10 research outputs found

    Analisis Conjoint Pairwise-comparison Untuk Mengetahui Tingkat Kepentingan Atribut Jasa Biro Perjalanan Wisata (Studi Kasus Beberapa SMA Negeri Di Kabupaten Klaten)

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    Competition in the business world travel agency today's increasingly stringent. Travel agency is a business that organizes tourist activities and other services related to the operation of the tour both domestically and abroad in a foreign country. To help business people of the travel agency in knowing and understanding consumer preferences on a combination of attributes of a travel agency conjoint analysis can be used. In this study conjoint analysis is used by using presentation method of pairwise-comparison. There are four attributes used in this analysis, they are bus facilities, agency facilities, hotel, and dining facilities. From the results of the analysis that obtained by the respondents, the most important attribute in selecting a travel agency is the dining attribute with a relative importance value of 38,02%. The next most important attribute according to the respondents is the attribute of the bus facility with a relative importance value of 28,46%, attributes agency facilities with a relative importance value of 19,58%, attributes the hotel facilities with a relative importance value of 13,94%. The combination of desired respondents in choosing or use the services of a travel agency is a travel agency with wifi bus facilities, hotel facilities with the large bed, an agency facility of video documentation and a buffet meal

    Preferensi dan Respons Fungsional Chelisoches Morio terhadap Larva Brontispa Longissima di Laboratorium Balai Proteksi Tanaman Perkebunan Pontianak

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    Brontispa longissima (Coleoptera : Chrysomelidae) merupakan salah satu hama penting tanaman kelapa yang memerlukan pengendalian, salah satu pengendalian yang ramah lingkungan adalah dengan memanfaatkan predator Chelisoches morio (Dermaptera : Chelisochidae). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi preferensi C. morio terhadap instar larva B. longissima dan mengkaji respons fungsionalnya. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Laboratorium BPTP Pontianak. Pengujian preferensi menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan 4 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan dianalisis dengan anova. Pengujian respons fungsional dilakukan dengan 5 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan dianalisis dengan regresi linier. Hasil uji preferensi menunjukkan bahwa C. morio memiliki preferensi tertinggi pada larva B. longissima instar 1 yaitu 10 ekor (100%), sedangkan preferensi C. morio terendah adalah pada larva instar 4 yaitu 2,25 ekor (22,5%). Hasil uji respons fungsional menunjukkan bahwa C. morio memiliki respons fungsional Holling tipe II {Ne = 0,820Nt/(1+0,024Nt)}. Namun respons fungsionalnya masih lemah karena nilai R rendah yaitu 0,167


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    Abstrak. Artikel ini membahas pentingnya kebahagiaan dalam kehidupan sebagaimana digambarkan dalam novel Eat, Pray, Love karya Elizabeth Gilbert. Penelitian ini menganalisis kehidupan seorang penulis yang sukses yang memiliki pengalaman tragis namun penuh pelajaran dalam usahanya mencari kebahagiaan sejati. Permasalahan yang diajukan meliputi perspektif kebahagiaan tokoh cerita serta penyebab dan akibat dari pencarian kebahagiaan tersebut. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kasus kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa perspektif tokoh tentang kebahagiaan meliputi: simple life, friendships, spiritual development, love of nature, kindness. Penyebab pencarian kebahagiaan meliputi unhappy marriage, insecure relationship, self-underestimate, and discontentment. Sementara akibat dari ketidakbahagiaan adalah feeling ungrateful, hurting others, depression and loneliness, spiritual pilgrimage.Keywords: theme analysis, pursuit of happines


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    Abstrak. Artikel ini membahas pentingnya kebahagiaan dalam kehidupan sebagaimana digambarkan dalam novel Eat, Pray, Love karya Elizabeth Gilbert. Penelitian ini menganalisis kehidupan seorang penulis yang sukses yang memiliki pengalaman tragis namun penuh pelajaran dalam usahanya mencari kebahagiaan sejati. Permasalahan yang diajukan meliputi perspektif kebahagiaan tokoh cerita serta penyebab dan akibat dari pencarian kebahagiaan tersebut. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kasus kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa perspektif tokoh tentang kebahagiaan meliputi: simple life, friendships, spiritual development, love of nature, kindness. Penyebab pencarian kebahagiaan meliputi unhappy marriage, insecure relationship, self-underestimate, and discontentment. Sementara akibat dari ketidakbahagiaan adalah feeling ungrateful, hurting others, depression and loneliness, spiritual pilgrimage.Keywords: theme analysis, pursuit of happines

    Preliminary Study On Gamma-ray Cargo Scanner Design For Indonesian Ports

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    Cargo scanning has become a popular method of preventing illicit goods from entering a particular country. The manual inspection system would consume time and cost; therefore, a non-intrusive inspection is desirable. The use of x-ray has replaced the manual system in many places, however, due to its nature of penetration, it cannot describe the content of the cargo precisely. The use of gamma-ray would increase the resolution image produces, hence verifying the content of the cargo as stated in the documents. Indonesia which has about 636 seaports has a high need for such system since smuggling of goods and human trafficking is very common in the country. Few existing gamma-ray cargo scanning systems have been installed in several ports in Indonesia, however, it is still imported and costs a fortune. The Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia initiates the development of such system with the increase of local content starting from its design until the manufacturing. This study will show the existing system and try to propose some mechanical and electrical user requirements for the system. The use of local content should become the primary consideration in the design to reduce the cost of the development. Keywords: Gamma Ray, Cargo Inspection, Securit