11,735 research outputs found

    Generalized Density Matrix Revisited: Microscopic Approach to Collective Dynamics in Soft Spherical Nuclei

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    The generalized density matrix (GDM) method is used to calculate microscopically the parameters of the collective Hamiltonian. Higher order anharmonicities are obtained consistently with the lowest order results, the mean field [Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) equation] and the harmonic potential [quasiparticle random phase approximation (QRPA)]. The method is applied to soft spherical nuclei, where the anharmonicities are essential for restoring the stability of the system, as the harmonic potential becomes small or negative. The approach is tested in three models of increasing complexity: the Lipkin model, model with factorizable forces, and the quadrupole plus pairing model.Comment: submitted to Physical Review C on 08 May, 201

    Reevaluation of Neutron Electric Dipole Moment with QCD Sum Rules

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    We study the neutron electric dipole moment in the presence of the CP-violating operators up to the dimension five in terms of the QCD sum rules. It is found that the OPE calculation is robust when exploiting a particular interpolating field for neutron, while there exist some uncertainties on the phenomenological side. By using input parameters obtained from the lattice calculation, we derive a conservative limit for the contributions of the CP violating operators. We also show the detail of the derivation of the sum rules.Comment: 33 pages, 5 figure

    (D* to D + gamma) and (B* to B + gamma) as derived from QCD Sum Rules

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    The method of QCD sum rules in the presence of the external electromagnetic FμνF_{\mu\nu} field is used to analyze radiative decays of charmed or bottomed mesons such as DDγD^{\ast}\to D\gamma and BBγB^{\ast}\to B\gamma, with the susceptibilities obtained previously from the study of baryon magnetic moments. Our predictions on DD^{\ast} decays agree very well with the experimental data. There are differences among the various theoretical predictions on BB^{\ast} decays but the data are not yet available.Comment: 11 pages, Late

    Perturbation of a lattice spectral band by a nearby resonance

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    A soluble model of weakly coupled "molecular" and "nuclear" Hamiltonians is studied in order to exhibit explicitly the mechanism leading to the enhancement of fusion probability in case of a narrow near-threshold nuclear resonance. We, further, consider molecular cells of this type being arranged in lattice structures. It is shown that if the real part of the narrow nuclear resonance lies within the molecular band generated by the intercellular interaction, an enhancement, proportional to the inverse width of the nuclear resonance, is to be expected.Comment: RevTeX, 2 figures within the file. In May 2000 the title changed and some minor corrections have been don

    The supermultiplet of boundary conditions in supergravity

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    Boundary conditions in supergravity on a manifold with boundary relate the bulk gravitino to the boundary supercurrent, and the normal derivative of the bulk metric to the boundary energy-momentum tensor. In the 3D N=1 setting, we show that these boundary conditions can be stated in a manifestly supersymmetric form. We identify the Extrinsic Curvature Tensor Multiplet, and show that boundary conditions set it equal to (a conjugate of) the boundary supercurrent multiplet. Extension of our results to higher-dimensional models (including the Randall-Sundrum and Horava-Witten scenarios) is discussed.Comment: 22 pages. JHEP format; references added; published versio

    Semileptonic Λb,c\Lambda_{b,c} to Nucleon Transitions in Full QCD at Light Cone

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    The tree level semileptonic Λbplν\Lambda_{b}\to pl\nu and Λcnlν\Lambda_{c}\to nl\nu transitions are investigated using the light cone QCD sum rules approach in full theory. The spin--1/2, ΛQ\Lambda_{Q} baryon with Q=bQ=b or cc, is considered by the most general form of its interpolating current. The time ordering product of the initial and transition currents is expanded in terms of the nucleon distribution amplitudes with different twists. Considering two sets of independent input parameters entering to the nucleon wave functions, namely, QCD sum rules and Lattice QCD parameters, the related form factors and their heavy quark effective theory limits are calculated and compared with the existing predictions of other approaches. It is shown that our results satisfy the heavy quark symmetry relations for lattice input parameters and b case exactly and the maximum violation is for charm case and QCD sum rules input parameters. The obtained form factors are used to compute the transition rates both in full theory and heavy quark effective theory. A comparison of the results on decay rate of Λbplν\Lambda_{b}\to pl\nu with those predicted by other phenomenological methods or the same method in heavy quark effective theory with different interpolating current and distribution amplitudes of the Λb\Lambda_{b} is also presented.Comment: 18 Pages and 16 Table

    CP violation in charged Higgs boson decays into tau and neutrino

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    We calculate the CP-violating rate asymmetry of H^\pm decays into tau and neutrino at one loop in the MSSM with complex parameters. We find that the asymmetry is typically of the order of 10^-3, depending mainly on the phases of the trilinear coupling A_\tau and of the gaugino mass M_1.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, uses JHEP3.cl

    Nuclear pairing reduction due to rotation and blocking

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    Nuclear pairing gaps of normally deformed and superdeformed nuclei are investigated using the particle-number conserving (PNC) formalism for the cranked shell model, in which the blocking effects are treated exactly. Both rotational frequency ω\omega-dependence and seniority (number of unpaired particles) ν\nu-dependence of the pairing gap Δ~\tilde{\Delta} are investigated. For the ground-state bands of even-even nuclei, PNC calculations show that in general Δ~\tilde{\Delta} decreases with increasing ω\omega, but the ω\omega-dependence is much weaker than that calculated by the number-projected Hartree-Fock-Bogolyubov approach. For the multiquasiparticle bands (seniority ν>2\nu> 2), the pairing gaps keep almost ω\omega-independent. As a function of the seniority ν\nu, the bandhead pairing gaps Δ~(ν,ω=0)\tilde{\Delta}(\nu,\omega=0) decrease slowly with increasing ν\nu. Even for the highest seniority ν\nu bands identified so far, Δ~(ν,ω=0)\tilde{\Delta}(\nu,\omega=0) remains greater than 70% of Δ~(ν=0,ω=0)\tilde{\Delta}(\nu=0,\omega=0).Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Pair production of charged Higgs scalars from electroweak gauge boson fusion

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    We compute the contribution to charged Higgs boson pair production at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) due to the scattering of two electroweak (EW) gauge bosons, these being in turn generated via bremsstrahlung off incoming quarks: q q --> q q V^*V^* --> q q H^+H^- (V=gamma,Z,W^{+/-}). We verify that the production cross section of this mode is tan beta independent and show that it is smaller than that of H^+H^- production via q q-initiated processes but generally larger than that of the loop-induced channel gg --> H^+H^-. Pair production of charged Higgs bosons is crucial in order to test EW symmetry breaking scenarios beyond the Standard Model (SM). We show that the detection of these kind of processes at the standard LHC is however problematic, because of their poor production rates and the large backgrounds.Comment: 22 pages, latex, 8 figures (largely revised version to appear in JPG

    Four-quark spectroscopy within the hyperspherical formalism

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    We present a generalization of the hyperspherical harmonic formalism to study systems made of quarks and antiquarks of the same flavor. This generalization is based on the symmetrization of the NN-body wave function with respect to the symmetric group using the Barnea and Novoselsky algorithm. The formalism is applied to study four-quark systems by means of a constituent quark model successful in the description of the two- and three-quark systems. The results are compared to those obtained by means of variational approaches. Our analysis shows that four-quark systems with exotic 0+0^{+-} and non-exotic 2++2^{++} quantum numbers may be bound independently of the mass of the quark. 2+2^{+-} and 1+1^{+-} states become attractive only for larger mass of the quarks.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure