243 research outputs found

    Wnt Signaling in Stem Cells and Cancer

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    __Abstract__ Mammalian development starts from a fertilized egg that initially generates few pluripotent cells which eventually give rise to the embryo proper. Different ‘flavors’ of pluripotency have been captured in vitro which led to the establishment of different pluripotent cell lines. Mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) are derived from the preimplantation embryo and have three defining properties: self-renewal, pluripotency, and contribution to chimera formation. By applying specific culture conditions or ectopic expression of the pluripotency factors, similar pluripotent cells can be derived from germ cells or differentiated cells referred to as embryonic germ (EG) and induced pluripotent cells (iPSCs), respectively. When established from post-implantation embryo, the cultured cells are termed epi stem cells (EpiSCs). EpiSCs have limited potential for chimerism and germ line transmission and require different culture conditions when compared to ESCs. Hence, mouse ESCs and EpiSCs represent two different phases of pluripotency usually referred to as the naïve and primed states. By employing genetic manipulation or specific culture conditions, the different pluripotent cells can be interconverted which leads to several intermediate states. Unlike their murine counterparts, human ESCs closely resemble the rodent primed EpiSCs and respond to similar signaling pathways. Tumorigenic transformation of primordial germ cells (PGC) and gonocytes can also give rise to pluripotent cells known as embryonal carcinoma cells (hECs), thought to represent the malignant counterpart of hESCs. Among different signaling pathways, Wnt signaling plays a central role in self-renewal and differentiation of pluripotent cells

    Do Parents and Social Environment Influence Stundent Understanding of Retirement Planning? a Study on Islamic Economic and Bussines Student in Bogor

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    Financial planning for retirement is a desire to achieve satisfaction with life in retirement. Good financial condition is a main component to having a quality life during retirement. The study aimed to find the factors influences on understanding of financial planning for retirement. Methodology that used in this study is a quantitative approach. The sample in this study as many as 350 respondents from students Islamic of economics in Bogor. Technique analysis that used in this study is Path analysis. The result in this study The results of this study indicate that in sub-structural I the variables parental influence on saving, social influence, and goal clarity have a significant influence to financial knowledge. Sub-structural II the variabel future time perspective have a significant influence to goal clarity and all variables of sub-structural III (parental influence on saving and conscientiousness) have significant infulence to future time perspective. According the result test on the sub-structural IV the variable financial knowledge have a significant influence to expectations of financial planning for retirement. On the sub-structural V there is a not significant variable, the variable is parental influence on saving to satisfaction life in retirement. Consequently, the author do a trimming on the sub-structural V to fix a structure of path model

    Valuation of Reliability Index in Distribution Network 13.8 kV

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    This study is proposed to calculate and analyze the level of reliability of the 13.8 kV distribution system. To calculate the reliability index based on the reliability index of the value of the failure that occurred. The method used throughout this study is the Reliability Index Assessment (RIA) when this method takes into account momentary interruption. The distribution network is considered as the object of this study has six feeders. Based on blackout data obtained, the reliability index becomes smaller and can be distinguished between permanent and temporary disruptions. The calculation results show the reliability index of SAIDI, SAIDI, and MAIFI based on the type of disturbance; the results of this calculation will be compared with SPLN and IEEE. A comparison of the results of the calculation of SAIFI values from the six feeders analyzed all meet the SPLN and IEEE rules. However, in one of the feeders, the SAIDI index exceeds the established standard, which is 24 hours/year/customer, with the SPLN regulation being 21 hours/year/customer, and the IEEE standard is 2.3 hours/customer/year. And finally, the results of an analysis of the MAIFI index for all feeders meet the IEEE standard of 5 times/year/customers

    Under the Shadow of Sharia: Christian Muslim Relations From Acehnese Christian Experience

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    The implementation of sharia in Aceh has have given a complex impacts to several aspects of life of the Christian, economically, culturally, politically and any other aspects of social life. Unlike other Indonesian Christian in different parts of archipelago, the Christian women in Aceh are experiencing the life that regulated by the sharia. Based on the experience in Langsa, some of them (especially teachers, employee, and students) were appealed to wear headscarf (hijab) in their appearance in Islamic public sphere. Those who reside in Aceh Singkil experienced difficulties in establishing church, beyond any difficulties that experienced by Christians in other part of Indonesian region. However, in Southeast Aceh, the Christian live the life of religious harmony among the Muslim majority who implement the Islamic sharia. This article shows that strong encouragement among the Muslim circle to implementing Islamic sharia through political approach could generate difficulties to certain Christians, while to some others it doesn't give any significant negative impact. This article aims to highlight some issues that experienced by Christians who live amid the Muslim majority who implement Islamic sharia. Data were collected during ethnographical studies conducted in the year 2013-2015 in Langsa, Aceh Singkil and Southeast Aceh. Finally, this article proposes significant policy options for managing Muslim-Christian relations in Aceh, Indonesia. Education is crucial for promoting interreligious harmony, religious freedom, and respect for people of different traditions and religion


