102 research outputs found

    Interaksi Komunikatif dalam Pelaporan Kasus Kehilangan di Sentra Pelayanan Kepolisian Terpadu Polres Jember: suatu Studi Etnografi Komunikasi

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    Interaksi komunikatif di pelayanan publik merupakan salah satu proses utama dalam kegiatan pelayanan khususnya pelayanan yang diselenggarakan pemerintah. Interaksi komunikatif tersebut salah satunya terjadi dalam pelayanan pelaporan dan pengaduan di Sentra Pelayanan Kepolisian Terpadu (SPKT). Salah satu peristiwa interaksi komunikatif di SPKT terjadi ketika adanya pelayanan pelaporan kasus kehilangan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan etnografi komunikasi yang bersifat kualitatif untuk mengungkap keaslian interaksi komunikatif yang terbangun di SPKT Polres Jember. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pola-pola komunikasi yang terbangun dalam interaksi komunikatif pelaporan kasus kehilangan bersifat efisien, singkat, dan tanpa pergantian peran yang signifikan. Hal ini bersesuaian dengan tujuan pelaporan

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Dosen Berprestasi dengan Metode Simple Additive Weighting

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     The selection of outstanding lecturers at the Djadajat Maritime Academy in Jakarta is concerned with improving the quality of lecturers, so the Academy has qualified lecturers. The criteria used in the selection of outstanding lecturers are education criteria, academic position, number of certificates, and length of teaching. The decision support system of lecturer achievement is using Simple Additive Weighting method by making matrix value paired for each criterion. The value of the matrix in pairs of results should be consistent. The lecturer appraisal data will be calculated with the matrix value in pairs and the result of the calculation will appear in the form of a rating rating. With lecturer data of 20 lecturers. Rating of the highest lecturer, is entitled to become an outstanding lecturer at the Djadajat Maritime Academy in Jakarta.  Keywords:  Decision   Support System, Lecturer Achievement, Simple Additive Weighting (SAW

    Pengaruh Pelayanan Pembuatan E-ktp terhadap Kepuasan Masyarakat Studi Kasus di Kecamatan Dramaga Kabupaten Bogor

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    The creation of the e-ID CARD issued by the Government in this regard the Ministry of Interior gave the side the ease in making Residents Sign Cards (KTP) as official proof of identification for every citizen. The technique of data collection undertaken by way of ask a few questions or written statement to the respondent the owner or user of the e-ID CARD around the area of Kecamatan Dramaga, Bogor. From the analysis, the determination of the coefficient of 0,199 obtainable. 19.9% it means that the variable satisfaction celebrated influenced by quality of service, while the 80,1% community satisfaction variables affected by other variables that are not discussed in this stud

    Implementasi Sistem Informasi Angsuran Kredit Mobil (Studi Kasus PT Asrindo Jaya Jakarta)

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    Eiring semakin ketatnya persaingan antara penjualan produk yang sejenis khususnya kendaraan roda empat, PT Asrindo Jaya yang merupakan salah satu showroom mobil yang beralamat di jalan raya cipayung no 22 rt 003/05 Cipayung Jakarta Timur perlu membuat sebuh inovasi dan improvement dalam melakukan strategi pemasaran untuk meningkatkan minat pembelian konsumen akan produk yang ditawarkan. Media periklanan merupakan salah stategi pemasaran yang digunakan showroom PT Asrindo Jaya dalam memasarkan kendaraan mobil yang ditawarkan. Memberikan pelayanan yang lebih ke konsumen dan menyajikan berbagai informasi ke konsumen merupakan strategi yang jitu dalam menarik konsumen. Saat ini mengalami kesulitan dalam pemasaran, kesulitan dalam melakukan olah data kredit dan ketelitian serta kecepatan dan ketepatan dalam menghitung simulasi angsuran kredit. Dalam penelitian ini merupakan media alat bantu untuk memenuhi salah satu strategi pemasaran di showroom PT Asrindo Jaya. Dengan dibuatnya web Sistem Informasi Angsuran Kredit Mobil Berbasis Web Pada PT Asrindo Jaya Jakarta ini diharapkan dapat memenuhi keinginan pihak showroom untuk menarik konsumen

    Thyroid Hormone and Blood Metabolites Concentrations of Broiler Chickens Subjected to Feeding Time Restriction

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    The present study was conducted to determine the effect of feeding time restriction on thyroid hormone and blood metabolites concentration of broiler chickens during feed restriction and realimentation period. Four hundred of 7 days-old unsexed broiler chicken of Lohmann commercial strain were arranged in a completely randomized design with 5 treatments and analyzed based on ANOVA. The treatments were: chicks fed ad libitum as a control treatment (R-0); chicks had free access to feed during two periods of 2 h (08:00-10:00 and 16:00-18:00) from 7-14 d of age (R-1) and 7-21 d of age (R-2); chicks had free access to feed during two periods of 4 h (08:00-12:00 and 16:00-20:00) from 7-14 d of age (R-3) and 7-21 d of age (R-4). The treatments consisted of 4 replicates with 20 chicks each. During feeding time restriction from 7 to 21 d of age, thyroid hormone and albumin plasma concentration of R-2 and R-4 were lower (P3 and T4) and blood metabolite (albumin) decreased during feeding time restriction for 4 and 8 h per d from 7 to 21 d of age and it returns to normal during realimentation period

    Analisis Efisiensi Ekonomi USAhatani Padi Organik dan Konvensional di Kabupaten Tasikmalaya

