265 research outputs found

    Functional modes of proteins are among the most robust ones

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    It is shown that a small subset of modes which are likely to be involved in protein functional motions of large amplitude can be determined by retaining the most robust normal modes obtained using different protein models. This result should prove helpful in the context of several applications proposed recently, like for solving difficult molecular replacement problems or for fitting atomic structures into low-resolution electron density maps. Moreover, it may also pave the way for the development of methods allowing to predict such motions accurately.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Driving calmodulin protein towards conformational shift by changing ionization states of select residues

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    Proteins are complex systems made up of many conformational sub-states which are mainly determined by the folded structure. External factors such as solvent type, temperature, pH and ionic strength play a very important role in the conformations sampled by proteins. Here we study the conformational multiplicity of calmodulin (CaM) which is a protein that plays an important role in calcium signaling pathways in the eukaryotic cells. CaM can bind to a variety of other proteins or small organic compounds, and mediates different physiological processes by activating various enzymes. Binding of calcium ions and proteins or small organic molecules to CaM induces large conformational changes that are distinct to each interacting partner. In particular, we discuss the effect of pH variation on the conformations of CaM. By using the pKa values of the charged residues as a basis to assign protonation states, the conformational changes induced in CaM by reducing the pH are studied by molecular dynamics simulations. Our current view suggests that at high pH, barrier crossing to the compact form is prevented by repulsive electrostatic interactions between the two lobes. At reduced pH, not only is barrier crossing facilitated by protonation of residues, but also conformations which are on average more compact are attained. The latter are in accordance with the fluorescence resonance energy transfer experiment results of other workers. The key events leading to the conformational change from the open to the compact conformation are (i) formation of a salt bridge between the N-lobe and the linker, stabilizing their relative motions, (ii) bending of the C-lobe towards the N-lobe, leading to a lowering of the interaction energy between the two-lobes, (iii) formation of a hydrophobic patch between the two lobes, further stabilizing the bent conformation by reducing the entropic cost of the compact form, (iv) sharing of a Ca+2 ion between the two lobes

    Experimental investigation of relationship between trauma and bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis

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    Background: Bisphosphonate (BP)-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ) disease is rare, but there are serious side-effects of BP therapy in patients. In some patients, surgery is needed and could not be cured. Astandard test is not available showing the risk of jaw osteonecrosis in routine use. The measurement of serum C.terminal telopeptide (CTX) levels has been used in diseases of BRONJ resorption and antiresorptive therapy.Aim: This paper is aimed at investigating the relationship betweenΒ  traumatic procedures and presence of BP-related osteonecrosis.Materials and Methods: Thirty male Wistar albino rats with weighing 200 } 20 g were used for the experimental procedures. Rats were randomly divided into three groups each containing 10 rats as follows: Group 1 (traumatic extraction group), Group 2 (atraumatic extraction group), and Group 3 (control group). All groups, zoledronic acid (ZA) (0.3Β  mg/kg/week)[1] was diluted with physiological saline and givenΒ  subcutaneously for 2 months. After the 2 months, Group 1 was subjected totraumatic extraction of right first lower molars, and Group 2 was subjected to atraumatic extractions of the right first lower molars. Group 3 was subjected to no extractions as a control group. Animals were euthanized 32 days after tooth extractions, and the ZA administration protocol was maintained until the animalsf death. After sacrifice, blood samples were collected for C-terminal cross.linking telopeptide of type I collagen (CTX.1) levels, clinical and radiological findings were recorded.Results: The bone resorption marker CTX-1 showed a significant difference among the groups. CTX-1 was measured significantly higher in blood samples of Group 2 (4.15 } 0.34; P = 0.001) than Group 1 (3.77 } 0.34; P = 0.0001). No, statistically significant changes were found between Groups 1 and 2 as for clinical and radiological assessment.Conclusion: This study provides preliminary observations for theΒ  development of an animal model of BRONJ. Although clinical andΒ  radiological findings were not relevant, serum CTX values are reliable biochemical markers for predicting BRONJ and also atraumatic surgical procedures are important to prevent BRONJ.Key words: Bisphosphonates, bone, osteonecrosis, prevention, serum C-terminal telopeptide leve

    Protonation States of Remote Residues Affect Binding-Release Dynamics of the Ligand but not the Conformation of apo Ferric Binding Protein

