28 research outputs found

    Efek Perawatan Luka Terkontaminasi Dengan Ekstrak Bawang Putih Lanang Dalam Mempercepat Penurunan Eritema

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    This study was aimed to examine the effect of lanang onion extract to accelerate the reduction of erythema inflammation sign in contaminated wound. A true experimental with posttest only control group design was used. The variable observed was a photograph of wound taken throughout the experiment which was then processed by program corel photopoint suite graphic 12, so it could provide average value of the decrease of erythema inflammation sign. Samples consisted of 4 groups, each group was composed of five rats. A series of extract concentration were applied, e.g. 128 mg/ml,256 mg/ml, and 512 mg/ml for the first, second and third group respectively. In addition, 10% povidone iodine was used for the forth group. The result showed that by the eighth day, the average decrease of mean red color intensity or the erythema values were 49.26, 45.44, 45.32 and 62. 96 in the first, second, third and forth group respectively. Statistical analysis employing one way ANOVA showed significant difference for all groups [o.ooo < (0.05)]. No different was observed on Post hoc result test in group 1 and 2 [0.352 > (0.05)], however, significant difference [0,0000 < (0,05)] was found between group 1 and 3, group 1 and 4, group 2 and 3, group 2 and 4, group 3 and 4. Employing simple regression correlation, significance correlation of less than 0.05 and R 0.705 was found for the extract in reducing the erythema. It was concluded that Lanang onion extract was better in accelerating the reduction of erythema inflamation sign than that with povidone iodine. It was suggested that further studies particularly using microbiology method were still required to prove this finding

    The Effect Of Learning Facilities Toward Students's Learning Outcomes Of Class X And XI Social On Economics Of SMA 3 Pekanbaru

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    The research aims to investigate the influence of learning facilities to thelearning outcomes of students at class X and XI IPS on economic subjects in SMANegeri 3 Pekanbaru. Based on a survey that has been done by the writer at theschool, there are skill students in class XI IPS who have not reached the KKM.While students in the class X most still many who have not reached the KKM oneconomic subject which can be based on semester exam brade in 2012/2013. Theresearch has been done to X dan XI IPS students in SMA Negeri 3 Pekanbaru. Thenumber of entire class or population of X dan XI IPS class are 448 students and thesample in this research is 82 students. The data collection techniqe is using simplerandom sampling. Data collected by using questionnaire that contain the questionsabout the students facilities at school or at home/ students individual property that isthen distributed to students as the respondents in this research, and this data is calledprimer data. As for the secondary data in the form of the value of the secondsemester of academic year 2012/2013 on economic subjects. In this study the datawere analyzed using simple linear regression. Test used in the analysis requirementsof normality and linearity test data. Hypothesis testing is done by using T test and itcan be seen that the calculated value of T (11.130)> T table value (1.664), the errorrate of 5%. Analysis of the calculation results in a simple regression equationobtained a constant value of 21 421 and a regression coefficient or b values obtainedfor 17 352. And the coefficient of determination (R ^ 2) obtained by the R value of0.780 and the coefficient of determination (R Square) of 0.608.

    Pengaruh Manfaat Proteksi dan Investasi Produk terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Asuransi Pendidikan Smart Kidz Axa Financial Indonesia Cabang Pekanbaru

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    This research aims to investigate the influence of protection benefits and investment benefits against purchasing decisions on insurance education Smart Kidz AXA Pekanbaru. This research was conducted at PT. AXA Financial Indonesia branch Pekanbaru. Sample is determined by saturated technique with a sample of 34 custumers. Data is collected by questionnaire method. The method of data analysis used multiple linear regression . The results obtained F-value (10.356)> F-table (3.33) means simultaneously protection benefits and investment benefits have a positive and significant impact on the purchasing decision on insurance education Smart Kidz AXA Pekanbaru. While partially, protection benefits significantly influence purchasing decisions education and investment benefits do not affect significantly to purchasing decisions on insurance education Smart Kidz. This is proven by the regression coefficient, regression coefficients of variable protection benefits is 0.428 and investment benefits is 0.048. The value of the coefficient of determination is obtained 0.313 means both variables may explain purchasing decisions on insurance education Smart Kidz of 31.3% and the rest of 68.7% explained by other factors not examined

    Pengaruh Kompetensi Guru terhadap Prestasi Belajar Siswa di SMPN 13 Pekanbaru

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    Abstack: teacher competence is the mastery of knowledge, skills, values and attitudes held by teachers in their profession. Learning achievement is the resulting ability of students in the learning process. This study aims to determine the effect of teacher competence on learning achievement students. The population in this study were students of class VII and VIII of SMPN 13 Pekanbaru. The sampling technique in this study using a nonprobability sampling, sample in this study is 89 samples. Data were collected using questionnaires and documentation. Data were analyzed using simple linear regression analysis, F test with significance level of 0.05%. Based on the research showed that the experience of teacher competence simultaneously positive and significant impact on learning achievement. It is based on the analysis results, which show the calculation results F test > F table (20,587>3,95). The predictive ability of the variable teacher competence on the learning achievement in the study amounted to 19.1% (R Square .191) while the remaining 80.9% is influenced by other factors which are not included in this study

