408 research outputs found

    Extraction of the Spin Glass Correlation Length

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    The peak of the spin glass relaxation rate, S(t)=d{-M_{TRM}(t,t_w)}/H/{d ln t}, is directly related to the typical value of the free energy barrier which can be explored over experimental time scales. A change in magnetic field H generates an energy E_z={N_s}{X_fc}{H^2} by which the barrier heights are reduced, where X_{fc} is the field cooled susceptibility per spin, and N_s is the number of correlated spins. The shift of the peak of S(t) gives E_z, generating the correlation length, Ksi(t,T), for Cu:Mn 6at.% and CdCr_{1.7}In_{0.3}S_4. Fits to power law dynamics, Ksi(t,T)\propto {t}^{\alpha(T)} and activated dynamics Ksi(t,T) \propto {ln t}^{1/psi} compare well with simulation fits, but possess too small a prefactor for activated dynamics.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Department of Physics, University of California, Riverside, California, and Service de Physique de l'Etat Condense, CEA Saclay, Gif sur Yvette, France. To appear in Phys. Rev. Lett. January 4, 199

    Double polarization hysteresis loop induced by the domain pinning by defect dipoles in HoMnO3 epitaxial thin films

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    We report on antiferroelectriclike double polarization hysteresis loops in multiferroic HoMnO3 thin films below the ferroelectric Curie temperature. This intriguing phenomenon is attributed to the domain pinning by defect dipoles which were introduced unintentionally during film growth process. Electron paramagnetic resonance suggests the existence of Fe1+ defects in thin films and first principles calculations reveal that the defect dipoles would be composed of oxygen vacancy and Fe1+ defect. We discuss migration of charged point defects during film growth process and formation of defect dipoles along ferroelectric polarization direction, based on the site preference of point defects. Due to a high-temperature low-symmetry structure of HoMnO3, aging is not required to form the defect dipoles in contrast to other ferroelectrics (e.g., BaTiO3).Comment: 4 figure

    Growth of a dynamical correlation length in an aging superspin glass

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    We report on zero field cooled magnetization relaxation experiments on a concen- trated frozen ferrofluid exhibiting a low temperature superspin glass transition. With a method initially developed for spin glasses, we investigate the field dependence of the relaxations that take place after different aging times. We extract the typical number of correlated spins involved in the aging dynamics. This brings important insights into the dynamical correlation length and its time growth. Our results, consistent with expressions obtained for spin glasses, extend the generality of these behaviours to the class of superspin glasses. Since the typical flipping time is much larger for superspins than for atomic spins, our experiments probe a time regime much closer to that of numerical simulations

    Magnetic oxide semiconductors

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    Magnetic oxide semiconductors, oxide semiconductors doped with transition metal elements, are one of the candidates for a high Curie temperature ferromagnetic semiconductor that is important to realize semiconductor spintronics at room temperature. We review in this paper recent progress of researches on various magnetic oxide semiconductors. The magnetization, magneto-optical effect, and magneto-transport such as anomalous Hall effect are examined from viewpoint of feasibility to evaluate the ferromagnetism. The ferromagnetism of Co-doped TiO2 and transition metal-doped ZnO is discussed.Comment: 26 pages, 5 tables, 6 figure

    Evidences Against Temperature Chaos in Mean Field and Realistic Spin Glasses

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    We discuss temperature chaos in mean field and realistic 3D spin glasses. Our numerical simulations show no trace of a temperature chaotic behavior for the system sizes considered. We discuss the experimental and theoretical implications of these findings.Comment: 4 pages in aps format. 6 .ps figures. It is better to print the paper in colou

    Numerical Study on Aging Dynamics in the 3D Ising Spin-Glass Model. II. Quasi-Equilibrium Regime of Spin Auto-Correlation Function

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    Using Monte Carlo simulations, we have studied isothermal aging of three-dimensional Ising spin-glass model focusing on quasi-equilibrium behavior of the spin auto-correlation function. Weak violation of the time translational invariance in the quasi-equilibrium regime is analyzed in terms of {\it effective stiffness} for droplet excitations in the presence of domain walls. Within the range of computational time window, we have confirmed that the effective stiffness follows the expected scaling behavior with respect to the characteristic length scales associated with droplet excitations and domain walls, whose growth law has been extracted from our simulated data. Implication of the results are discussed in relation to experimental works on ac susceptibilities.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure

    Field-Shift Aging Protocol on the 3D Ising Spin-Glass Model: Dynamical Crossover between the Spin-Glass and Paramagnetic States

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    Spin-glass (SG) states of the 3-dimensional Ising Edwards-Anderson model under a static magnetic field hh are examined by means of the standard Monte Carlo simulation on the field-shift aging protocol at temperature TT. For each process with (T; \tw, h), \tw being the waiting time before the field is switched on, we extract the dynamical crossover time, \tcr(T; \tw, h). We have found a nice scaling relation between the two characteristic length scales which are properly determined from \tcr and \tw and then are normalized by the static field crossover length introduced in the SG droplet theory. This scaling behavior implies the instability of the SG phase in the equilibrium limit even under an infinitesimal hh. In comparison with this numerical result the field effect on real spin glasses is also discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, jpsj2, Changed conten

    Modes and Mechanisms of Pacific Decadal-Scale Variability

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    The modes of Pacific decadal-scale variability (PDV), traditionally defined as statistical patterns of variance, reflect to first order the ocean's integration (i.e., reddening) of atmospheric forcing that arises from both a shift and a change in strength of the climatological (time-mean) atmospheric circulation. While these patterns concisely describe PDV, they do not distinguish among the key dynamical processes driving the evolution of PDV anomalies, including atmospheric and ocean teleconnections and coupled feedbacks with similar spatial structures that operate on different timescales. In this review, we synthesize past analysis using an empirical dynamical model constructed from monthly ocean surface anomalies drawn from several reanalysis products, showing that the PDV modes of variance result from two fundamental low-frequency dynamical eigenmodes: the North Pacific-central Pacific (NP-CP) and Kuroshio-Oyashio Extension (KOE) modes. Both eigenmodes highlight how two-way tropical-extratropical teleconnection dynamics are the primary mechanisms energizing and synchronizing the basin-scale footprint of PDV. While the NP-CP mode captures interannual- to decadal-scale variability, the KOE mode is linked to the basin-scale expression of PDV on decadal to multidecadal timescales, including contributions from the South Pacific. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Marine Science, Volume 15 is January 2023. Please see http://www.annualreviews.org/page/journal/pubdates for revised estimates

    Critical Behavior of the Three-Dimensional Ising Spin Glass

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    We have simulated, using parallel tempering, the three dimensional Ising spin glass model with binary couplings in a helicoidal geometry. The largest lattice (L=20) has been studied using a dedicated computer (the SUE machine). We have obtained, measuring the correlation length in the critical region, a strong evidence for a second-order finite temperature phase transition ruling out other possible scenarios like a Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transition. Precise values for the ν\nu and η\eta critical exponents are also presented.Comment: RevTex; 12 pages plus 5 ps figures. Final version to be published in PR
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