24 research outputs found

    Identifikasi dan Pengendalian Jamur Busuk Putih Buah Salak dengan Ekstrak Bunga Kecombrang (Nicolaia Speciosa)

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    One of the important disease on snakefruit (Salacca edulis) is fruit rot disease with white symptom. Control of snake fruit diseases is better when natural compounds rather than chemicals pesticide were used which might cause consumer hazard. Several of plant extract i.e. from Zingiberaceae which have antimicrobial activity had been studied. The purpose of this study were to identify the pathogen of white rot and to know the effect of torch ginger's flower (Nicolaia speciosa) extract on disease development. The spores was identified under microscopic condition from diseased fruits and isolates. Torch ginger's flowers was extracted in ethanol. After removal of the ethanol the crude extract was dissolved with distilled water. Food Poisoned Technique was done to evaluate its influence in vitro. Both detached and clustered fruits were sprayed with the extract then inoculated with the pathogen. The result showed that the pathogen was Chalaropsis sp. Detached snakefruit was more susceptible to Chalaropsis sp. infection than those in cluster. In vitro test showed 48–50 % of torch ginger's flower extract in water inhibit 90% of colony growth. The extract inhibited the development of Chalaropsis sp. in detached snakefruit or in cluster ones. Concentrated extract protected snakefruit up to 100% from Chalaropsis sp. infection. Salah satu penyakit penting yang menurunkan tingkat pemasaran buah salak adalah penyakit busuk buah dengan gejala jamur putih. Pengendalian penyakit ini dengan bahan nabati lebih baik dibandingkan dengan pestisida kimia yang berbahaya bagi konsumen. Penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan bahwa tanaman dari keluarga Zingeberaceae antara lain bunga kecombrang mengandung senyawa antimikroba. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penyebab penyakit jamur putih pada buah salak dan pengaruh ekstrak bunga kecombrang untuk pengendalian penyakit tersebut. Identifikasi patogen secara mikroskopi dilakukan secara korekan langsung dan dari isolat. Bunga kecombrang diekstrak dengan cara Soxhlet dalam alkohol. Alkohol diuapkan dengan rotavapor dan ekstrak kasar dilarutkan dalam air suling. Pengujian pengaruh ekstrak bunga kecombrang dilakukan secara in vitro dan penyemprotan pada buah yang sudah dipetik dan buah pada tandan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa patogen busuk putih buah salak adalah Chalaropsis sp. Buah salak lepas tandan lebih rentan terhadap infeksi Chalaropsis dari pada yang masih menempel. Berdasarkan pengujian in vitro, ekstrak bunga kecombrang pada konsentrasi 48–50% dapat menghambat pertumbuhan koloni Chalaropsis sp. hingga 90 %. Penyemprotan ekstrak bunga kecombrang mampu menghambat pertumbuhan Chalaropsis sp. pada buah salak lepas tandan atau yang menempel tandan. Ekstrak pekat dapat 100% melindungi buah salak dari infeksi oleh Chalaropsis sp

    Uji Pengendalian Penyakit Layu Fusarium Pisang (Fusarium Oxysporum F. SP. Cubense) dengan Asam Fosfit dan Aluminium-Fosetil

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    The aims of the research is to know the effect of phosphite acid and fosetyl-aluminium fungicides on Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense (Foc) in vitro and the effect of these fungicides to fusarium wilt of banana. The experiments consist of in vitro and in planta tests. Fungicides concentrations used were 0; 500; 1,000; 2,000; and 4,000 ppm. Isolate tested was A13 isolate Foc on 4 months old Cavendish cultivar banana seedlings. The result showed that phosphite acid was better than fosetyl aluminium in reducing mycelium growth in vitro. Its also inhibited disease development in banana seedling. The phosphite acid and fosetyl-aluminium increased the resistance of banana Cavendish cultivar to fusarium wilt. Its because the two fungicides are working systemic fungicides.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh fungisida asam fosfit dan aluminium-fosetil terhadap pertumbuhan jamur Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense (Foc) in vitro dan pengaruh fungisida tersebut terhadap penyakit layu fusarium pada tanaman pisang. Penelitian ini terdiri dari 5 perlakuan kepekatan fungisida, yaitu 0 ppm (kontrol), 500 ppm, 1000 ppm, 2000 ppm, dan 4000 ppm. Isolat jamur yang digunakan yaitu Foc A13. Bahan tanaman adalah bibit pisang kultivar Cavendish asal kultur jaringan 4 bulan setelah aklimatisasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fungisida asam fosfit (Agrifos) lebih efektif untuk menghambat pertumbuhan jamur Foc daripada fungisida aluminium-fosetil (Aliette) secara in vitro. Fungisida asam fosfit dan aluminium-fosetil menghambat perkembangan penyakit layu pada bibit pisang. Kedua fungisida tersebut juga meningkatkan ketahanan tanaman pisang terhadap penyakit layu fusarium. Hal ini disebabkan kedua jenis fungisida tersebut bekerja secara sistemik