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    Evening primrose is a beautiful ornamental plant, but at the same time it has medicinal properties that make this plant of great value and importance. In this context, the present research aims to investigate the effect of phosphorus sources and biofertilizers (EM and phosphorein) on growth, flowering, seeds yield, chemical constituents, of Oenothera biennis L. plant. This study was conducted at the Experimental Farm and in the Laboratory of Horticulture Department, Faculty of Agric. at Moshtohor, Benha Univ., Egypt during 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 seasons. The results indicated that, plants which were applied with phosphorus sources, biofertilizers as well as their combination treatments scored highly significant increases in all of studied characteristics of vegetative, flowering, seeds yield, chemical composition, fixed oil percentage, and fatty acids determination of the plant. The maximum values of most parameters mentioned above were gained by the combined treatment of monopotassium phosphate with EM in 1st and 2nd seasons. Additionally, the highest values of flowering parameters and P% were recorded by MAP treatment combined with phosphorein in both seasons. Furthermore, the highest seeds oil percentage (27.22 and 28.37) were recorded by the combined treatment between monopotassium phosphate and phosphorein, in the first and second seasons, respectively. The gained fixed oil composition four components were identified, i.e. palmitic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid and α-linolenic acid. It can be concluded that the monoamonium phosphate (MAP) or monopotassium phosphate with EM or phosphorein were the best for improving growth, seeds yield, fixed oil productivity, chemical constituents and fixed oil components of Oenothera biennis L. plant

    A Window on the CP-violating Phases of MSSM from Lepton Flavor Violating Processes

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    It has recently been shown that by measuring the transverse polarization of the final particles in the LFV processes μeγ\mu \to e\gamma, μeee\mu \to eee and μNeN\mu N\to e N, one can derive information on the CP-violating phases of the underlying theory. We derive formulas for the transverse polarization of the final particles in terms of the couplings of the effective potential leading to these processes. We then study the dependence of the polarizations of ee and γ\gamma in the μeγ\mu \to e \gamma and μNeN\mu N \to e N on the parameters of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM). We show that combining the information on various observables in the μeγ\mu \to e\gamma and μNeN\mu N\to e N search experiments with the information on the electric dipole moment of the electron can help us to solve the degeneracies in parameter space and to determine the values of certain phases.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    Performance analysis of elliptical journal bearing lubricated with experimentally characterized nanolubricant considering thermal effect using CFD technique

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    This study uses computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to quantitatively examine the performance of an elliptical journal bearing (EJB) lubricated with TiO2 and ZnO nano-lubricant considering thermal effect. In an experiment, nanoparticles with particle concentrations varying from 0 to 2 weight percent are mixed with SAE15W40 engine oil to create these lubricants. The impact of weight fractions, rotational speed, eccentricity, and ellipticity ratios on the thermal performance of the EJB has been examined. The Kreger-Dougherty model is employed to understand the effects of oil film temperature as well as nanoparticle concentration on lubricant viscosity. The pressure and temperature determined by (Dang 2020) and (Wang 2021were evaluated against the CFD model with good agreement. The findings show that for 2 wt% nanoparticles, e of 0.6 and N of 5000 rpm, the load-carrying capacity increased by 5.5% and 4% and the side leakage flow decreased by 24.4% and 18%

    Electron Electric Dipole Moment from Lepton Flavor Violation

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    The general Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model introduces new sources for Lepton Flavor Violation (LFV) as well as CP-violation. In this paper, we show that when both sources are present, the electric dipole moment of the electron, ded_e, receives a contribution from the phase of the trilinear AA-term of staus, ϕAτ\phi_{A_\tau}. For ϕAτ=π/2\phi_{A_\tau}=\pi/2, the value of ded_e, depending on the ratios of the LFV mass elements, can range between zero and three orders of magnitude above the present bound. We show that the present bound on ded_e rules out a large portion of the CP-violating and the LFV parameter space which is consistent with the bounds on the LFV rare decays. We show that studying the correlation between ded_e and the P-odd asymmetry in τeγ\tau \to e\gamma helps us to derive a more conclusive bound on ϕAτ\phi_{A_\tau} We also discuss the possibility of cancelation among the contributions of different CP-violating phases to ded_e.Comment: 35 pages, 9 figure

    Visualizing the transfer-messenger RNA as the ribosome resumes translation

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    Bacterial ribosomes that are stalled on mRNAs lacking a stop codon can be rescued by a process called ‘transtranslation' that involves the ribonucleoprotein complex tmRNA–SmpB. This cryo-EM study, and the copublished study by Weis et al, reveal how translation on tmRNA is resume