28 research outputs found

    Retos y experiencias de restauraci贸n fluvial en el 谩mbito de la Red Natura 2000

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    Este libro recoge las ponencias de las jornadas tituladas Gesti贸n y restauraci贸n de la Red Natura 2000 en el 谩mbito fluvial. Retos, oportunidades y experiencias que, organizadas por el Centro Ib茅rico de Restauraci贸n Fluvial (CIREF) y Wetlands International, se celebraron el 14 de septiembre de 2017 en Busturia, en el coraz贸n de la Reserva de la Biosfera de Urdaibai. El CIREF es una asociaci贸n sin 谩nimo de lucro que naci贸 en 2008 bajo el impulso de personas relacionadas con la investigaci贸n, gesti贸n y conservaci贸n de los r铆os desde el 谩mbito acad茅mico y de la administraci贸n, siguiendo el ejemplo de otros pa铆ses como Inglaterra (River Conservation Center, RCC), Italia (Centro italiano per la Riqualificazione fluviale, CIRF) o Dinamarca (Danish Centre for River Restoration, DCVR) y otros, con quienes conformamos el European Centre for River Restoration (ECRR). La conservaci贸n y restauraci贸n de los ecosistemas fluviales es, sin lugar a dudas, uno de los grandes retos ambientales actuales. Los r铆os, arroyos y ramblas ib茅ricos se encuentran, en mayor o menor medida, alejados de su nivel 贸ptimo ecol贸gico. De hecho, en la Pen铆nsula Ib茅rica al menos una tercera parte de estos ecosistemas est谩n fuertemente degradados, tanto en su estructura como en su funcionamiento. A pesar de los importantes avances realizados en la depuraci贸n de las aguas, la afecci贸n morfol贸gica de los r铆os y llanuras de inundaci贸n no s贸lo es grave, sino que contin煤a en la actualidad. As铆, han desaparecido el 60% de los humedales y miles de kil贸metros de llanuras de inundaci贸n que podr铆an ayudar a reducir, por ejemplo, los efectos de las inundaciones. A estas alteraciones se han de sumar el elevado n煤mero de embalses y azudes que modifican notablemente el h谩bitat, provocan la alteraci贸n del r茅gimen hidrol贸gico y fragmentan la continuidad de r铆os y arroyos

    Data_Sheet_1_5-HT4 receptor agonists treatment reduces tau pathology and behavioral deficit in the PS19 mouse model of tauopathy.PDF

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    BackgroundAccumulation of tau in synapses in the early stages of Alzheimer鈥檚 disease (AD) has been shown to cause synaptic damage, synaptic loss, and the spread of tau pathology through trans-synaptically connected neurons. Moreover, synaptic loss correlates with a decline in cognitive function, providing an opportunity to investigate therapeutic strategies to target synapses and synaptic tau to rescue or prevent cognitive decline in AD. One of the promising synaptic targets is the 5-HT4 serotonergic receptor present postsynaptically in the brain structures involved in the memory processes. 5-HT4R stimulation exerts synaptogenic and pro-cognitive effects involving synapse-to-nucleus signaling essential for synaptic plasticity. However, it is not known whether 5-HT4R activation has a therapeutic effect on tau pathology.MethodsThe goal of this study was to investigate the impact of chronic stimulation of 5-HT4R by two agonists, prucalopride and RS-67333, in PS19 mice, a model of tauopathy. We utilized gradient assays to isolate pre- and post-synaptic compartments, followed by biochemical analyses for tau species and ubiquitinated proteins in the synaptic compartments and total brain tissue. Next, we performed kinetic assays to test the proteasome鈥檚 hydrolysis capacity in treatment conditions. Moreover, behavioral tests such as the open field and non-maternal nest-building tests were used to evaluate anxiety-like behaviors and hippocampal-related cognitive functioning in the treatment paradigm.ResultsOur results show that 5-HT4R agonism reduced tauopathy, reduced synaptic tau, increased proteasome activity, and improved cognitive functioning in PS19 mice. Our data suggest that enhanced proteasome activity by synaptic mediated signaling leads to the enhanced turnover of tau initially within synapses where the receptors are localized, and over time, the treatment attenuated the accumulation of tau aggregation and improved cognitive functioning of the PS19 mice.ConclusionTherefore, stimulation of 5-HT4R offers a promising therapy to rescue synapses from the accumulation of toxic synaptic tau, evident in the early stages of AD.</p