21 research outputs found

    Pemodelan Deteksi Penyakit Sirosis Hati dengan Menggunakan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan

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    Liver (liver) is the largest organ in the human body. In the hearts of many important processes occur in human life. Unfortunately, although the liver is essential for life, the liver is also susceptible to disease. Cirrhosis of the liver is one type of heart disease. Cirrhosis of the liver is a common chronic liver disease, caused by damage to the liver. Our research was made of a disease modeling to simulate using neural networks with backpropagation method to determine the causes and symptoms of liver cirrhosis. Modeling is expected to detect the disease early cirrhosis of the liver so it can be preventative or further action

    The Differences in Subjective Well-being in Dry Land Farmers Assessed From Land Owners and Tenant in Manulai II Village

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    Abstrac. A farmer's welfare can vary from farmer to farmer. Where a farmer can be said to be prosperous if the farmer can evaluate his life in a positive way and is satisfied with the life he has. Where life satisfaction is individual satisfaction that is comprehensive and very basic, as well as how the individual sees himself and his life. Subjective well-being also consists of two components, namely, a cognitive component (life satisfaction) and an affective component. The affective component consists of two parts, namely positive and negative effects. This study aims to see differences in the subjective well-being of dry land farmers in terms of land owners and renters. The subjects in this study were 100 farmers in Manulai II Village. Subjective well-being was measured using a research scale conducted by Hanggoro , 2015. The research hypothesis was tenant using a different test . The results of the analysis show that there are differences in the subjective well-being of land farmers and tenant farmers in Manulai II Village. Where sig (2-tailed) at 0, 00

    The Students' Obstacle On Synchronous Lms– Online English Learning During Pandemic

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    In this pandemic, learning materials in 21st-century education are the main obstacles to improving students' quality. The government program followed up that schools were encouraged to hold online classes. The new situation poses several online learning challenges that do not always provide excitement for students when they have to adjust to the pace of learning. Online learning facilitates interaction between teachers and students to conduct language learning in real-time and interactively through online digital platforms such as video, voice calls, and communication via WhatsApp to deliver the material. In addition, speaking and learning strategies on study English as a foreign language for students to actively participate in class. Therefore, the expectations of both students and teachers regarding whether online synchronous classes are effectively implemented or not have not been sufficiently fulfilled. The researcher seeks to investigate the possible challenges in synchronous-online English learning according to students' perceptions. Researchers conducted a survey using observations, questionnaires, and interviews to collect data. Several participants were interviewed on students. The challenge consists of three major problems: technical challenges, situational challenges, and language anxiety. During the home learning strategies program, students revealed that they had different abilities to take online courses simultaneously due to their background and previous experience. However, most students have a desire to maintain strategies to improve their online learning strategies performance and to cope with changing situations. Similarly, the three grand strategies for dealing with their challenges include self-control, external control, and academic strategies. In addition, most students prefer to have asynchronous online classes over synchronous classes because of their flexibility

    Proses dan Makna Simbol Ritual Munjong Dayak Tobag

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    Masyarakat Tebang Benua memiliki tradisi mengucap syukur setelah dilakukannya  pemanenan padi. Di setiap prosesi tradisi terdapat pemberian sesajen, sesajen tersebut  memuat bagaimana proses ritual dan makna simbol yang menjadi kearifan lokal. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan proses dan makna simbol pada ritual Munjong Dayak Tobag. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif  dan dijabarkan secara deskriptif. Sumber  data  dalam penelitian dari Pati Adat, Temenggung yaitu orang-orang penting yang mempunyai peran khusus dalam acara ritual Munjong tersebut.  Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah teknik observasi non partisipan, wawancara  tidak  terstruktur,  dokumentasi. Alat  pengumpulan  data yang digunakan yaitu lembar observasi, pedoman wawancara, dokumentasi. Teknik validitas data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik triagulasi sumber dan analisis datanya menggunakan analisis interaktif yang terdiri dari pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa ritual Munjong ini merupakan ritual sebagai ungkapan syukur atas hasil panen padi yang selama ini mereka tanam. Simbol dalam ritual sesajen yang sudah disiapkan yaitu sebagai persembahan rasa syukur kepada Tuhan  Yang  Maha  Esa atas  limpahan hasil padi mereka. Makna tradisi dalam ritual ini adalah ungkapan rasa syukur masyarakat Dayak Tobag atas hasil panen padi mereka yang baik. Dalam pelaksanaan ritual ini yang berpartisipasi adalah Kepala Adat, Pati Adat dan Temenggung

    Detailed characterisation of fouling deposition and removal on a hollow fibre membrane by direct observation technique

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    Direct observation (DO) technique allowed the visualisation of fouling deposition and rem oval in rea I time and in a non-invasive manner. The DO setup was relatively simple and featured a crossflow hollow fibre membrane module, a microscope and a video camera, Transmembrane pressure (TMP) and fouling height were observed to characterise in detail the mechanisms of fouling deposition. At the end of the bentonite filtration at crossflow velocity (CFV) of 4 mm/s, the fouling thickness was measured as 85 mu m. Specific cake resistance was calculated by taking into account the cake height measurements with this technique. The DO technique also allowed unique insights into the mechanisms related to the fouling removal. The effect of bentonite concentrations were assessed to provide credibility of the technique

    Detailed characterisation of fouling deposition and removal on hollow fibre membrane by direct observation technique

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    A direct observation method has been used to study fouling deposition and removal during the filtration of solutions modelling MBR foulants. The method enabled in-situ observation tangentially to the surface of hollow fibre membranes, so that cake height during filtration and cleaning could be clearly quantified, and the dynamics of backwashing on foulants during their removal could be observed. Exciting phenomena occurred during fouling removal, the backwashing force and crossflow shear caused cake expansion followed by fluidisation of the fouling layer. While solution turbidity remains a limiting factor in its application, this non-invasive direct observation technique offers significant potential for further MBR studies, such as filtration of activated sludge, and effects of filtration mode and of bubbling


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    Abstract : Liver (liver) is the largest organ in the human body. In the hearts of many important processes occur in human life. Unfortunately, although the liver is essential for life, the liver is also susceptible to disease. Cirrhosis of the liver is one type of heart disease. Cirrhosis of the liver is a common chronic liver disease, caused by damage to the liver. Our research was made of a disease modeling to simulate using neural networks with backpropagation method to determine the causes and symptoms of liver cirrhosis. Modeling is expected to detect the disease early cirrhosis of the liver so it can be preventative or further action. Keywords: liver, cirrhosis of the liver, neural networks, backpropagation

    Pelatihan Daur Ulang Sampah Plastikmenjadi Kerajinan Tangan yang Menarik

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    Permasalahan mitra pada kegiatan ini yakni terkait dengan kebiasaan masyarakat seperti membuang sampah plastik tidak pada tempatnya, sampah plastik di buang di sungai, sampah plastik di kubur, sampah plastikdi bakar. Dengan kebiasaan masyarakat tersebut maka akan menimbulkan berbagai macam polusi baik polusi udara, polusi tanah, maupun polusi air. serta dapat merusak biota yang ada di air dan di laut. Maka diberikan pelatihan daur ulang sampah plastik untuk ibu-ibu PKK di desa Bheramari menjadi berbagai jenis bunga.Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk mengurangi sampah plastik dan agar dapat meningkatkan keterampilan ibu-ibu PKK di desa Bheramari serta dapat menambah ekonomi keluarga. Metode yang digunakan adalah langsung praktek membuat berbagai jenis bunga sesui dengan langka-langkah yang telah berikan. Hasilnya ibu-ibu PKK berhasil membuat berbagai jenis bunga dan sudah terjual