    Pengimbasan Ketahanan Pisang terhadap Penyakit Layu Fusarium dengan Asam Salisilat In Vitro

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    Salicylic acid (SA) is an important signal in plant defense. It is used as induced resistance agent against Fusarium wilt. An artificial induction was conducted by shaking the shoot groups of banana tissue culture in liquid medium of Murashige-Skoog (MS). MS medium was added with 0 ppm (as control), ⅛ LC50, ¼ LC50, ½ LC50, and LC50 concentration of SA. Alive shoot groups were subcultured for about three months and were acclimated. Resistance test had been conducted in glass house by inoculated six months old banana seedlings with Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense (Foc). Leaves symptom were observed based on Leaf Symptom Index (LSI) and corm discoloration based on Rhizome Discoloration Index (RDI). The result of this research showed that induced banana seedlings had higher plant resistance to Fusarium wilt than control. Asam salisilat (SA) merupakan signal penting dalam ketahanan tanaman, digunakan sebagaisenyawa pengimbas ketahanan tanaman pisang terhadap penyakit layu Fusarium. Pengimbasan dilakukan pada kelompok tunas kultur jaringan pisang dalam medium kultur jaringan MS cair dengan konsentrasi SA 0 ppm (sebagai kontrol), ⅛ LC50, ¼ LC50,½LC50 danLC50.Tunas yang bertahan hidup ditumbuhkan sebagai bibit dan uji ketahanan dilakukan dirumah kaca dengan inokulasiFusariumoxysporumf.sp. cubense (Foc) pada bibit pisang umur enambulan pasca aklimatisasi. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap gejala layu pada daun (Leaf Symptom Index = LSI) dan diskolorasi pada bonggol (Rhizome Discoloration Index=RDI). Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa bibit pisang hasil pengimbasanmemiliki ketahanan yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan perlakuan kontrol

    The Dynamics of Grief in Late Adolescence After Maternal Death in Terms of The Theory of Kübler-Ross

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    Adolescence is a developmental phase between childhood and adulthood. There are many experiences that teenagers get from the surrounding environment. These experiences are in the form of positive experiences or negative experiences that teenagers will receive in different ways. Individuals have different reactions to death events, including adolescents. The event of death can affect the development process, this is because death causes deep sorrow for adolescents. This study aims to examine the dynamics of late adolescent grief after maternal death in terms of the Kübler-Ross theory. According to Kübler-Ross, there are five stages that individuals have when experiencing grief, including denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Teenagers who experience maternal death will go through the five stages of grief from the Kübler-Ross. The results obtained are that some participants have not yet reached the acceptance stage because they still need time to accept the grief event that occurred. The discussion is expected to provide knowledge regarding the dynamics of late adolescent grief after maternal death in terms of the Kübler-Ross theory

    Deteksi Pengimbasan Ketahanan Pisang terhadap Penyakit Layu Fusarium dengan Asam Fusarat

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    Fusarium wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc) is the most destructive disease of banana. Until today this disease has not been successfully controlled. Fusaric acid is a toxin produced by Foc. Tyloses produced in xylem that caused wilting and yellowing of banana plants, inhibit soil nutrition and water stream. The study carried out previously showed that enriched fusaric acid in banana culture induced the resistance of banana seedlings against Foc. The signal of induced resistance increased the phenolic compounds. One of the phenolic compounds is salicylic acid. The aim of this study was to detect induced resistance of banana plant from tissue cultured enriched with fusaric acid. The experiment was done in the field highly infected with Foc. Observation of resistance was done by measuring disease percentage of yellowing and wilting leaves.Tyloses produced in xylem was observed microscopically from cross section of root. Root damage intensity was counted using tyloses score. Salicylic acid content of root was analyzed with phenolic compounds method using HPLC. The results showed that banana plants from enriched tissues culture with 1.165 ppm of fusaric acid increased the resistance against Foc, but salicylic acid was not detected. Salicylic acid was only detected at low concentration (2 ppb) in moderate resistant banana roots from induced plants with 9.32 ppm of fusaric acid. The chromatogram showed three peaks of unknown phenolic compounds. Tyloses intensity was not related with induced resistance of banana against fusarium wilt. Advanced research is needed with more plants samples. It was suggested to identify the phenolic compounds which were detected in induced resistant plant.INTISARILayu fusarium yang disebabkan oleh Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc) adalah penyakit yang sangat merusak pada pisang dan belum dapat dikendalikan secara tuntas. Gejala berupa kelayuan daun karena tersumbatnya xilem karena pembentukan tilosis yaitu pertumbuhan sel dalam jaringan xilem. Pengimbasan ketahanan diharapkan dapat menjadi salah satu cara pengendalian penyakit layu fusarium. Penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan penambahan asam fusarat dalam kultur jaringan dapat mengimbas ketahanan bibit pisang terhadap penyakit layu fusarium. Asam salisilat adalah salah satu signal ketahanan yang akan meningkat kandungannya bila terjadi peningkatan ketahanan akibat pengimbasan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeteksi hasil pengimbasan ketahanan pisang dengan asam fusarat dalam kultur jaringan. Tanaman telah ditanam di lapangan yang terinfeksi berat oleh Foc. Intensitas penyakit di lapang diamati dengan menghitung persentase daun menguning dan atau layu. Intensitas kerusakan akar diamati dengan pembuatan irisan tipis dan pengamatan tilosis dengan cara skoring. Analisis asam salisilat dalam akar dilakukan dengan metode analisis senyawa fenol menggunakan HPLC. Hasil penelitian tanaman dari bibit yang diimbas dengan 1,165 ppm asam fusarat dalam kultur jaringan menunjukkan peningkatan ketahanan di lapang. Intensitas tilosis lebih rendah pada tanaman yang diimbas ketahanannya dibandingkan yang tidak diimbas. Asam salisilat dalam tanaman yang diimbas ketahannnya denga asam fusarat 9,32 ppm terdeteksi pada konsentrasi yang sangat rendah yaitu 2 ppb, dengan ketahanan moderat. Pada tanaman hasil pengimbasan yang menunjukkan kriteria tahan asam salisilat tidak terdeteksi, namun terdeteksi tiga puncak senyawa fenol yang belum teridentifikasi. Intensitas tilosis pada tanaman yang diimbas ketahanannya tidak menunjukkan penurunan dibandingkan dengan tanaman yang tidak diperlakukan. Penelitian ini perlu dilanjutkan dengan sampel yang lebih banyak. Identifikasi jenis senyawa fenol perlu dilakukan dalam penelitian lanjutan