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    We have studied the apo (Fe3+ free) form of periplasmic ferric binding protein (FbpA) under different conditions and we have monitored the changes in the binding and release dynamics of H2PO4- that acts as a synergistic anion in the presence of Fe3+. Our simulations predict a dissociation constant of 2.2Β±\pm0.2 mM which is in remarkable agreement with the experimentally measured value of 2.3Β±\pm0.3 mM under the same ionization strength and pH conditions. We apply perturbations relevant for changes in environmental conditions as (i) different values of ionic strength (IS), and (ii) protonation of a group of residues to mimic a different pH environment. Local perturbations are also studied by protonation or mutation of a site distal to the binding region that is known to mechanically manipulate the hinge-like motions of FbpA. We find that while the average conformation of the protein is intact in all simulations, the H2PO4- dynamics may be substantially altered by the changing conditions. In particular, the bound fraction which is 20%\% for the wild type system is increased to 50%\% with a D52A mutation/protonation and further to over 90%\% at the protonation conditions mimicking those at pH 5.5. The change in the dynamics is traced to the altered electrostatic distribution on the surface of the protein which in turn affects hydrogen bonding patterns at the active site. The observations are quantified by rigorous free energy calculations. Our results lend clues as to how the environment versus single residue perturbations may be utilized for regulation of binding modes in hFbpA systems in the absence of conformational changes.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figure

    Nonlinearity of Mechanochemical Motions in Motor Proteins

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    The assumption of linear response of protein molecules to thermal noise or structural perturbations, such as ligand binding or detachment, is broadly used in the studies of protein dynamics. Conformational motions in proteins are traditionally analyzed in terms of normal modes and experimental data on thermal fluctuations in such macromolecules is also usually interpreted in terms of the excitation of normal modes. We have chosen two important protein motors - myosin V and kinesin KIF1A - and performed numerical investigations of their conformational relaxation properties within the coarse-grained elastic network approximation. We have found that the linearity assumption is deficient for ligand-induced conformational motions and can even be violated for characteristic thermal fluctuations. The deficiency is particularly pronounced in KIF1A where the normal mode description fails completely in describing functional mechanochemical motions. These results indicate that important assumptions of the theory of protein dynamics may need to be reconsidered. Neither a single normal mode, nor a superposition of such modes yield an approximation of strongly nonlinear dynamics.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Prediction of Optimal Folding Routes of Proteins That Satisfy the Principle of Lowest Entropy Loss: Dynamic Contact Maps and Optimal Control

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    An optimization model is introduced in which proteins try to evade high energy regions of the folding landscape, and prefer low entropy loss routes during folding. We make use of the framework of optimal control whose convenient solution provides practical and useful insight into the sequence of events during folding. We assume that the native state is available. As the protein folds, it makes different set of contacts at different folding steps. The dynamic contact map is constructed from these contacts. The topology of the dynamic contact map changes during the course of folding and this information is utilized in the dynamic optimization model. The solution is obtained using the optimal control theory. We show that the optimal solution can be cast into the form of a Gaussian Network that governs the optimal folding dynamics. Simulation results on three examples (CI2, Sso7d and Villin) show that folding starts by the formation of local clusters. Non-local clusters generally require the formation of several local clusters. Non-local clusters form cooperatively and not sequentially. We also observe that the optimal controller prefers β€œzipping” or small loop closure steps during folding. The folding routes predicted by the proposed method bear strong resemblance to the results in the literature

    Change in Allosteric Network Affects Binding Affinities of PDZ Domains: Analysis through Perturbation Response Scanning

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    The allosteric mechanism plays a key role in cellular functions of several PDZ domain proteins (PDZs) and is directly linked to pharmaceutical applications; however, it is a challenge to elaborate the nature and extent of these allosteric interactions. One solution to this problem is to explore the dynamics of PDZs, which may provide insights about how intramolecular communication occurs within a single domain. Here, we develop an advancement of perturbation response scanning (PRS) that couples elastic network models with linear response theory (LRT) to predict key residues in allosteric transitions of the two most studied PDZs (PSD-95 PDZ3 domain and hPTP1E PDZ2 domain). With PRS, we first identify the residues that give the highest mean square fluctuation response upon perturbing the binding sites. Strikingly, we observe that the residues with the highest mean square fluctuation response agree with experimentally determined residues involved in allosteric transitions. Second, we construct the allosteric pathways by linking the residues giving the same directional response upon perturbation of the binding sites. The predicted intramolecular communication pathways reveal that PSD-95 and hPTP1E have different pathways through the dynamic coupling of different residue pairs. Moreover, our analysis provides a molecular understanding of experimentally observed hidden allostery of PSD-95. We show that removing the distal third alpha helix from the binding site alters the allosteric pathway and decreases the binding affinity. Overall, these results indicate that (i) dynamics plays a key role in allosteric regulations of PDZs, (ii) the local changes in the residue interactions can lead to significant changes in the dynamics of allosteric regulations, and (iii) this might be the mechanism that each PDZ uses to tailor their binding specificities regulation