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the economic efficiency of organic rice farming compared conventional rice farming. This study conducted using a cross section data from 100 farmers in Tasikmalaya Regency. The farmers are selected using proportionate stratified random sampling technique which is divided into equal size of two levels. Study was performed using stochastic frontier production function and estimated by Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) method. The result showed that the mean economic efficiency of the organic farmers (0,53) is higher compared conventional farmers (0.43). Cost saving of seed and high production in organic farming as a source of gain in economic efficiency. Knowledge on the factors influencing farm efficiency is crucial for policy makers to improving efficiency levels

    Program Peningkatan Jiwa Wirausaha melalui Pelatihan Pembuatan Produk Alat Permainan Edukatif (Ape) Berbahan Dasar Koran Bekas Bagi Wali Murid Paud Matahari di Kecamatan Situbondo

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    Jiwa wirausaha perlu untuk ditingkatkan di masyarakat untuk menumbuhkembangkan jumlah UMKM yang ada di Kabupaten Situbondo khususnya di Kecamatan Situbondo oleh sebab itu dalam pelaksanaan program pengabdian pada masyarakat (PPM) diarahkan pada Pelatihan pembuatan Alat permainan edukatif (APE) berbahan dasar limbah kertas yang diberikan pada Wali murid PAUD Matahari.  APE merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dalam pembelajaran anak di TK. Ketersediaan alat permainan tersebut sangat menunjang terselenggaranya pembelajaran anak secara efektif dan menyenangkan sehingga anak-anak dapat mengembangkan berbagai potensi yang dimilikinya secara optimal,  yang menjadi latar belakang permasalahan yaitu minimnya pengetahuan, kemampuan, pengalaman dan kreatifitas , peluang usaha produk berbahan limbah kertas ini sangat tinggi bidang pengolahan limbah kertas atau koran bekas berbasis industri rumahtangga, pendapatan wali murid PAUD matahari masih minim dan yang paling utama adalah banyaknya limbah koran yang dhasilkan oleh masyarakat sekitar. Pelaksanaan  kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat (PPM)  ini tidak hanya diberikan pelatihan-pelatihan pembuatan APE namun juga diberikan beberapa pelatihan lainnya yang pertama  pelatihan produksi limbah menjadi beberapa produk APE dan kerajinan lainnya yaitu pengantar hukum bisnis, manajemen keuangan, pemasaran produk dan manajemen produksi. Luaran yang dicapai yaitu meningkatnya pengetahuan, kemampuan , pengalaman dan kreatifitas wali murid PAUD Matahari dalam mengelola limbah koran bekas menjadi alat permainan edukatif (APE), Terbukanya peluang usaha baru  khususnya bagi wali murid dan guru, meningkatnya  pendapatan dari hasil penjualan produk APE, limbah Koran yang dhasilkan oleh masyarakat sekitar dapat dimanfaatkan secara baik dan secara umum bisa membuka lapangan pekerjaan baru di masyarakat

    Instalasi dan Konfigurasi Jaringan Vsat Menggunakan Modem Gilat pada PT. Indo Pratama Teleglobal Jakarta

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    PT.Indo Teleglobal is one vendor that specializes in infrastructure and internet service providers. Customer or Client in Sorong and Jayapura need internet service to send data or information to the central office in Jakarta where they are constrained by geographical conditions and do not allow for the use of optic fiber (FO). Overcoming the problems it is given the service of Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT). In addition to sending data or browsing, VSAT is also used to communicate with headquarters in Jakarta by using voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP) that the system connections through sateliite . Compared with terrestrial data communications network, data communication network via satellite has many advantages, among them capable of handling wide area communications network.The author uses research methods that include requirements analysis, design, testing and implementation

    Minangkabaunese matrilineal: The correlation between the Qur’an and gender

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    Upon previous research, the matrilineal system seems to oppose Islamic teaching. However, the matrilineal system practiced by the Minangkabau society in West Sumatra, Indonesia has its uniqueness. Thus, this study aims to examine the correlation between the Qur’an and gender roles within the context of Minangkabau customs, specifically focusing on the matrilineal aspect. The present study employs qualitative methods for conducting library research through critical analysis. This study discovered that the matrilineal system practiced by the Minangkabau society aligns with Qur’anic teachings that respect the position of women in Islam. In the matrilineal system of Minangkabau, women hold significant strength and play an influential role in cultural and traditional practices. The Minangkabau tribe’s matrilineal system encompasses three key elements: marriage, inheritance and offspring. The marriage system is exogamous. Additionally, the practice of marriage is localised, with the husband typically residing in the wife’s household. Their inheritance is divided into pusako tinggi [from ancestors from generation to generation] and pusako randah (from the efforts of married couple). Women get pusako tinggi as they serve as protectors and a symbol of their community. In comparison, men take the responsibility of overseeing its preservation to prevent any form of misuse. Pusako randah is distributed as Islamic teaching. Lineage determination is primarily based on paternal lineage, aligning with Islamic teaching. Upon comprehensive analysis, it becomes evident that there is no conflict between the matrilineal system and Islamic teachings, particularly concerning principles of gender equality. Both women and men have significant roles, as the Qur’an provides extensive explanations regarding gender equality. Contribution: This research holds significant findings in establishing a great relation between Islamic teachings based on the Qur’an and the matrilineal principles practiced by the Minangkabau tribe

    Perkembangan Industri Gula Indonesia dan Urgensi Swasembada Gula Nasional

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    Indonesia Sugar Indonesia experiences declining trend since year early 1930 until thisrecent years. It describes by the low of productivity level such as sugar yield, rendemen andthe increasing demand of sugar import. Facing those facts, therefore it is important to studythe development of of sugar industry in Indonesia and the importance of achieving sugarself sufficiency program. In order that, this articles show the big picture of Indonesia sugarindustry and how they interrelated with the sugar self-sufficiency program.Keywords: sugar, self-sufficiency program, sugar developmen
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