454 research outputs found

    Primary gastric chorioadenocarcinoma: a needle in a haystack

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    Primary gastric chorioadenocarcinoma (PGC) is an exceedingly rare neoplasm which is often misdiagnosed as gastric adenocarcinoma at presentation. A markedly elevated serum beta human chorionic gonadotrophin (Beta HCG) level is a characteristic feature of this tumor. A 44 year old white male presented with generalized abdominal pain and fullness, tarry black stools and weight loss of 3 months duration. Medical work-up including imaging with CT scans revealed the presence of a gastric mass and multiple liver metastases. Tumor markers were significant for a Betahuman chorionic gonadotrophin (Beta HCG) of 23717.5 MIU/ML. Scrotal ultrasound did not show the presence of a testicular mass. Upper GI endoscopy with biopsy was positive for a poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma with Beta HCG staining on immunohistochemistry. The patient was diagnosed with metastatic PGC. He received four cycles of chemotherapy with Bleomycin, Etoposide and Cisplatinum. At the end of the fourth cycle, Beta HCG was 23 MIU/ML. CT scan for restaging, however showed an increase in the size of the metastatic lesions. The patient subsequently became profoundly pancytopenic, developed disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) and expired 12 months after initial presentation. PGC genetically and morphologically represents an adenocarcinoma and a choriocarcinoma. The significance of an elevated serum Beta HCG is controversial and it may have a role in evaluating response to treatment and tumor recurrence. Curative resection, appropriate chemotherapy and the absence of metastatic lesions is associated with improved survival. Hence, a high index of suspicion must be maintained to diagnose this tumor correctly at presentation and tailor therapy accordingly

    A High Energy X-Ray and Neutron Scattering Study of Iron Phosphate Glasses Containing Uranium

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    The atomic structure of iron phosphate glasses containing uranium has been studied by complementary neutron and x-ray scattering techniques. by combining x-ray and neutron structure factors, detailed information about different pair interactions has been obtained. Most of the basic structural features such as coordination numbers and O-O and P-O distances in uranium containing glasses are the same as those in the base glass of batch composition 40Fe2O3-60P2O5 (mol %). However, the Fe-O distances change slightly with the addition of uranium. The observed structural parameters support a structural model in which the waste elements occupy voids in the Fe-O-P network, hence, not altering the basic structure of the parent iron phosphate glass

    Indigenous Bacteria from the Gut Microbiota Regulate Host Serotonin Biosynthesis

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    The gastrointestinal (GI) tract contains much of the body’s serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT), but mechanisms controlling the metabolism of gut-derived 5-HT remain unclear. Here, we demonstrate that the microbiota plays a critical role in regulating host 5-HT. Indigenous spore-forming bacteria (Sp) from the mouse and human microbiota promote 5-HT biosynthesis from colonic enterochromaffin cells (ECs), which supply 5-HT to the mucosa, lumen, and circulating platelets. Importantly, microbiota-dependent effects on gut 5-HT significantly impact host physiology, modulating GI motility and platelet function. We identify select fecal metabolites that are increased by Sp and that elevate 5-HT in chromaffin cell cultures, suggesting direct metabolic signaling of gut microbes to ECs. Furthermore, elevating luminal concentrations of particular microbial metabolites increases colonic and blood 5-HT in germ-free mice. Altogether, these findings demonstrate that Sp are important modulators of host 5-HT and further highlight a key role for host-microbiota interactions in regulating fundamental 5-HT-related biological processes

    Drug hypersensitivity caused by alteration of the MHC-presented self-peptide repertoire

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    Idiosyncratic adverse drug reactions are unpredictable, dose independent and potentially life threatening; this makes them a major factor contributing to the cost and uncertainty of drug development. Clinical data suggest that many such reactions involve immune mechanisms, and genetic association studies have identified strong linkage between drug hypersensitivity reactions to several drugs and specific HLA alleles. One of the strongest such genetic associations found has been for the antiviral drug abacavir, which causes severe adverse reactions exclusively in patients expressing the HLA molecular variant B*57:01. Abacavir adverse reactions were recently shown to be driven by drug-specific activation of cytokine-producing, cytotoxic CD8+ T cells that required HLA-B*57:01 molecules for their function. However, the mechanism by which abacavir induces this pathologic T cell response remains unclear. Here we show that abacavir can bind within the F-pocket of the peptide-binding groove of HLA-B*57:01 thereby altering its specificity. This supports a novel explanation for HLA-linked idiosyncratic adverse drug reactions; namely that drugs can alter the repertoire of self-peptides presented to T cells thus causing the equivalent of an alloreactive T cell response. Indeed, we identified specific self-peptides that are presented only in the presence of abacavir, and that were recognized by T cells of hypersensitive patients. The assays we have established can be applied to test additional compounds with suspected HLA linked hypersensitivities in vitro. Where successful, these assays could speed up the discovery and mechanistic understanding of HLA linked hypersensitivities as well as guide the development of safer drugs

