8,873 research outputs found

    Evolution of Surface Deformations of Weakly-Bound Nuclei in the Continuum

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    We study weakly-bound deformed nuclei based on the coordinate-space Skyrme Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov approach, in which a large box is employed for treating the continuum and surface diffuseness. Approaching the limit of core-halo deformation decoupling, calculations found an exotic "egg"-like structure consisting of a spherical core plus a prolate halo in 38^{38}Ne, in which the resonant continuum plays an essential role. Generally the halo probability and the decoupling effect in heavy nuclei are reduced compared to light nuclei, due to denser level densities around Fermi surfaces. However, deformed halos in medium-mass nuclei are possible with sparse levels of negative parity, for example, in 110^{110}Ge. The surface deformations of pairing density distributions are also influenced by the decoupling effect and are sensitive to the effective pairing Hamiltonian.Comment: 5 pages and 5 figure

    Litter decomposition in a subtropical plantation in Qianyanzhou, China

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    A long-term (20 months) bulk litter decomposition experiment was conducted in a subtropical plantation in southern China in order to test the hypothesis that stable isotope discrimination occurs during litter decomposition and that litter decomposition increases concentrations of nutrients and organic matter in soil. This was achieved by a litter bag technique. Carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) concentrations in the remaining litter as well as delta(13)C and delta(15)N during the experimental period were measured. Meanwhile, organic C, alkali-soluble N and available P concentrations were determined in the soils beneath litter bags and in the soils at the control plots. The dry mass remaining (as % of the initial mass) during litter decomposition exponentially declined (y = 0.9362 e(-0.0365x) , R (2) = 0.93, P < 0.0001), but total C in the remaining litter did not decrease significantly with decomposition process during a 20-month period. By comparison, total N in the remaining litter significantly increased from 5.8 +/- A 1.7 g kg(-1) dw litter in the first month to 10.1 +/- A 1.4 g kg(-1) dw litter in the 20th month. During the decomposition, delta(13)C values of the remaining litter showed an insignificant enrichment, while delta(15)N signatures exhibited a different pattern. It significantly depleted (15)N (y = -0.66x + 0.82, R (2) = 0.57, P < 0.0001) during the initial 7 months while showing (15)N enrichments in the remaining 13 months (y = 0.10x - 4.23, R (2) = 0.32, P < 0.0001). Statistically, litter decomposition has little impact on concentrations of soil organic C and alkali-soluble N and available P in the top soil. This indicates that nutrient return to the topsoil through litter decomposition is limited and that C cycling decoupled from N cycling during decomposition in this subtropical plantation in southern China

    Three exceptionally strong East-Asian summer monsoon events during glacial times in the past 470 kyr

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    Chinese loess sequences are interpreted as a reliable record of the past variation of the East Asian monsoon regime through the alternation of loess and paleosols units, dominated by the winter and summer monsoon, respectively. Different proxies have been used to describe this system, mostly geophysical, geochemical or sedimentological. Terrestrial mollusks are also a reliable proxy of past environmental conditions and are often preserved in large numbers in loess deposits. The analysis of the mollusk remains in the Luochuan sequence, comprising L5 loess to S0 soil, i.e. the last 500 ka, shows that for almost all identified species, the abundance is higher at the base of the interval (L5 to L4) than in the younger deposits. Using the present ecological requirements of the identified mollusk species in the Luochuan sequence allows the definition of two main mollusk groups varying during the last 500 kyr. The cold-aridiphilous individuals indicate the so-called Asian winter monsoon regime and predominantly occur during glacials, when dust is deposited. The thermal-humidiphilous mollusks are prevalent during interglacial or interstadial conditions of the Asian summer monsoon, when soil formation takes place. In the sequence, three events with exceptionally high abundance of the Asian summer monsoon indicators are recorded during the L5, L4 and L2 glacial intervals, i.e., at about 470, 360 and 170 kyr, respectively. The L5 and L4 events appear to be the strongest (high counts). Similar variations have also been identified in the Xifeng sequence, distant enough from Luochuan, but also in Lake Baikal further North, to suggest that this phenomenon is regional rather than local. The indicators of the summer monsoon within the glacial intervals imply a strengthened East-Asian monsoon interpreted as corresponding to marine isotope stages 12, 10 and 6, respectively. The L5 and L2 summer monsoons are coeval with Mediterranean sapropels S12 and S6, which characterize a strong African summer monsoon with relatively low surface water salinity in the Indian Ocean. Changes in the precipitation regime could correspond to a response to a particular astronomical configuration (low obliquity, low precession, summer solstice at perihelion) leading to an increased summer insolation gradient between the tropics and the high latitudes and resulting in enhanced atmospheric water transport from the tropics to the African and Asian continents. However, other climate drivers such as reorganization of marine and atmospheric circulations, tectonic, and the extent of the Northern Hemisphere ice sheet are also discussed

    Granulocyte, granulocyte–macrophage, and macrophage colony-stimulating factors can stimulate the invasive capacity of human lung cancer cells

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    We and other researchers have previously found that colony-stimulating factors (CSFs), which generally include granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), granulocyte–macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) and macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF), promote invasion by lung cancer cells. In the present study, we studied the effects of these CSFs on gelatinase production, urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA) production and their activity in human lung cancer cells. Gelatin zymographs of conditioned media derived from human lung adenocarcinoma cell lines revealed two major bands of gelatinase activity at 68 and 92 kDa, which were characterized as matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2 and MMP-9 respectively. Treatment with CSFs increased the 68- and 92-kDa activity and converted some of a 92-kDa proenzyme to an 82-kDa enzyme that was consistent with an active form of the MMP-9. Plasminogen activator zymographs of the conditioned media from the cancer cells showed that CSF treatment resulted in an increase in a 48–55 kDa plasminogen-dependent gelatinolytic activity that was characterized as human uPA. The conditioned medium from the cancer cells treated with CSFs stimulated the conversion of plasminogen to plasmin, providing a direct demonstration of the ability of enhanced uPA to increase plasmin-dependent proteolysis. The enhanced invasive behaviour of the cancer cells stimulated by CSFs was well correlated with the increase in MMPs and uPA activities. These data suggest that the enhanced production of extracellular matrix-degrading proteinases by the cancer cells in response to CSF treatment may represent a biochemical mechanism which promotes the invasive behaviour of the cancer cells. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig
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