1,642 research outputs found

    Perancangan Interior Perpustakaan Fasilitas Multimedia Di Surabaya

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    Library is a place that is used to learning and exploring new things in order to broaden the knowledge of the users, nowadays technology is growing more rapidly every year. With the development of technology, it will create a library that not only has collection of books, but it is also has collection of digital file. Furthermore, with rapid growth of young generation that has faster adaptability with technology which is shifting the function of library to tend use more digital file, including video and online documents.This design intended to create a Multimedia Library that users can use at the fullest in accordance with the needs of users by using multimedia facilities that might use cassette and books in library

    Pengaruh Model Discovery Learning terhadap Peningkatan Motivasi Belajar IPA Siswa

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    The purpose of this study were to describe the implementation of discovery learning model in science learning, learning motivation, and to examine the influence of the application of discovery learning model toward the motivation of the fifth grade students of SDN Mannuruki in science subjects. Research is a quantitative research which used true experimental design with pre-test-post-test control group design. The result of this research shows that: (i) The implementation of discovery learning model at the experimental group followed the syntax of discovery learning model namely observation, constructing questioning, making hypothesis, collecting data and making conclusion; (ii) The motivation of the fifth grade students of SDN Mannuruki in science learning categorized as medium before applying the discovery learning model; (iii) There is a significant effect of the implementation of discovery learning model toward the motivation of the fifth grade students of SDN Mannuruki in Science learning where the significant value is 0.0015 < α 0.05.. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is a significant effect of the implementation of discovery learning model toward the motivation of the fifth grade students of SDN Mannuruki in science learnin

    Kebijakan Nasional dalam Konteks Lokal: Tantangan Implementasi Kebijakan Desa Siaga dan Rujukan Pelayanan Kesehatan di Kabupaten Kepulauan Yapen Papua

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    Background:One of the policies in health to achieve IndonesiaSehat 2010 was the development of desa siaga that wasbased on Decree of Ministry of Health number 564/MENKES/SK/VIII/2006 regarding the guidance on the implementation ofDesa Siaga. Desa Siaga is a community based health effortthat involved community self funding agency such as PKK,religious organization, and private sector.Method:This was a qualitative descriptive research that usedexplanatory analysis with case study design. The researchinformant was district government, health office, communityleaders and public figure as well as health care provider. Thedata was collected with interview, observation anddocumentation. Data analysis was conducted with case studyanalysis.Result: This research showed that the implementation of DesaSiaga was with topdown method that used social mobilizationapproach. The district government and community was verymuch supporting the policy of Desa Siaga. Difficult geographiclocation, limited human resources in health and limited fundingwere the main obstacles in the implementation of Desa Siagapolicy and health service referral. The main problem of referralimplementation was transportation and funding. The readinessof community and village aparatur to assist the poor communitywas still very minimum.Conclusion: This research proven that Desa Siaga programwas very important for community in the district of Yapenarchipelago. Nevertheless, difficulties in geographiccondition,limited human resources in health as well as limited fundinghas resulted in difficulties in the implementation of Desa Siagapolicy and health service referral in the district of Yapenarchipelago. The regional and central government have notbeen able to respond to the needs of Desa Siaga.Keyword: Policy Implementation, Desa siaga, Papua

    X-rays Diffraction Study On The Iron Nano Particles Prepared By Two Steps Milling Method

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    X-RAYS DIFFRACTION STUDY ON THE IRON NANO PARTICLES PREPARED BY TWO STEPS MILLING METHOD. X-rays diffraction study on the iron nanoparticles prepared by two-step milling method has been carried out. First, the raw material of micro-sized Fe was crushed by High Energy Milling (HEM) in the presence of isopropyl alcohol, here in after referred to as FI precursor. FI precursor then was crushed again with planetary balls mill in Cetyl-Trimethyl- Ammonium Bromide (CTAB)media, here in after referred to as FC sample. The phases analysis in the two samples were carried out by X-rays diffraction technique using the Rietveld method. Crystallites size were calculated with the Debye-Scherrer formula and the size of particles were measured by means of Particles Size Analyzer (PSA). The magnetic properties of the two samples were characterized with Vibration Sample Magnetometer (VSM). The analysis result showed that each of FI and FC samples consist of Fe, γ-Fe2O3 and Fe3O4 phases in the formof the nano-sized powder ranging fromaround 7 to 10 nm. PSA data indicate that the particle size of FI and FC are the same, i.e., 7.5 nm with narrow size distribution. The VSM data revealed that both FI and FC samples display super paramagnetic behavior at room temperature. The magnetization value in FC sample has been reduced due to more of the mass fraction of Fe transforms into iron oxide phases. The particle size is generally not the same as the size of the crystallites and in particular for the nano-sized particles, the size of crystallites could be equal to or greater than the particle size due to the presence of polycrystalline aggregates

    Perbedaan Nilai Range of Motion (Rom) Sendi Ekstremitas Atas Sebelum Dan Sesudah Pelatihan Senam Lansia Menpora Pada Kelompok Lansia Kemuning Banyumanik, Semarang

