68 research outputs found

    Eksperimentasi Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Group Investigation(gi) Dan Think-pair-share (Tps) Pada Materi Dimensi Tiga Dengan Pendekatan Pmri Ditinjau Dari Kreativitas Siswa

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    The purpose of this research are to know: 1) which one gives better achievement in mathematics, learning model of GI with IRME approach, learning model of TPS with IRME approach, or conventional learning model, 2) which one gives better achievement in mathematics, student who was high creativity, middle creativity, or low creativity, 3) for each category of student\u27s creativity (high, middle, and low), which one produces better achievement in mathematics, learning model of GI with IRME approach, learning model of TPS with IRME approach or conventional learning model. This research is quasi-experimental research with the research plan using factorial 3´3. The population of this research was all students in class X in SMA/MA Surakarta academic year 2012/2013. The sample-taking was done using stratified cluster random sampling. The instrument which was applied to obtain the data of the research was test, questionnaires, and documentation. The test instrument was used to know the mathematics achievement on three- dimensional material. Hence, questionnaires instrument was used to know the student\u27s creativity. The questionnaires instrument includes content validity, internal consistency and reliability. The test instrument includes content validity, level of difficulty, different power and reliability. The results of the research are (1) GI type of cooperative learning model with IRME approach provides better learning achievement than the TPS type with IRME approach, conventional learning in mathematic learning in three dimension material. The TPS type of cooperative learning provides the learning achievement as good as the conventional learning did in three dimension material of mathematic learning, (2) the students with high creativity level have mathematic learning achievement as good as those with medium creativity level, the students with medium creativity level have mathematic learning achievement as good as those with low creativity level, and the students with high creativity level have mathematic learning achievement better than those with low creativity level, (3) at each creativity level, the GI type of cooperative learning model application with IRME provided learning achievement better than both TPS type with IRME and conventional learning did. The TPS type of learning model with IRME approach provided learning achievement as good as the conventional learning did in three dimension material of mathematic learning

    Efektivitas Model Kooperatif Tipe Nht Dengan Pmr Dan Model Kooperatif Tipe Gi Dengan Pmr Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Matematika Ditinjau Dari Kreativitas Siswa

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    The aims of this research are to know: (1) which one gives better students\u27 mathematics achievement, cooperative model of NHT type with RME, cooperative model of GI type with RME or conventional model, (2) which one has better students\u27 mathematics achievement, student having high creativity, medium or low, and (3) for any level of creativities, which one gives better students\u27 mathematics achievement, cooperative model of NHT type with RME, cooperative model of GI type with RME or conventional model and for any kind of models which one has better students\u27 mathematics achievement, student having high creativity, medium or low. The type of this research was a quasi experimental by 3x3 factorial design.The population in this research was the seventh grade students of junior high school in Pontianak in the academic year 2012/2013. Sampling was done by stratified cluster random sampling. The instrument of research using mathematics achievement test and verbal creativity test. The conclusions of the research were as follows. (1) There is an influence of the learning model toward students\u27 mathematics achievement. Cooperative model of NHT type with RME provides students\u27 mathematics achievement better than the cooperative model of GI type with RME and conventional model. Cooperative model of GI type with RME provides students\u27 mathematics achievement better than the conventional model. (2) There is an influence of the student\u27s creativity level toward students\u27 mathematics achievement. Students having high creativity have better mathematics achievement than students having medium and low creativity. Students having medium creativity have better mathematics achievement than students with low creativity. (3) For any level of creativities that the cooperative model of NHT type with RME gives better student\u27s mathematics achievement than cooperative model of GI type with RME and conventional model, and cooperative model of GI type with RME gives better students\u27 mathematics achievement than conventional model. For any kind of models, students having high creativity have better mathematics achievement than students having medium and low creativity, and students having medium have better mathematics achievement than students having low creativity

