larger than 5 methylene units. The limiting mole fraction of carboxylic acids in such mixed monolayers is 66.7%

    Anomalous mass dependence of radiative quark energy loss in a finite-size quark-gluon plasma

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    We demonstrate that for a finite-size quark-gluon plasma the induced gluon radiation from heavy quarks is stronger than that for light quarks when the gluon formation length becomes comparable with (or exceeds) the size of the plasma. The effect is due to oscillations of the light-cone wave function for the in-medium qgqq\to gq transition. The dead cone model by Dokshitzer and Kharzeev neglecting quantum finite-size effects is not valid in this regime. The finite-size effects also enhance the photon emission from heavy quarks.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    The turbulent spectrum created by non-Abelian plasma instabilities

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    Recent numerical work on the fate of plasma instabilities in weakly-coupled non-Abelian gauge theory has shown the development of a cascade of energy from long to short wavelengths. This cascade has a steady-state spectrum, analogous to the Kolmogorov spectrum for turbulence in hydrodynamics or for energy cascades in other systems. In this paper, we theoretically analyze processes responsible for this cascade and find a steady-state spectrum f_k ~ k^-2, where f_k is the phase-space density of particles with momentum k. The exponent -2 is consistent with results from numerical simulations. We also discuss implications of the emerging picture of instability development on the "bottom-up" thermalization scenario for (extremely high energy) heavy ion collisions, emphasizing fundamental questions that remain to be answered.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    Quantized representation of some nonlinear integrable evolution equations on the soliton sector

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    The Hirota algorithm for solving several integrable nonlinear evolution equations is suggestive of a simple quantized representation of these equations and their soliton solutions over a Fock space of bosons or of fermions. The classical nonlinear wave equation becomes a nonlinear equation for an operator. The solution of this equation is constructed through the operator analog of the Hirota transformation. The classical N-solitons solution is the expectation value of the solution operator in an N-particle state in the Fock space.Comment: 12 page

    Instability and Evolution of Nonlinearly Interacting Water Waves

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    We consider the modulational instability of nonlinearly interacting two-dimensional waves in deep water, which are described by a pair of two-dimensional coupled nonlinear Schroedinger equations. We derive a nonlinear dispersion relation. The latter is numerically analyzed to obtain the regions and the associated growth rates of the modulational instability. Furthermore, we follow the long term evolution of the latter by means of computer simulations of the governing nonlinear equations and demonstrate the formation of localized coherent wave envelopes. Our results should be useful for understanding the formation and nonlinear propagation characteristics of large amplitude freak waves in deep water.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Physical Review Letter

    A theoretical description of a multi-source energy harvester

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    Coupled KdV equations derived from atmospherical dynamics

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    Some types of coupled Korteweg de-Vries (KdV) equations are derived from an atmospheric dynamical system. In the derivation procedure, an unreasonable yy-average trick (which is usually adopted in literature) is removed. The derived models are classified via Painlev\'e test. Three types of τ\tau-function solutions and multiple soliton solutions of the models are explicitly given by means of the exact solutions of the usual KdV equation. It is also interesting that for a non-Painlev\'e integrable coupled KdV system there may be multiple soliton solutions.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figure

    Parton energy loss in an expanding quark-gluon plasma: Radiative vs collisional

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    We perform a comparison of the radiative and collisional parton energy losses in an expanding quark-gluon plasma. The radiative energy loss is calculated within the light-cone path integral approach. The collisional energy loss is calculated using the Bjorken method with an accurate treatment of the binary collision kinematics. Our numerical results demonstrate that for RHIC and LHC conditions the collisional energy loss is relatively small in comparison to the radiative one. We find an enhancement of the heavy quark radiative energy loss as compared to that of the light quarks at high energies.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Freely decaying weak turbulence for sea surface gravity waves

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    We study numerically the generation of power laws in the framework of weak turbulence theory for surface gravity waves in deep water. Starting from a random wave field, we let the system evolve numerically according to the nonlinear Euler equations for gravity waves in infinitely deep water. In agreement with the theory of Zakharov and Filonenko, we find the formation of a power spectrum characterized by a power law of the form of k2.5|{\bf k}|^{-2.5}.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Reheating and thermalization in a simple scalar model

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    We consider a simple model for the Universe reheating, which consists of a single self--interacting scalar field in Minkowskian space--time. Making use of the existence of an additional small parameter proportional to the amplitude of the initial spatially homogeneous field oscillations, we show that the behavior of the field can be found reliably. We describe the evolution of the system from the homogeneous oscillations to the moment when thermalization is completed. We compare our results with the Hartree--Fock approximation and argue that some properties found for this model may be the common features of realistic theories.Comment: Some changes in Introduction and Discussion, comparison with the Hartree--Fock results added. 37 pages, 2 postscript figures attache