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    Background: Higher life expectancy led to increasing number of elderly and health problems, including difficulty in ADL\u27s and IADL\u27s activities. Getting older, flexibility decreases, while MENPORA elderly gymnastics is a form of exercise that is easy for the elderly to improve their range of motion (ROM). Objective: Proving MENPORA elderly gymnastics training can increase value of upper limb joints\u27 ROM in Kemuning elderly group, Banyumanik, Semarang. Methods: The study is one group pretest-posttest quasi-experimental design. Samples are elderly people in Kemuning, Banyumanik, Semarang, who met inclusion criteria and no exclusion criteria (n=11); upper limb joints\u27 ROM were measured with universal goniometer. Data distribution tested with Saphiro- Wilk. Normal distribution tested with paired T-test, while abnormal distribution tested with Wilcoxon test. Results : The upper limb joints\u27 ROM difference on the elderly after MENPORA elderly gymnastics are : articulatio humeri: abduction : right: (-24.545±11.058°) ,p=0.00, left: -24.909±11.058°, p=0.00; adduction:right:(-10.909±11.794°), p=0.012, left:(-17.727±13.850°),p=0.002; flexion: right:(-18 636±16.747°), p= 0.012, left: : (-17.727±13.850°,p= 0.002,p=0.012; hyprextension: right: (Z = -1.962°) ,p = 0.040, left: (-9.091±4.908°),p=0.010 ; articulatio cubiti: flexion: right: (10.455±10.829°), p= 0.009, left: (Z=-2,825), p=0.005 ; hyperextension: right: (Z=-2.236 °),p = 0.025, left: Z=(-2,00),p=0.046; articulatio radiocarpea :flexion right:(13.636±7.447°), p= 0.00, left; (Z=-2.829),p=0.005; hyperextension right: (Z = -2.754 ° ) , p = 0.006, left: (-9.091±4.908),p=0,00 . Conclusion: MENPORA elderly gymnastics training can increase the value of the upper limb joints\u27 ROM in Kemuning elderly group, Banyumanik, Semarang

    Pengaruh Aromaterapi Rosemary Terhadap Atensi

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    Latar belakang : Aromaterapi merupakan suatu metode pengobatan alternatif berupa media bau-bauan yang berasal dari bahan tanaman mudah menguap. Selain berperan sebagai media relaksasi, aromaterapi juga memiliki pengaruh yang positif terhadap beberapa fungsi kognitif. Salah satu parameter untuk mengevaluasi kemampuan kognisi adalah atensi. Atensi merupakan suatu USAha pemusatan pikiran terhadap suatu objek untuk menghadapi objek tersebut dimana melibatkan berbagai macam aspek psikologis dan neurologis. Atensi terdiri dari tiga aspek, yaitu alerting, orienting, dan executive attention.Tujuan : Mengetahui pemberian aromaterapi rosemary terhadap peningkatan atensi.Metode : Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimental murni. Sampel penelitian adalah mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Undip (n=20) yang diukur atensinya menggunakan software Attention Network Test sebelum dan sesudah diberikan paparan aromaterapi Rosemary selama ± 30 menit. Atensi antara sebelum dan sesudah bermain video game dianalisis menggunakan uji T berpasangan, sedangkan Perubahan atensi antar kelompok dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji T tidak berpasangan.Hasil : Ditemukan rerata peningkatan atensi pada fungsi alerting subjek penelitian yang diberikan paparan aromaterapi rosemary selama ± 30 menit dari 47,77 ± 21,77 ms menjadi 29,00 ± 6,14 ms dengan p = 0,001 (p < 0,05).Kesimpulan : Pemberian paparan aromaterapi rosemary dapat meningkatkan atensi pada fungsi alerting

    Pengaruh Senam Lansia Terhadap Kualitas Tidur Pada Lansia

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    Latar belakang : Semakin tinggi usia harapan hidup suatu negara menyebabkan semakin banyak pula jumlah lansia yang ada di negara tersebut. Hal tersebut diikuti dengan tingginya masalah kesehatan yang ada pada lansia, salah satunya adalah gangguan tidur. Lebih dari setengah populasi lansia sering mengeluhkan adanya gangguan tidur di malam hari. Senam lansia merupakan salah satu contoh aktivitas fisik yang direkomendasikan oleh WHO agar dapat dilakukan oleh lansia untuk memperbaiki kualitas tidurnya. Jenis senam lansia yang sering dilakukan oleh masyarakat Indonesia adalah Senam Lansia Menpora, Senam SKJ Lansia, Senam Lansia Tera, dan Senam Osteoporosis.Tujuan : Membandingkan kualitas tidur lansiayang rutin melakukan latihan senam lansia dan yang tidak rutin mengikuti latihan senam lansiaMetode : Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian observasional analitik dengan rancangan belah lintang (cross-sectional). Sampel penelitian adalah 36 anggota kelompok Warga Lanjut Usia Nangka (WULANA) yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi dipilih secara purposive sampling. Pengukuran kualitas tidur menggunakan kuesioner Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). Distribusi data diuji normalitasnya dengan uji Saphiro-Wilk. Uji hipotesis menggunakan uji Mann-Whitney untuk membandingkan kualitas tidur kelompok yang rutin dan tidak rutin melakukan senam lansia. Perbedaan dinyatakan bermakna jika p<0,05Hasil : Rerata nilai kualitas tidur pada kelompok lansia yang rutin mengikuti senam lansia adalah 2,78 ± 0,88, sedangkan rerata nilai kualitas tidur pada kelompok lansia yang tidak rutin mengikuti senam lansia adalah 6,00 ± 2,70. Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan tersebut bermakna (p=0,000)Kesimpulan : Rerata nilai kualitas tidur pada kelompok yang rutin melakukan senam lansia lebih baik dibandingkan dengan kelompok yang tidak rutin melakukan senam lansia
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