492 research outputs found

    Themes and Moral Values of Stories From the Sub-continent Published in Youtube

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    YouTube, a popular video site in the Internet, publishes children stories which can be used for the teaching of English. Many children stories published in YouTube are based on famous fairy tales like “Goldilock and the Tree Bears,” “The Three Little Pigs,” and “The Frog Prince.” Many other children stories, especially those from the Sub-continent, are based on the less famous tales. Examples of these stories include “The Four Friends,” “The Wise Son,” and “Whispering Palms.” Although these children stories are not well-known, with their clear English pronunciation and English subtitles they offer useful resources for the teaching of English. This paper presents the results of content analysis of a sample of 10 children stories from the latter category, that is children stories from the Sub-continent. The analysis was focussed on the themes and moral values. The results of analysis show that the children stories contain everyday life and animal life themes which are close to children life. The children stories also contain moral values which promote the importance of friendship, respect to other people, and love of natural environment. With examples of themes and moral values as such, the children stories from the Sub-continent are relevant with the mission in the development of character. Thus, when used in the English classroom, the video-based children stories from the Subcontinuent published in YouTube not only provide useful materials for the teaching of English, but they also contribute to the development of students\u27 good character

    Research Studies in Second Language Writing and in Contrastive Rhetoric

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    The major aim of this article is to review studies of second language writing. The first part deals mainly with the process of writing in the second and first languages. The second part concerns contrastive rhetoric. In this second part, the findings of research studies on the relationship of first and second language rhetoric will be presented. Included in the discussion are research studies on contrastive rhetoric in the Indonesian context. The last section of this article concludes the discussion and proposes the implementation of more research on the relationship between Indonesian rhetoric and English rhetoric in essays written by Indonesian learners of English


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    ABSTRAK            Kepuasan Pelanggan (Customer Satisfaction) merupakan hal yang sangat menarik untuk diangkat oleh suatu Instansi Pemerintah seperti B2TKS – BPPT, di dalam usahanya untuk memenangkan persaingan dengan instansi yang lain. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah bagaimana persepsi pelanggan terhadap pelayanan dan apakah kualitas pelayanan yang diberikan B2TKS – BPPTtelah memenuhi harapan pelanggan.Metode yang dipakai pada penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kuantitatif yang kemudian didukung oleh pendekatan dan data-data kualitatif. Dalam penelitian inidigunakan kuisioner yang telah ditentukan dan didisain dalam bentuk-bentuk pertanyaan Persepsi dan Harapan Pelanggan. Dimensi pertanyaan ada 5 yaitu:tangibles,empathy,reliability,assurancedanresponsiveness.Populasi kuesioner berjumlah 112 perusahaan pelanggan dan untuk mendapatkan data yang representatif, maka 87 perusahaan dijadikan sampel.Hasil penelitianmenunjukkanbahwapersepsiresponden yang menerimapelayanan yang diberikan oleh Kantor B2TKS – BPPTdinilairata-rata di atas angka 4,34 (di atas baik). Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan hasil pengolahan data dari5 dimensi dan 20 indikator yang diajukan.Sebagianbesarrespondenmenjawab sangat setuju dan setuju. Darihasilpengolahan data penelitian, responden mempunyai harapan yang lebih tinggidari persepsi atas pelayanan yang diberikan oleh Kantor B2TKS – BPPT. Hal inidibuktikandari skor rata-rata nilai harapan ialah 4,49 >4,34. Berdasarkanhasilpenelitian, makakualitaspelayanan yang diberikan oleh B2TKS – BPPTsudahdinilaiberjalanpadaharapanpelangganKata Kunci : Customer Satisfaction, tangibles, empathy, reliability, assurance, responsiveness dan Pelayanan Jasa Teknologi

    Metode Pengembangan Industri Kreatif Komoditi Pertanian

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    Bambang Yudi AriadiStaf Pengajar Jurusan Agrobisnis, Fakultas Pertanian Peternakan, Universitas Muhammadiyah MalangAlamat Korespondensi : Bumiasri Sengkaling Blok N No. 26 MalangTelpon : 0341 460865, Hp: 08123317597, Email: [email protected] final objective of the research was to evaluate resources to find scientific capital of methodof developing creative industry on agricultural product. The research aimed to: 1) Describe the roleof leadership at creative industry; 2) Describe the innovation, creativity and imagine of the entrepreneurin managing creative industry; and 3) Arrange method of developing creative industry on agriculturalproduct. The research was conducted in Malang, while the subjects were entrepreneurs of creativeindustries who use agricultural product as row material. The data collected was analyzed by qualitativedescriptive method. The research result showed that: 1) The main asset of creative industry wascreativity asset or kognitive asset, namely: design, emphaty, game, and meaning.; 2) The importantindicator that determine success in conducting creative industry was the ability of the entreprreneurin adaptation in term of technical, economical and the risk or uncertainty of marketKey words: creative industry, cognitive asse

