33 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Keragaman Genetik Sembilan Varietas Rambutan (Nephelium Lappaceum) Dengan Marka Rapd - (Evaluation of Nine Rambutan (Nephelium Lappaceum) Varieties Genetic Diversity Using Rapd Markers)

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    Tingginya keragaman varietas rambutan menjadi salah satu potensi untuk mengembangkan varietas unggul baru. Akan tetapi, ketersediaan informasi keragaman genetik rambutan masih terbatas. Penggunaan teknik marka RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) menjadi pilihan untuk analisis keragaman genetik tanaman karena cepat, mudah dan efisien. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari keragaman rambutan koleksi KPN (Kebun Plasma Nutfah) LIPI secara genotipik. Sembilan varietas rambutan digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Hasil analisis dengan menggunakan enam marka RAPD menghasilkan total pita 45. Hasil analisis polimorfisme menunjukkan keragaman antar varietas sebesar 56,6% dan nilai PIC (Polymorphic Information Content) sebesar 0,2-0,5. Dendogram UPGMA (Unweighted Pair Group Methode Arithmetic) membagi sembilan varietas rambutan dalam dua kelompok dengan indeks kesamaan sebesar 85-95%. Kelompok satu merupakan jenis varietas Si Nyonya sedangkan kelompok kedua terdiri dari varietas Rapiah, Aceh Lebak, Unidentified, Binjai, Parakan, Si Macan, Aceh Pagar dan Lebak Bulus. Perbedaan kelompok ini diduga berkaitan dengan sifat kelekatan daging buah terhadap biji. Varietas Aceh Lebak memiliki kekerabatan paling dekat dengan varietas unidentified sebesar 95%

    Eksplorasi Marka SSR Terpaut Sifat Toleransi Padi Gogo Terhadap Alumunium

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    The objective of this research was to study molecular markers were linked to upland rice tolerance of Situ Patenggang x B11930F-TB2 against Al using SSR method. The plant materials were 36 lines of Situ Patenggang x B11930F-TB2 with categories tolerant, moderate, and susceptible to acid soil based on selection in East Lampung. IR6008032 line and ITA variety used as comparative control of tolerant and susceptible. The results showed that 40 primer pairs were applied to 36 lines and allegedly 3 primer pairs that are: RM205, RM257 and RM247 linked to Al tolerance. The markers location analysis on rice chromosome listed as follows: RM205 and RM257 were located on chromosome 9 and RM247 located on chromosome 12 with genetic distance 93,12 cM, 772.62 cM and 13,05 cM, respectively

    Seleksi Fenotipe Populasi Padi Gogo Untuk Hasil Tinggi, Toleran Alumunium Dan Tahan Blas Pada Tanah Masam

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    The aim of this research was to get upland rice lines with high yield, aluminum tolerance and resistance to blast. Genetic material used were 380 lines (F6) from six hybridization combinations evaluated under Al stress condition in environment endemic blast using augmented design with five randomized blocks. Performance of lines in the field and level of tolerance was tested. The results showed five genetic clusters formed from 380 lines of upland rice in a test based on quantitative characters. Cluster number 2 was the best cluster with characters: uniform growth vigor of plants, early flowering days, early maturing, medium plant height, high productive tillers, medium panicle length, high number of filled grain, the lowest of empty grains, high weight of 5 panicles and high yield potential. Aluminum tolerance and blast resistance were observed in almost all clusters. The lines in cluster 2 had the highest resistance to blast (98%) and tolerance to Al (94%)

    Structural Survey and Artificial Induction of Aloeswood

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    In vitro rumen fermentability kinetics of parboiled rice bran

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    Parboiled rice product has been widely produced by industry in the developing countries. The increasing of parboiled rice product will consequently increased rice bran waste. Therefore, the objective of the study was to analyze the effect of parboiling processes on nutritional value of rice bran and evaluate nutritional value of parboiled rice bran in the rumen fermentation using in vitro digestibility method. The experiment was arranged in completely randomized factorial design with 2 factors and 3 replications. The first factor is types of rice bran from different rice plant variety consisted of LIPI GO1, LIPI GO2, LIPI GO4, and Sintanur. The second factor is soaking time consist of 0 minute (control), 30 minutes and 60 minutes. Data were analyzed by using ANOVA and significant effects of each treatment were further analyzed by using the least significant difference by Duncan multiple range test (P<0.05). Kinetic parameters of Ørskov’s equation were obtained by non-linear regression procedure. Results showed that the quality of parboiled rice bran was significantly affected by the parboiling process such as soaking periods and rice variety. Chemical composition, rumen gas production, and digestibility of rice bran differ depends on rice variety. Soaking for 30 minutes and 60 minutes decreased organic matter, crude protein, and increased crude fiber (P<0.05). Moreover, soaking rice grain for 60 minutes increased crude fat. The longer of soaking periods decreased of total gas, potential gas production, gas production rate and total organic matter digestibility (P<0.05)