    Efek Perawatan Luka Terkontaminasi Dengan Ekstrak Bawang Putih Lanang Dalam Mempercepat Penurunan Eritema

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    This study was aimed to examine the effect of lanang onion extract to accelerate the reduction of erythema inflammation sign in contaminated wound. A true experimental with posttest only control group design was used. The variable observed was a photograph of wound taken throughout the experiment which was then processed by program corel photopoint suite graphic 12, so it could provide average value of the decrease of erythema inflammation sign. Samples consisted of 4 groups, each group was composed of five rats. A series of extract concentration were applied, e.g. 128 mg/ml,256 mg/ml, and 512 mg/ml for the first, second and third group respectively. In addition, 10% povidone iodine was used for the forth group. The result showed that by the eighth day, the average decrease of mean red color intensity or the erythema values were 49.26, 45.44, 45.32 and 62. 96 in the first, second, third and forth group respectively. Statistical analysis employing one way ANOVA showed significant difference for all groups [o.ooo < (0.05)]. No different was observed on Post hoc result test in group 1 and 2 [0.352 > (0.05)], however, significant difference [0,0000 < (0,05)] was found between group 1 and 3, group 1 and 4, group 2 and 3, group 2 and 4, group 3 and 4. Employing simple regression correlation, significance correlation of less than 0.05 and R 0.705 was found for the extract in reducing the erythema. It was concluded that Lanang onion extract was better in accelerating the reduction of erythema inflamation sign than that with povidone iodine. It was suggested that further studies particularly using microbiology method were still required to prove this finding

    Pengaruh Motivasi Kerja dan Iklim Organisasi terhadap Kinerja Guru Smk PGRI Pekanbaru

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    This research aims to find out the influence of Work Motivation and Organizational Climate on Performance of Teachers. Population in this study is all teachers of SMK PGRI Pekanbaru which is determined as sample of the study taken by census sampling technique. Data is collected using questionnaires and documentation. Data is analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis, t test and f test with significance level of 0.05%. The research shows that the Work Motivation and Organizational Climate simultaneously is positive and has significant impact on teacher performance. This is based on the results of the analysis, which shows the calculation results F test> F table (52.298> 3.25). Furthermore, with the T test to determine whether each of the independent variables (Work Motivation and Organizational Climate) have an effect on the dependent variable (Teacher Performance). The results shows a partial Work Motivation is positive and has significant influence on teacher performance. This is evidenced where t test> t table (2.517> 1.687). Next to the Organizational Climate variables show that also has a positive and significant influence on Teacher Performance. This is evidenced where t test> t table (7.812> 1.687). The predictive ability of the variables on Teacher Performance in this study only amounted to 73.9% (R Square 0.739) while the remaining 26.1% is influenced by other factors that are not researched in this research

    Pengaruh Penambahan Belimbing Wuluh (Averrhoa Bilimbi L.) dan Perebusan terhadap Kadar Residu Formalin dan Profil Protein Udang Putih (Letapenaeus Vannamei) Berformalin Serta Pemanfaatannya sebagai Sumber Pendidikan Gizi dan Keamanan Pangan pada Masy

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    This research was conducted with the aim to determine the effect of the addition of cucumber tree (Averrhoa bilimbi L) and boiling on levels of residual formaldehyde and protein profiles of formalin-contaminated pacific white shrimp (Letapenaeus vannamei) and its utilization as a source of nutrition and food safety education in society. Research using experimental methods with a factorial randomized block design. The independent variable in this study is the long boiling with three levels of variation (0 minutes, R0; 30 minutes, R1; and 45 minutes, R2) and the concentration of cucumber tree fruit juice with five levels of variation (0%, BW0; 20%, BW1; 40%, BW2, 60%, BW3, and 80%, BW4). The results of this research has shown that (1) addition of cucumber tree concentration of 80% and boiling time 45 minutes (R2BW4) can reduce levels of residual formaldehyde pacific white shrimp highest, amounting to 99.20% of the formaldehyde levels from 1.127 g% to 0.009 g% (2) the addition of cucumber tree concentration of 80% and without boiling (R0BW4) can increase the protein levels of total retturn of pacific white shrimp with the smallest loss rate, amounting to 0.76% of protein levels from 23.205 g% to 23.028 g%; (3 ) addition of cucumber tree and boiling water can alter the existence of molecular weight protein bands of pacific white shrimp, (6) the addition of cucumber tree and boiling can eliminate immunogenicity properties of the BM 37.38 kDa protein of fresh pacific white shrimp (US) and formalin-contaminated pacific white shrimp (UF) in male mice (Mus musculus) strain BALB/C. From the results of this study can be concluded that the addition of cucumber tree and boiling significantly affect the residue levels of formaldehyde and protein profiles of formalin-contaminated pacific white hrimp. Further results of this study have been compiled in the form of popular science books as a nutrition and food safety education in society