    Metode Pengembangan Agribisnis Jarak Pagar Berbasis Masyarakat untuk Mendukung Sumber Energi Alternatif (Biodiesel) di Jawa Timur

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    Third phase of research conducted to evaluate the local resource-based institution, The followingobjectives: 1) knowing participation in the development of “jarak pagar”, 2) who participated in thedevelopment of absolute “jarak pagar”3) formulate methods of agribusiness development “jarakpagar”.Research conducted in the District of Grati, Pasuruan regency. Units of analysis are farmers,farm group relations, group relations and the partner company or industry processing “jarak pagar”Analysis used is descriptive analysis with quantitative data presented in the table and cross.Research results are as follows: 1) Institutional Development in the “jarak pagar” a lot ofpeople involved with the ownership of resources and skills is low, while a lack of social supportnetwork to enter the modern economy, 2) the development of embryo of “jarak pagar” in East Javabeginning of understanding between PT Rajawali Nusantara Indonesia (RNI) with the Office ofEast Java Province, and 3) institutional Tranformasi traditional to the modern agriculture in thedevelopment of “jarak pagar” changes in behavior, not only through changes in structure, but alsothe changes various aspects of the abstract form of behavior, which changes the system of values,norms, orientation, and goals

    Perbandingan Berbagai Varietas Ubi Jalar Ditinjau Dari Pendapatan USAhatani Dan Pemasaran Di Kabupaten Malang Comparison Among Various Sweet Potato Varieties Focused From Farm Income and Marketing at Malang Regency

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    The research purposed to identify varieties of sweet potato cultivated in Malang Regency and its comparison focused from farm and marketing. The population observed were farmers and marketing institution of sweet potato obtained from three districts, i.e., Pakis, Ngajum, and Nongkojajar. The farmer's samples were determined by disproportionate stratified random sampling based on stratum of sweet potato. Each variety was presented by 20 farmers as sample. Sampling technique for marketing institution was snowball sampling. The data was analyzed descriptively by mathematics analysis for counting farm and marketer profit. The research result showed that there were six varieties of sweet potato cultivated and gave prospective in Malang Regency, i.e., Steven, Mr. Ong, IR Melati, Sari, Ubi ungu, and Gunung Kawi. The average farm income per_hectar at each variety was Steven Rp10,322,636.00; Sari Rp8,802,000.00; Mr.Ong Rp7,075,000.00; Ubi Ungu Rp5,905,936.00; IR Melati Rp4,309,167.00, and Gunung Kawi Rp3,976,500.00. Rural people at the research place prefer cultivated sweet potato compared to rice or other commodities because of the profit comparison. In term of marketing activity, the highest marketer profit was found at the variety of Ubi Ungu and Gunung Kawi, because the product price was more expensive so that the price margin was also bigger

    Content Area Textbooks as Sources for Vocabulary Learning

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    This study examines the potential of content area textbooks as a lexical environment for incidental vocabulary learning. The two questions proposed are how many rarely-used words content area textbooks contain within a particular number of words, and how different or similar the frequency of rarely-used words is in the linguistic studies and non-linguistic studies textbooks. This study concludes that content area textbooks contain a relatively high frequency of words within Nat3 and Nat4 levels. The high percentage of rarely-used words indicates that content area textbooks are rich sources for vocabulary learning. The findings also suggest that different kinds of textbooks in the content courses can be rich lexical environments for the study of second language vocabular

    How Australian and Indonesian Universities Treat Plagiarism: a Comparative Study

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    This article is a part of a larger study comparing various aspects of policies on plagiarism in two university contexts. It compares policies on plagiarism in universities in Australia and Indonesia. The results of this comparative study showed that Australian and Indonesian universities treat plagiarism differently. Australian universities treat plagiarism explicitly in their university policies. In Australian universities, plagiarism is defined clearly and forms of plagiarism are explained thoroughly, policies on plagiarism are informed to all university academic members, and there are mechanisms to manage cases related to plagiarism. In contrast, not all Indonesian universities treat plagiarism directly. Some universities depend on religious morality and academic ethics in dealing with plagiarism. Accordingly, this article recommends the explicit treatment of plagiarism in Indonesian universities
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