    Faktor Penyebab Siswa SMA Asal Kecamatan Raman Utara Memilih Bersekolah Nglaju

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    This research aims to examine factor the causes of students Senior High School from Raman Utara district choose schooling use nglaju to Purbolinggo district. This point studies on limitations capacity school in Raman Utara district, motivation to schooling to outside of the district, students' perception about quality of education in Purbolinggo district is better, and easy for get transportasion. This research using descriptive methods. The population in this research of 148 students, 25% samples taken are consist of 37 students and to determine sampling using Proportional random sampling. Collection data by observation technique, interviews structured, and documentation. Analysis of data by table percentage as the basis of interpretation and description of the results of research report. The results showed, the factors causing student of senior high school from Raman Utara distric choose schooling use nglaju way to Purbolinggo district are consist of: (1) 51.35% stated limitations capacity of Senior High School at Raman Utara district. (2) 97.29% stated that there is student's motivation to schooling outside the district by her/himself. (3) 72.98% assume that the quality of education in Purbolinggo district is enough good compared Raman Utara district. (4) 97.29% stated that easier to get transportation. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji faktor penyebab siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas asal Kecamatan Raman Utara memilih bersekolah nglaju ke Kecamatan Purbolinggo. Titik tekan kajiannya pada keterbatasan daya tampung sekolah di Kecamatan Raman Utara, motivasi bersekolah ke luar daerah, persepsi siswa mengenai mutu pendidikan di Kecamatan Purbolinggo lebih baik, dan kelancaran transportasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif. Populasi penelitian ini sebanyak 148 siswa, diambil sampel 25% yaitu 37 siswa dan penentuan sampel dilakukan dengan Proportional Random Sampling. Pengumpulan data dengan teknik observasi, wawancara tersetruktur, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dengan tabel persentase sebagai dasar interpretasi dan deskripsi hasil laporan penelitian.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa, faktor penyebab siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas asal Kecamatan Raman Utara memilih bersekolah nglaju ke Kecamatan Purbolinggo yaitu: (1) sebanyak 51,35% menyatakan keterbatasan daya tampung Sekolah Menengah Atas di Kecamatan Raman Utara. (2) sebanyak 97,29% menyatakan adanya motivasi siswa bersekolah ke luar daerah yang berasal dari dalam dirinya sendiri. (3) sebanyak 72,98% beranggapan bahwa mutu pendidikan di Kecamatan Purbolinggo cukup baik dibandingkan di Kecamatan Raman Utara. (4) Sebanyak 97,29 menyatakan adanya kelancaran transportasi

    Identifikasi Faktor Kesehatan Lingkungan Di Wilayah Rob Kelurahan Bandarharjo Kota Semarang

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    Bandarharjo sub-district is an area that was inundated by the water that is caused by changes in land used in coastal areas, land subsidence and rising sea levels. Tidal inundation can affect the community, one of which is public health. Environmental health diseases was top ten Bandarharjo disease at the health center at 2015. The study aimed to identified environmental health factors in the tidal inundation area, sub-district Bandarharjo, Semarang city used cross sectional study approach. The number of respondents as many as 90 household. The determation of respondents used non random sampling. This study showed that the source of the cleanwater was 100% used artesist, fulfilling the water needs of more than 60 liters per day of 93 households (100%), the quality of the water as many as 46 samples (92 %) out of the 50 samples not met standard, 22 households out of 93 households (23.7%) had no toilets, poor sewerage as many as 100 %, trash can with open condition as many as 77 bins (82 , 8%) of 93 bins, trash can do not meet the criteria of 85 bins (91.4%) of the 93 bins, relative humidity as many as 4 houses (4.3%) of the 93 houses not met standard, poor house temperature as much as 71 houses (76.3%) of the 93 houses, the bad lighning as many as 43 houses (46.2%) of the 93 houses, poor floor conditions as much as 10 houses (10.8%) of the 93 houses, poor wall conditions as much as 51 houses (54.8%) of 93 houses, poorly ventilated area as much as 24 houses (25.8%) of the 93 houses, poor housing density as many as 72 houses (77.4%) of 93 houses. Enviromental health risk factor in tidal inundation area Bardarharjo sub-district that is poor water quality, there are still individual septic tank that does not qualify, all the sewage conditions respondents did not qualify, the trash can of respondents still open, residential density are not met standard, and the house temperature of respondents are not met standard

    Eksperimentasi Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning Dan Model Discovery Learning Serta Model Think Pair Share Materi Kubus Dan Balok Ditinjau Dari Kategori Kecerdasan Emosional Pada Kemampuan Berpikir Matematis Tingkat Tinggi Peserta Didik SMP

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    The objective of this research was to know the effect of the learning models on the high order mathematical thinking skill viewed from the emotional quotient of the students. The learning models compared were model of the PBL, model of the DL and model of the TPS. This research used the quasi experimental research. It's population was all of the students in Grade VIII of State Junior Secondary Schools in Sukoharjo. The samples of the research were taken by using the stratified cluster random sampling technique and consisted of 253 students. They were grouped into three classes, namely: 87 in Experimental Class 1, 84 in Experimental Class 2, and 83 in Experimental Class 3. The instruments to gather the data were test of high order mathematical thinking skill on the learning topic of cube and beam, and emotional quotient questionnaire. The proposed hypotheses of the research were analyzed by using the two way analysis of variance with unbalanced cells. The results of the research were as follows. 1) Model of the PBL results in a better high order mathematical thinking skill than model of the DL, and model of the TPS. Model of the DL results same high order mathematical thinking skill with TPS. 2) Emotional quotient gives students a different effect on high order mathematical thinking skill on the learning topic of cube and beam. The students with the high emotional quotient have a better high order mathematical thinking skill than those with the moderate emotional quotient and those with the low emotional quotient, the students with the moderate emotional quotient have a better high order mathematical thinking skill than those with the low emotional quotient. 3) There was no interaction the aforementioned learning models and the categories of the emotional quotient on the high order mathematical thinking skill of the students

    Faktor Risiko Gangguan Akibat Penyelaman Pada Penyelam Tradisional Di Karimunjawa Jepara

