6,406 research outputs found

    Effects of Length and Diameter of Open-Ended Coaxial Sensor on its Reflection Coefficient

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    This paper presents a calibration technique for a coaxial sensor using a transmission signal approach. The sensor was fabricated from commercially available RG402/U and RG405/U semi-rigid coaxial cable. The length of the coaxial sensor was correlated with the attenuation and standing wave inside the coaxial line. The functions of multiple reflection amplitude and tolerance length with respect to the actual length of coaxial line were empirically formulated using regression analysis. The tolerances and the undesired standing wave which occurs along the coaxial line were analyzed in detai

    4(3<em>H</em>)-Quinazolinone Derivatives: Syntheses, Physical Properties, Chemical Reaction, and Biological Properties

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    4(3H)-Quinazolinone derivatives have considerable great interesting due to the diverse range of their biological properties. This review summarized the methods of preparation of 2-substituted-4(3H)-quinazolinone, 3-substituted-4(3H)-quinazolinone and 2,3-disubstituted-4(3H)-quinazolinone derivatives. Chemical reaction of 4(3H)-quinazolinone derivatives and the reactivity of the 2-methyl group, reactivity of the 3-amino group, electrophilic substitution, oxidation, reduction, reaction of 4(3H)-quinazolinones with metal ions, Mannich reaction, cycloaddition reaction as well as other reagents were discussed. Also, biological properties of 4(3H)-quinazolinone derivatives were given herein

    Phantom Accretion by Five Dimensional Charged Black Hole

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    This paper deals with the dynamical behavior of phantom field near five dimensional charged black hole. We formulate equations of motion for steady-state spherically symmetric flow of phantom fluids. It is found that phantom energy accretes onto black holes for u<0u<0. Further, the location of critical point of accretion are evaluated that leads to mass to charge ratio for 5D charged black hole. This ratio implies that accretion cannot transform a black hole into a naked singularity. We would like to mention here that this work is an irreducible extension of 4D charged black hole.Comment: 8 pages, accepted for publication in Mod. Phys. Lett.

    Determination of Cotton Fineness by an Air Flow Method

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    Of all the physical properties of cotton, the fineness constitutes a property which arouses particular concern to spinners. Unlike, for example, fibre length, which is subject to a little effect of environmental conditions, the fineness of cotton is susceptible to many influences of environmental circu-mstances, e.g. temperature, relative humidity, maturity and particularly the amount of cotton irrigation water.Cotton, grown as a rain crop, can be more prone to immaturity than the cotton grown by artificial irrigation. Such immature cotton is weak and must be spun at a higher twist. This lowers the spinning production, since the production of this machine is inversely proportional to the amount of twist. This is a negative factor for production economy. This paper repre-sents a research work on fineness measurements of many cotton samples from a variety of countries, using the Micronaire as a testing appliance for fineness measurements. Factors affecting fineness are discussed and mathematical relationships of some important parameters are highlighted

    Neuromorphic Vision Sensing for CNN-based Action Recognition

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    Neuromorphic vision sensing (NVS) hardware is now gaining traction as a low-power/high-speed visual sensing technology that circumvents the limitations of conventional active pixel sensing (APS) cameras. While object detection and tracking models have been investigated in conjunction with NVS, there is currently little work on NVS for higher-level semantic tasks, such as action recognition. Contrary to recent work that considers homogeneous transfer between flow domains (optical flow to motion vectors), we propose to embed an NVS emulator into a multi-modal transfer learning framework that carries out heterogeneous transfer from optical flow to NVS. The potential of our framework is showcased by the fact that, for the first time, our NVS-based results achieve comparable action recognition performance to motion-vector or optical-flow based methods (i.e., accuracy on UCF-101 within 8.8% of I3D with optical flow), with the NVS emulator and NVS camera hardware offering 3 to 6 orders of magnitude faster frame generation (respectively) compared to standard Brox optical flow. Beyond this significant advantage, our CNN processing is found to have the lowest total GFLOP count against all competing methods (up to 7.7 times complexity saving compared to I3D with optical flow)

    Sequence-Level Reference Frames In Video Coding

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    The proliferation of low-cost DRAM chipsets now begins to allow for the consideration of substantially-increased decoded picture buffers in advanced video coding standards such as HEVC, VVC, and Google VP9. At the same time, the increasing demand for rapid scene changes and multiple scene repetitions in entertainment or broadcast content indicates that extending the frame referencing interval to tens of minutes or even the entire video sequence may offer coding gains, as long as one is able to identify frame similarity in a computationally- and memory-efficient manner. Motivated by these observations, we propose a “stitching” method that defines a reference buffer and a reference frame selection algorithm. Our proposal extends the referencing interval of inter-frame video coding to the entire length of video sequences. Our reference frame selection algorithm uses well-established feature descriptor methods that describe frame structural elements in a compact and semantically-rich manner. We propose to combine such compact descriptors with a similarity scoring mechanism in order to select the frames to be “stitched” to reference picture buffers of advanced inter-frame encoders like HEVC, VVC, and VP9 without breaking standard compliance. Our evaluation on synthetic and real-world video sequences with the HEVC and VVC reference encoders shows that our method offers significant rate gains, with complexity and memory requirements that remain manageable for practical encoders and decoders

    Multiple alcohol septal ablations in a young patient with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

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    A 16 year old female with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy was treated with alcohol ablation for NYHA class III symptoms on medical therapy. Three months later, patient underwent a second alcohol ablation procedure for continued symptoms. Follow-up, for 4 years now, continues to show resolution of symptoms. (Cardiol J 2007; 14: 301-304

    The effects of psychological inoculation on cognitive barriers against condom use in women with HIV: A controlled pilot study

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    Past studies have shown that in attempts to prevent HIV, health education yields little change in condom use. The reason may be that education fails to target barriers for changing behaviour. The present controlled pilot study tested whether psychological inoculation (PI) reduces such barriers for using male condoms. Twenty-two Nigerian women with HIV were randomly assigned to receive PI or health education (control). In the PI condition, women learned to refute sentences reflecting barriers against condom use, while controls learned how to use condoms and the consequences of their non-use. Barriers for condom use, self-efficacy to negotiate condom use with partners and actual condom use were self-reported before and one week after interventions. Results revealed that only in the PI group were there statistically significant increases in condom use negotiating self-efficacy and reductions in barriers concerning motivation, sexual satisfaction and partners. Controls reported no statistically significant changes. However, actual reported condom use was unchanged in both groups. Thus, it is feasible to conduct PI interventions in an African sample of HIV patients. Furthermore, PI can reduce cognitive barriers for condom use, while health education yields little changes in such outcomes over time. If replicated in larger samples with longer follow-ups, these findings could eventually have implications for HIV prevention in several world regions.Keywords: Psychological inoculation, condom use, HIV prevention, barriers, Africa.Des études antérieures ont montré que dans les tentatives pour prévenir le VIH, les efforts d’éducation sanitaire modifiaient peu la fréquence d’utilisation d’un préservatif. C’est peut-être parce que l’éducation ne parvient pas à cibler les obstacles liés au changement de comportement. La présente étude pilote contrôlée a tenté de savoir si l’inoculation psychologique (IP) réduit ou non ces obstacles dans l’utilisation de préservatifs masculins. Vingt-deux femmes nigérianes contaminées par le VIH ont été désignées pour recevoir au hasard un PI ou une éducation sanitaire (témoin). Dans le cas du PI, les femmes ont appris à réfuter des phrases reflétant des barrières contre l’utilisation du préservatif, alors que les témoins ont appris à utiliser des préservatifs et les conséquences de leur non-utilisation. Les obstacles pour l’utilisation du préservatif, le sentiment d’efficacité personnelle à négocier l’utilisation du préservatif avec des partenaires et le réel taux d’utilisation du préservatif ont été auto-déclarés avant et une semaine après les interventions. Les résultats ont révélé que c’est seulement dans le groupe d’IP qu’il y avait eu des augmentations statistiquement significatives dans le sentiment d’efficacitépersonnelle à négocier l’utilisation du préservatif, et dans la réductions des obstacles concernant la motivation, la satisfaction sexuelle et les partenaires. Les témoins n’ont signalé aucun changement statistiquement significatif. Toutefois, le taux réel d’utilisation du préservatif est resté inchangé dans les deux groupes. Ainsi, il est possible de mener des interventions d’IP dans un échantillon de patients atteints du VIH et originaires d’Afrique. En outre, l’IP peut réduire les obstacles cognitifs pour l’utilisation du préservatif, alors que les efforts de politique sanitaire n’apportent guère de changement au cours du temps dans les résultats. Si les conclusions de cette étude pilote sont les mêmes avec de plus grands échantillons avec davantage de suivis, elles pourraient éventuellement avoir des implications pour la prévention du VIH dans plusieurs régions du monde

    A New CG-Algorithm with Self-Scaling VM-Update for Unconstraint Optimization

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    In this paper, a new combined extended Conjugate-Gradient (CG) and Variable-Metric (VM) methods is proposed for solving unconstrained large-scale numerical optimization problems. The basic idea is to choose a combination of the current gradient and some pervious search directions as a new search direction updated by Al-Bayati\u27s SCVM-method to fit a new step-size parameter using Armijo Inexact Line Searches (ILS). This method is based on the ILS and its numerical properties are discussed using different non-linear test functions with various dimensions. The global convergence property of the new algorithm is investigated under few weak conditions. Numerical experiments show that the new algorithm seems to converge faster and is superior to some other similar methods in many situations
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