7 research outputs found

    Aerobic Exercise Treatment Model as an Attempt to Improve Promotif and Preventive Functions of Pulmonary Capacity

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    Pulmonary function respiration system as important in the human body, the function provides oxygen (O2) from the outside of the body for the process of cell metabolism and removing carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) from the body. Function lung capacity is influenced by genetic, age, gender, height, pulmonary disease, smoking habit and custom of the sport. Aerobic exercises are done routinely run will cause the change form on the muscular system, circulatory system, cardiovascular system and ability of lung capacity function.  Response to aerobic exercise against pulmonary function capacity depending on exercise intensity, duration and frequency of exercise. The purpose of this research is to know the influence of aerobic exercise against pulmonary function capacity. This research is Experimental Quasy Study, with design of Pretest-Posttest with control group design. The sample amounted to 35 people. The results of the statistical analysis show that there is a significant influence of aerobic exercise to increased lung capacity function. The mean FVC after sports increased 1, 10% with p value = 0,017 and average FEV1 after sports increased 0, 23% with p value = 0,005. Time duration of exercise indicates the absence of effect on the changes in pulmonary function capacity (FVC p value = 0,494 and FEV1 p value = 0,805). Frequency of exercise 3 times a week showed the existence of significant influence towards increasing lung capacity function (FVC p value = 0,001 and  FEV1 p value = 0,000). Key words: aerobic Exercise, time duration, frequency, FVC (Forced Vital Capacity), FEV1 (Forced Expiratory Volume in One Second

    The Influence of Individual Characteristics and Work Posture toward Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) to the Inpatient Nurse in X Hospital Area of Surabaya

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    Nurse becomes one of the high-risk jobs for Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) than other jobs. The transfer of patients has been identified as a contributing factor to the Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) on nurses, especially pain in the lower back, neck, and shoulders. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of individual characteristics and work posture toward Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) in the nurse in the X hospital, especially in inpatient. This study was an observational analytic study. Data collected by using Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) and the Nordic Body Map questionnaires were administered before and after working for 3 days in a row. Descriptive statistics and statistical analysis of categorical regression was used to analyze the data of this study. Statistical analysis showed the influence of individual characteristics and work posture together to MSDs of 47.4% (R square = 0.474). The factors that most influence on MSDs: gender and work posture, then work period and age. MSDs complaints ranging from the highest in a row that the lower back (72.2%), upper back (66.67%), upper neck (58.33%), and hip (38.89%). Individual characteristics and work posture influence on MSDs and most influential variables: gender and work posture. Efforts to provide mechanical aids and periodic training to nurses on patient transfer techniques can be performed by the hospital to prevent MSDs in nurses

    Analysis The Influence Of Safety Incentive And Safe Behavior In Improving Safety Performance At Lng Company Bontang East Borneo

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    One of the largest LNG plants in the world located in Bontang East Borneo. As a form of commitment from top and middle management to prevent and reduce accidents in LNG Company continue to make improvements in all areas, one of which runs safety incentive programs. The aim of this study was to analysis the influence of safety incentive and safe behavior towards safety performance. This study uses a quantitative method with cross sectional. Population of this study were 947 workers uses roportional Simple Random Sampling technique by the sample size were 90 workers. Data were collected by questionnaire. The results of the study showed (54.4 %) had levels of safety incentive a good understanding, (54.4%) of respondents have a good safe behavior based on the suitability of the use of PPE, the operation of the tool according to the SOP and (54.4%) has a good safety performance. Some variables safe behavior, safety incentive, knowledge about OHS (Occupational Health Safety), perception and motivation has significant influence on safety performance. Variables safety incentive, perception of the danger, and motivat ion has influence on safe behavior. The variable knowledge about OHS has not significant influence on safe behavior. The study showed the influence of safety incentive and safe behavior towards safety performance. Therefore, required increase safe behavior through training BBS (Behavior Based Safety

    Systematic review: detoxification of free radicals from ionizing radiation with glutathione intake

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    Introduction: Radiation is the process of introducing energy that has a detrimental effect. If radiation hits the human body, radiation can ionize. If radiation penetrates body tissues, it can cause ionization and generate free radicals. Glutathione is one form of antioxidant-rich intake. Purpose: To determine the effect glutathione intake on the detoxification of free radicals from ionizing radiation. Methods: The inclusion criteria used are the population of rats, clinical trials, articles published between 2012 and 2022 and English. While the exclusion criteria used are title, abstract, free access and full text. Data sources are from PubMed, Scopus, Science Direct, and Google Scholar. Literature review writing starts from September 2022. Results: Based on a literature review conducted on 5 articles, it was found that total data using keywords the effect of free radical detoxification from ionizing radiation (n= 104) data focused on glutathione intake (n=96), searched based on exclusion criteria (n=44), search based on inclusion criteria (n=7), number of articles synthesized and analyzed (5). Conclusions: There is a direct effect of glutathione intake on the detoxification of free radicals from ionizing radiation. There is limited evidence so further research is needed on the effect of glutathione intake on free radical detoxification by testing the levels of free radicals and antioxidants in cells

    Systematics review: effect ethanol to dna methylation

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    Aims: The purpose of writing a literature review is to determine the relationship between the effects of ethanol exposure on DNA methylation in embryos. Methods: (1) The inclusion criteria used were free full text, without comparison, Outcomes: DNA Methylation, research articles, published between 2012-2022, and using English. While the exclusion criteria used were abstract, there were comparisons, not research articles, and did not use English. (2) The data source comes from PubMed, writing this literature review begins on May 16, 2022. Results: Total data based on searches using the keywords "Ethanol" AND "DNA Methylation" (n=278), focusing on embryos (n=13), research articles and free full text (n=8), and inclusion criteria (n=5). Discussion: (1) There is a relationship between the effect of ethanol exposure on DNA methylation in embryos. (2) There is limited evidence so that original research research on the subject is needed. Conclusions: (1) There is a relationship between the effect of ethanol exposure on DNA methylation in embryos. (2) Exposure to ethanol affects gene expression changes in the hippocampus, bone marrow, and major olfactory epithelium. (3) The effects of ethanol can be reduced by taking betaine supplements