1,503 research outputs found

    Predictable Stock Returns in the United States and Japan: A Study of Long-Term Capital Market Integration

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    This paper studies the predictability of monthly excess returns on equity portfolios over the domestic short-term interest rate in the U.S. and Japan during the period 1971:1-1989:3. The paper finds that similar variables, including the dividend-price ratio and interest rate variables, help to forecast excess returns in each country. In addition, in the 1980's U.S. variables help to forecast excess Japanese stock returns. There is evidence of common movement in expected excess returns across the two countries, which is suggestive of integration of long-term capital markets.

    Modeling peculiar velocities of dark matter halos

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    We present a simple model that accurately describes various statistical properties of peculiar velocities of dark matter halos. We pay particular attention to the following two effects; first, the evolution of the halo peculiar velocity depends on the local matter density, instead of the global density. Second, dark matter halos are biased tracers of the underlying mass distribution, thus halos tend to be located preferentially at high density regions. For the former, we develop an empirical model calibrated with N-body simulations, while for the latter, we use a conventional halo bias models based on the extended Press-Schechter model combined with an empirical log-normal probability distribution function of the mass density distribution. We find that compared with linear theory, the present model significantly improves the accuracy of predictions of statistical properties of the halo peculiar velocity field including the velocity dispersion, the probability distribution function, and the pairwise velocity dispersion at large separations. Thus our model predictions may be useful in analyzing future observations of the peculiar velocities of galaxy clusters.Comment: This paper was published in MNRAS, 343, 1312 (2003). Owing to an error in numerical computations, some incorrect results were presented there. Erratum is to be published in MNRAS. Conclusions of the original version are unaffected by the correction. This version supersedes the original versio

    Deciphering cosmological information from redshift surveys of high-z objects - the cosmological light-cone effect and redshift-space distortion -

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    The three-dimensional distribution of astronomical objects observed in redshift space significantly differs from the true distribution since the distance to each object cannot be determined by its redshift zz only; for z≪1z \ll 1 the peculiar velocity field contaminates the true recession velocity of the Hubble flow, while the true distance for objects at z<1z < 1 sensitively depends on the (unknown and thus assumed) cosmological parameters. This hampers the effort to understand the true distribution of large-scale structure of the universe. In addition, all cosmological observations are carried out on a light-cone, the null hypersurface of an observer at z=0z=0. This implies that their intrinsic properties and clustering statistics should change even within the survey volume. Therefore a proper comparison taking account of the light-cone effect is important to extract any cosmological information from redshift catalogues, especially for z<1z < 1. We present recent theoretical development on the two effects -- the cosmological light-cone effect and the cosmological redshift-space distortion -- which should play key roles in observational cosmology in the 21st century.Comment: 28pages, 20 figures, minor revision to match the final version to appear in Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, vol. 133 (1999

    Modeling Intra-Cluster Gas in Triaxial Dark Halos : An Analytical Approach

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    We present the first physical model for the non-spherical intra-cluster gas distribution in hydrostatic equilibrium under the gravity of triaxial dark matter halos. Adopting the concentric triaxial density profiles of the dark halos with constant axis ratios proposed by Jing & Suto (2002), we derive an analytical expression for the triaxial halo potential on the basis of the perturbation theory, and find the hydrostatic solutions for the gas density and temperature profiles both in isothermal and polytropic equations of state. The resulting iso-potential surfaces are well approximated by triaxial ellipsoids with the eccentricities dependent on the radial distance. We also find a formula for the eccentricity ratio between the intra-cluster gas and the underlying dark halo. Our results allow one to determine the shapes of the underlying dark halos from the observed intra-cluster gas through the X-ray and/or the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effects clusters.Comment: accepted by ApJ, LaTex file, 22 pages, 8 postscript figure
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