    Formation of beads-on-a-string structures during break-up of viscoelastic filaments

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    Break-up of viscoelastic filaments is pervasive in both nature and technology. If a filament is formed by placing a drop of saliva between a thumb and forefinger and is stretched, the filament’s morphology close to break-up corresponds to beads of several sizes interconnected by slender threads. Although there is general agreement that formation of such beads-on-a-string (BOAS) structures occurs only for viscoelastic fluids, the underlying physics remains unclear and controversial. The physics leading to the formation of BOAS structures is probed by numerical simulation. Computations reveal that viscoelasticity alone does not give rise to a small, satellite bead between two much larger main beads but that inertia is required for its formation. Viscoelasticity, however, enhances the growth of the bead and delays pinch-off, which leads to a relatively long-lived beaded structure. We also show for the first time theoretically that yet smaller, sub-satellite beads can also form as seen in experiments.National Science Foundation (U.S.). ERC-SOPS (EEC-0540855)Nanoscale Interdisciplinary Research Thrust on 'Directed Self-assembly of Suspended Polymer Fibers' (NSF-DMS0506941


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    This reseach aims to study the host range of Peronosclerospora maydis the couse agent of downy mildew and to study the effect fungicide of fenamidone and propamokarb hydrochloride + fenamidone in suppressing the development on downy mildew on corn. Weeds used in this reaseach was Cynodon dactilon, Echinocloa colona, Panicum repens, Cyperus rotundus, Cyperus kylingia and plants such as Pennisetum purpereums and Coix lacryma-jobi. Each weeds and plants consisted of 5 as replicates, each consisting of 5 plants. Inoculation was done by insert a piece of corn leaf that showed downy mildew symptoms to test plant leaf. Wet cotton to retain the moisture. The result showed that C. lacryma-jobi could use as alternate host of P. maydis. P.maydis chemical control was done in the field by seed dressing method. Fungicides used were fenamidone fungicide dose of 2 ml / kg, 4 ml / kg, 8 ml/kg , 16 ml / kg, 32 ml / kg, propamokarb hydrochloride + fenamidone with dose of 5 ml/kg, 10 ml / kg, 20 ml / kg, 40 ml / kg, 80 ml / kg and dimetomorf 4.5 ml / kg for comparison. Inoculation was done at 7th day after planting and observation at 7th day after inoculation. The result showed that all fungicide could not suppress the development of downy mildew of corn

    Business Model sebagai Strategi Bersaing untuk Pelaku Bisnis Pemula Studi Kasus: Bisnis Hijab

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    In this era has begun many emerging businesses with small and medium scale managed by beginners who notabene they have no experience in business. With the sophistication of technology and also easy access through social media, facilitate the beginners of this business do business activities. New business is starting to bloom now is a hijab business. In social media, many hijab merchants offer various hijab models. Already emerging also beginners businessmen who produce their own hijab and make their own labels. They are usually the mothers who have sewing skills then they develop by designing their own hijab model that is the trend now, and try to produce and market it with their own label. Since such businesses are already emerging, newbies must have a mature business plan to avoid being run over by their competitors. Business Model Canvas should be developed for business planning as well as SWOT Analysis to design the improvement business. This research uses qualitative method to know how big role Business Model Canvas for beginners business also SWOT analysis which role to make repair business