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    Health problem occurred in the traditional fishermen fieldwork was hyperbaric health problem in which facing high-pressured zone whose compression was more than one atmosphere. The incidence of this disease in Karimun alone in 2003 occurred seven cases of the disease hyperbaric with one person died, 2004 the 7 cases with 2 deaths in 2005 occurred in 10 cases and 3 deaths in 2006 occurred in 4 cases one person died. Cumulatively from 2007 to March 2014 there were 104 cases with 7 deaths. This study aims to determine the relationship of risk factors due to interference on the diver dives traditional in Karimunjawa Jepara. This research uses explanatory survey research with cross sectional design. Sample size was 40 respondents. The results showed 26 of 40 respondents exposed to diseases due dives. Analyzed using univariate and bivariate with Chi Square test. The results showed 12 independent variables studied are four variables associated with a disorder caused dives that work period (p-value = 0.001), the frequency of dives (p-value = 12:02), the depth of the dive (p-value = 0.001) and speed rising to the surface (p-value = 0.001). the 4 variables which was not matched were age (p-value = 0,079), IMT (p-value = 0,868), dive time (p-value = 0,481), surface interval (p-value = 0,168), and the 4 describtive variables were dive duration, APD used, compressor preassure and the depth temperature. The conclusion of this study risk factors associated with impaired as a result of the dives on traditional divers in Karimunjawa Jepara are working period, the frequency of dives, dive depth and the speed rises to the surface. The suggestion is that the Department of Marine Fisheries, facilities can hold to the traditional diver, health centers pay more attention to the health of the divers

    Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Gangguan Pendengaran Tipe Sensorineural Tenaga Kerja Unit Produksi PT.Kurnia Jati Utama Semarang

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    Background : PT. Kurnia Jati Utama is a wood processing company. Noise intensity in production room was passing over the threshold limit value (TLV) 85 dB (A). Workers work continuously over 8 hours a day or even more. If that noise exposure expose for 8 hours a day or 40 hours a week, it will make a sensory neural hearing loss. The Objective of this research was to determine factors that related to SNHL on unit production workers of PT. Kurnia Jati Utama. Methods : The research design used cross - sectional approach. Populations of this research were workers at unit sawmill, garden furniture and moulding. Respondents were determine by inclusion criteria, and it was choose 60 workers. Data was analyzed using univariate technique with frequencies distribution table, bivariate by chi-square and multivariate analysis by logistic regression. Result The result of the study showed that 23 respondents (38.3%) had sensory neural hearing loss 39 respondents ( 65%) had noise exposure more over 85 dB ( A);30 respondents (60%) have age of more than 30 year; 35 respondents ( 58,3%) had been work less than 10 year; 45 respondents ( 75%) works over 8 hours a day and 40 hours a week; 51 respondents ( 85%) didn't wear ear protector. There was a significant relation between noise intensity, years of work and working hours with sensor neural hearing loss incidence. There was no relation between age and using self protector equipment with sensory neural hearing loss incidence; (9) There was a significant relation between noise intensity, years of work and working hours ( by together) with sensory neural hearing loss incidence Conclusions : Workers who have been working for more than 10 years, and works over 8 hours a day or 40 hours a week and expose the noise more than 85 dB (A), have 98,8% risk of sensory neural hearing loss risk

    Deskripsi Pemanfaatan Perpustakaan Sekolah terhadap Hasil Belajar Geografi SMAN 1 Natar Lampung Selatan

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    The problems in research was less the utility of school library. Therefore, the research aimed to find out: (1) The number of students who borrow a book geography (2) The cause of students borrow a book geography (3) The frequency of students borrow a book (4) Types of books borrowed by students (5) benefits of geography books borrowed for students (6) the role of the school library against the study outcome of student. The result of the research shows that: (1) 28% of students borrow books of geography in school library, (2) were made to teachers, to do their tasks, to add knowledge and did not have book, (3) 71.1% of students borrow books in the school library 1 time per month (4) borrow a book general knowledge, story (5) as a source of learning, increase insight and knowledge, (6) borrow a book to improve their study outcome.Masalah dalam penelitian adalah kurang dimanfaatkannya perpustakaan sekolah. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) jumlah siswa yang meminjam buku geografi, (2) penyebab siswa meminjam buku geografi, (3) frekuensi siswa meminjam buku, (4) jenis buku yang dipinjam oleh siswa, (5) manfaat buku geografi yang dipinjam bagi siswa dan (6) peranan perpustakaan sekolah terhadap hasil belajar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) 28% siswa meminjam buku geografi di perpustakaan sekolah, (2) disuruh guru, mengerjakan tugas, menambah pengetahuan dan tidak memiliki buku, (3) 71,1% siswa meminjam buku di perpustakaan sekolah 1 kali per bulan, (4) buku pengetahuan umum, cerita, (5) sebagai sumber belajar, menambah wawasan dan pengetahuan, dan (6) meminjam buku guna meningkatkan hasil belajarnya
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