    TAUVEX: status in 2011

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    We present a short history of the TAUVEX instrument, conceived to provide multi-band wide-field imaging in the ultraviolet, emphasizing the lack of sufficient and aggressive support on the part of the different space agencies that dealt with this basic science mission. First conceived in 1985 and selected by the Israel Space Agency in 1989 as its first priority payload, TAUVEX is fast becoming one of the longest-living space project of space astronomy. After being denied a launch on a national Israeli satellite, and then not flying on the Spectrum X-Gamma (SRG) international observatory, it was manifested since 2003 as part of ISRO's GSAT-4 Indian satellite to be launched in the late 2000s. However, two months before the launch, in February 2010, it was dismounted from its agreed-upon platform. This proved to be beneficial, since GSAT-4 and its launcher were lost on April 15 2010 due to the failure of the carrier rocket's 3rd stage. TAUVEX is now stored in ISRO's clean room in Bangalore with no firm indications when or on what platform it might be launched.Comment: Invited contribution presented at the "UV Universe 2010". Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Scienc

    The 72-Hour WEBT Microvariability Observation of Blazar S5 0716+714 in 2009

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    Context. The international whole earth blazar telescope (WEBT) consortium planned and carried out three days of intensive micro-variability observations of S5 0716+714 from February 22, 2009 to February 25, 2009. This object was chosen due to its bright apparent magnitude range, its high declination, and its very large duty cycle for micro-variations. Aims. We report here on the long continuous optical micro-variability light curve of 0716+714 obtained during the multi-site observing campaign during which the Blazar showed almost constant variability over a 0.5 magnitude range. The resulting light curve is presented here for the first time. Observations from participating observatories were corrected for instrumental differences and combined to construct the overall smoothed light curve. Methods. Thirty-six observatories in sixteen countries participated in this continuous monitoring program and twenty of them submitted data for compilation into a continuous light curve. The light curve was analyzed using several techniques including Fourier transform, Wavelet and noise analysis techniques. Those results led us to model the light curve by attributing the variations to a series of synchrotron pulses. Results. We have interpreted the observed microvariations in this extended light curve in terms of a new model consisting of individual stochastic pulses due to cells in a turbulent jet which are energized by a passing shock and cool by means of synchrotron emission. We obtained an excellent fit to the 72-hour light curve with the synchrotron pulse model

    Epstein Barr Virus-Encoded EBNA1 Interference with MHC Class I Antigen Presentation Reveals a Close Correlation between mRNA Translation Initiation and Antigen Presentation

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    Viruses are known to employ different strategies to manipulate the major histocompatibility (MHC) class I antigen presentation pathway to avoid recognition of the infected host cell by the immune system. However, viral control of antigen presentation via the processes that supply and select antigenic peptide precursors is yet relatively unknown. The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-encoded EBNA1 is expressed in all EBV-infected cells, but the immune system fails to detect and destroy EBV-carrying host cells. This immune evasion has been attributed to the capacity of a Gly-Ala repeat (GAr) within EBNA1 to inhibit MHC class I restricted antigen presentation. Here we demonstrate that suppression of mRNA translation initiation by the GAr in cis is sufficient and necessary to prevent presentation of antigenic peptides from mRNAs to which it is fused. Furthermore, we demonstrate a direct correlation between the rate of translation initiation and MHC class I antigen presentation from a certain mRNA. These results support the idea that mRNAs, and not the encoded full length proteins, are used for MHC class I restricted immune surveillance. This offers an additional view on the role of virus-mediated control of mRNA translation initiation and of the mechanisms that control MHC class I restricted antigen presentation in general
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