    Lysine120 Interactions with p53 Response Elements can Allosterically Direct p53 Organization

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    p53 can serve as a paradigm in studies aiming to figure out how allosteric perturbations in transcription factors (TFs) triggered by small changes in DNA response element (RE) sequences, can spell selectivity in co-factor recruitment. p53-REs are 20-base pair (bp) DNA segments specifying diverse functions. They may be located near the transcription start sites or thousands of bps away in the genome. Their number has been estimated to be in the thousands, and they all share a common motif. A key question is then how does the p53 protein recognize a particular p53-RE sequence among all the similar ones? Here, representative p53-REs regulating diverse functions including cell cycle arrest, DNA repair, and apoptosis were simulated in explicit solvent. Among the major interactions between p53 and its REs involving Lys120, Arg280 and Arg248, the bps interacting with Lys120 vary while the interacting partners of other residues are less so. We observe that each p53-RE quarter site sequence has a unique pattern of interactions with p53 Lys120. The allosteric, DNA sequence-induced conformational and dynamic changes of the altered Lys120 interactions are amplified by the perturbation of other p53-DNA interactions. The combined subtle RE sequence-specific allosteric effects propagate in the p53 and in the DNA. The resulting amplified allosteric effects far away are reflected in changes in the overall p53 organization and in the p53 surface topology and residue fluctuations which play key roles in selective co-factor recruitment. As such, these observations suggest how similar p53-RE sequences can spell the preferred co-factor binding, which is the key to the selective gene transactivation and consequently different functional effects

    Static and dynamic characteristics of protein contact networks

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    The principles underlying protein folding remains one of Nature's puzzles with important practical consequences for Life. An approach that has gathered momentum since the late 1990's, looks at protein hetero-polymers and their folding process through the lens of complex network analysis. Consequently, there is now a body of empirical studies describing topological characteristics of protein macro-molecules through their contact networks and linking these topological characteristics to protein folding. The present paper is primarily a review of this rich area. But it delves deeper into certain aspects by emphasizing short-range and long-range links, and suggests unconventional places where "power-laws" may be lurking within protein contact networks. Further, it considers the dynamical view of protein contact networks. This closer scrutiny of protein contact networks raises new questions for further research, and identifies new regularities which may be useful to parameterize a network approach to protein folding. Preliminary experiments with such a model confirm that the regularities we identified cannot be easily reproduced through random effects. Indeed, the grand challenge of protein folding is to elucidate the process(es) which not only generates the specific and diverse linkage patterns of protein contact networks, but also reproduces the dynamic behavior of proteins as they fold. Keywords: network analysis, protein contact networks, protein foldingComment: Added Appendix

    The Use of Experimental Structures to Model Protein Dynamics

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    The number of solved protein structures submitted in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) has increased dramatically in recent years. For some specific proteins, this number is very highβ€”for example, there are over 550 solved structures for HIV-1 protease, one protein that is essential for the life cycle of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) which causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in humans. The large number of structures for the same protein and its variants include a sample of different conformational states of the protein. A rich set of structures solved experimentally for the same protein has information buried within the dataset that can explain the functional dynamics and structural mechanism of the protein. To extract the dynamics information and functional mechanism from the experimental structures, this chapter focuses on two methodsβ€”Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Elastic Network Models (ENM). PCA is a widely used statistical dimensionality reduction technique to classify and visualize high-dimensional data. On the other hand, ENMs are well-established simple biophysical method for modeling the functionally important global motions of proteins. This chapter covers the basics of these two. Moreover, an improved ENM version that utilizes the variations found within a given set of structures for a protein is described. As a practical example, we have extracted the functional dynamics and mechanism of HIV-1 protease dimeric structure by using a set of 329 PDB structures of this protein. We have described, step by step, how to select a set of protein structures, how to extract the needed information from the PDB files for PCA, how to extract the dynamics information using PCA, how to calculate ENM modes, how to measure the congruency between the dynamics computed from the principal components (PCs) and the ENM modes, and how to compute entropies using the PCs. We provide the computer programs or references to software tools to accomplish each step and show how to use these programs and tools. We also include computer programs to generate movies based on PCs and ENM modes and describe how to visualize them
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