917 research outputs found

    Intermittency at critical transitions and aging dynamics at edge of chaos

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    We recall that, at both the intermittency transitions and at the Feigenbaum attractor in unimodal maps of non-linearity of order ζ>1\zeta >1, the dynamics rigorously obeys the Tsallis statistics. We account for the qq-indices and the generalized Lyapunov coefficients λq\lambda_{q} that characterize the universality classes of the pitchfork and tangent bifurcations. We identify the Mori singularities in the Lyapunov spectrum at the edge of chaos with the appearance of a special value for the entropic index qq. The physical area of the Tsallis statistics is further probed by considering the dynamics near criticality and glass formation in thermal systems. In both cases a close connection is made with states in unimodal maps with vanishing Lyapunov coefficients.Comment: Proceedings of: STATPHYS 2004 - 22nd IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, National Science Seminar Complex, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 4-9 July 2004. Pramana, in pres


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    La educación superior tiene efectos, resultados e impactos de diversa índole, constituyendo un instrumento para el desarrollo del capital humano de un país, la generación de conocimiento y el bienestar ciudadano. Su importancia creciente ha despertado la preocupación por su calidad, considerando los cambios ocurridos en el escenario de educación superior, el tipo de estudiante que a ella llega, la ampliación de la cobertura y la oferta académica, de calidad diversa, la falta de sistemas de información pública confiables, la mercantilización de la formación, además de la enorme relevancia que la producción del conocimiento tiene para el desarrollo de las naciones. Este contexto ha contribuido a la implementación de políticas de calidad, incluyendo desde instrumentos legales a incentivos financieros y no financieros. La percepción desde cada actor del sistema instituciones-Estado-mercado es diferente, y si bien resulta positivo en suma, existen efectos no deseables. En este estudio se analizan los procesos de aseguramiento de la calidad como política pública para la mejora de la calidad de la formación. El cambio en el rol del Estado, los organismos generados para la implementación de las políticas y sus desafíos son parte de una política pública que ha llegado para instalarse definitivamente

    Structure of krypton isotopes within the interacting boson model derived from the Gogny energy density functional

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    The evolution and coexistence of the nuclear shapes as well as the corresponding low-lying collective states and electromagnetic transition rates are investigated along the Krypton isotopic chain within the framework of the interacting boson model (IBM). The IBM Hamiltonian is determined through mean-field calculations based on the several parametrizations of the Gogny energy density functional and the relativistic mean-field Lagrangian. The mean-field energy surfaces, as functions of the axial β\beta and triaxial γ\gamma quadrupole deformations, are mapped onto the expectation value of the interacting-boson Hamiltonian that explicitly includes the particle-hole excitations. The resulting boson Hamiltonian is then used to compute low-energy excitation spectra as well as E2 and E0 transition probabilities for 70100^{70-100}Kr. Our results point to a number of examples of the prolate-oblate shape transitions and coexistence both on the neutron-deficient and neutron-rich sides. A reasonable agreement with the available experimental data is obtained for the considered nuclear properties.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, 2 table

    Discurso pronunciado por el Sr. Telesforo Montejo y Robledo... con motivo de su interpelación sobre la venta de varios terrenos en los montes de Balsaín.

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    Copia digital : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 201

    Hymenochaetaceae from Paraguay: Revision of the family and new records

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    A synopsis of species of Hymenochaetaceae from five departments of Paraguay (Alto Paraguay, Boqueron, Central, Cordillera and Paraguari) is presented. Thirteen species from nine genera are reported, of which eleven are recorded for the first time. Descriptions and macro-and microscopic illustrations are presented for each species. Discussions on their taxonomy and ecology are provided.Fil: Maubet, Y.. Universidad Nacional de Asunción; ArgentinaFil: Campi, M.. Universidad Nacional de Asunción; ArgentinaFil: Robledo, Gerardo Lucio. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Fundación Fungicosmos Www.fungicosmos.org; Argentin

    Stationary distributions of sums of marginally chaotic variables as renormalization group fixed points

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    We determine the limit distributions of sums of deterministic chaotic variables in unimodal maps assisted by a novel renormalization group (RG) framework associated to the operation of increment of summands and rescaling. In this framework the difference in control parameter from its value at the transition to chaos is the only relevant variable, the trivial fixed point is the Gaussian distribution and a nontrivial fixed point is a multifractal distribution with features similar to those of the Feigenbaum attractor. The crossover between the two fixed points is discussed and the flow toward the trivial fixed point is seen to consist of a sequence of chaotic band mergers.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Journal of Physics: Conf.Series (IOP, 2010


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    El desarrollo de un país con potencial de crecimiento es posible considerando como instrumento la gestión del conocimiento. En este marco, se plantea una Universidadque se relaciona y trabaja con la Comunidad, la Empresa y las Instituciones a las cuales ofrece sus servicios, educando al mismo tiempo. A través de dicha instancia se diseñan diversos modos de participación en el desarrollo, los que aparecen como respuesta a las necesidades de la comunidad y permiten la actuación de la Universidad en el medio social de una manera más comprometida y más ágil y en un entorno “versátil e inespacial”. La acción de dicha instancia está conformada por el diseño y gestión de los proyectos de desarrollo e innovación, las opciones de formación continua, con certificación de saberes y programas de capacitación específicos, que involucran a los profesores, investigadores, alumnos, formadores y consultores externos, contribuyendo a fortalecer el compromiso de la comunidad académica con la comunidad social. Así, el conocimiento es producido en el contexto dela aplicación, en una organización reticular, que se valida por su aplicación no solo en el contexto original, sino en los contextos sucesivos. Además, plantea la responsabilidad y la reflexión social ante los riesgos de aplicación de los descubrimientos científicos y es flexible y dinámico

    Renormalization group structure for sums of variables generated by incipiently chaotic maps

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    We look at the limit distributions of sums of deterministic chaotic variables in unimodal maps and find a remarkable renormalization group (RG) structure associated to the operation of increment of summands and rescaling. In this structure - where the only relevant variable is the difference in control parameter from its value at the transition to chaos - the trivial fixed point is the Gaussian distribution and a novel nontrivial fixed point is a multifractal distribution that emulates the Feigenbaum attractor, and is universal in the sense of the latter. The crossover between the two fixed points is explained and the flow toward the trivial fixed point is seen to be comparable to the chaotic band merging sequence. We discuss the nature of the Central Limit Theorem for deterministic variables.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Journal of Statistical Mechanic

    Microscopic description of quadrupole-octupole coupling in actinides with the Gogny-D1M energy density functional

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    The interplay between quadrupole and octupole degrees of freedom is discussed in a series of U, Pu, Cm and Cf isotopes both at the mean-field level and beyond. In addition to the static Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov approach, dynamical beyond-mean-field correlations are taken into account via both parity restoration and symmetry-conserving Generator Coordinate Method calculations based on the parametrization D1M of the Gogny energy density functional. Physical properties such as correlation energies, negative-parity excitation energies as well as reduced transition probabilities B(E1)B(E1) and B(E3)B(E3) are discussed in detail and compared with the available experimental data. It is shown that, for the studied nuclei, the quadrupole-octupole coupling is weak and to a large extent the properties of negative parity states can be reasonably well described in terms of the octupole degree of freedom alone.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure