19 research outputs found


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    Desa Balesari sebagai salah satu desa di Kecamatan Ngajum Kabupaten Malang memiliki potensi wisata yang beragam, antara lain wisata alam dan wisata kebudayaan. Destinasi wisata yang sudah dikenal dan banyak dikunjungi oleh masyarakat antara lain Keraton Gunung Kawi, dan Lembah Indah. Sedangkan tempat-tempat wisata seperti Coban Baung, Sumber Manggis, dan Sumber Jodoh masih belum banyak diketahui. Meskipun memiliki tempat wisata yang menarik dan beragam, tetapi desa Balesari masih belum dikenal masyarakat secara luas. Penyebabnya antara lain karena kurangnya promosi, tata kelola yang belum optimal, infrastruktur yang belum memadai serta tingkat kesadaran wisata masyarakat lokal yang masih rendah. Pengabdian masyarakat yang dilaksanakan mimilih fokus pada peningkatan promosi Desa Wisata Balesari. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dimulai dengan observasi awal, pengumpulan bahan, implementasi kemudain diakhiri dengan distribusi hasil. Dari hasil studi awal diketahui bahwa pihak desa belum memiliki media promosi yang efektif. Target luaran dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah E-Book Panduan Desa Wisata Balesari. Bentuk media e-book dipilih karena media visual tersebut dapat didistribusikan melalui beberapa platform sekaligus, misalnya melalui website, media sosial ataupun aplikasi percakapan. Selain itu e-book juga dapat digunakan untuk pemasaran langsung. Pemerintah desa dan pengelola wisata di desa Balesari dapat menggunakan e-book ini sebagai media promosi wisata sehingga jumlah kunjungan wisatawan ke desa Balesari dapat meningkat. E-Book Panduan Desa Wisata Balesari berisi kumpulan deskripsi secara singkat tempat-tempat wisata yang ada di desa Balesari, sehingga dapat digunakan oleh pengelola beberapa tempat wisata secara bersama-sama

    Smart Integrated Payment System for Public Transportation in Jakarta

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    Jakarta has many types of public transportation such as Kereta Rel Listrik (KRL), Transjakarta, taxi, angkot, metromini, mikrolet, bajaj, ojek, etc. But, there are some problems that happen in public transportation where the people don't want to use public transportation and choose to use private transportation that cause more traffic in Jakarta. The problems of public transportation are in the facility which is still inappropriate, unclear information, uncomfortable, bad accessibility of public transportation which take more time to reach the destination, more complicated than taking the private transportation, and about the society, people don't want to be labeled as low-class level. This paper is representing how to make the better system for public transportation in Jakarta with smart integrated payment system. Aim of this system is to encourage people to use public transportation rather than private transportation. The payment system that proposed are using smartphone application by scanning the QR Code or using smart card. User can easily pay through application by scanning QR code to pay the public transportation. The proposed of this smart integrated payment system will have opportunity as profit when collaborate with business when they can advertise their business and get customer from our user

    Reducing musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) risk of wiring harness workstation using workplace ergonomic risk assessment (WERA) method

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    Bureau of Labor Statistics in Indonesia notes that musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) is the main category of injury causes in workplaces leading to 30% compensation costs. The purpose of this paper was to know the risk of work position of wire harness companies using workplace ergonomic risk assessment (WERA) for basic workstation improvements. The first step of this research was studying the literature of MSD, work posture, work position, and WERA. It subsequently proceeded with the identification and assessment process using WERA on each type of wiring harness activity. From the research results, it was obtained three jobs indicated causing muscle injury and soreness namely torque job, grommet job, and offline job. Moreover, the problem was supported by complaints from most workers known by using a discomfort survey. Based on the problem, this research was conducted to find out the action levels with WERA method and give improvement recommendation to overcome the problem of musculoskeletal disorders. The results of WERA showed that torque, grommet, and offl ine jobs needed further investigation and improvement with the scores of 31.23, 28.87, and 30.9. Recommendations were then given in the form of personal protective equipment (PPE) to reduce the risk factor scores on contract stress, to provide a new workstation design of torque job, and to add aids for solving other pain problems

    Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) Bank Umum Syariah di Indonesia

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    Capital adequacy regulation imposed on banks, including Islamic banks, is part of the regulators' efforts to ensure that banks have adequate capital in order to get them prepared facing the risks that might arise in their operations. This research aims to find the effects of Islamic banks' specific variables on Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), the capital adequacy indicator in banks.Using panel data regression, this research investigates the possible effects of four bank spesific variables which are Bank Size (LNSIZE), Non-Performing Financing (NPF), Return on Equity (ROE), and Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR) on Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR). There are 11 Indonesia's Islamic commercial banks during 2011 to 2015 used as sample. As Fixed Effect Model (FEM) chosen to be the estimation model, this research indicates that LNSIZE, NPF, ROE and FDR have significant effects on CAR with different level of significance

    Tindakan Euthanasia dalam Perspektif Perlindungan Hukum

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    Kesehatan yang optimal. Euthanasia merupakan tindakan menghentikan pengobatan atau mengakhiri nyawa pasien. Euthanasia juga merupakan tindakan memberikan hak kepada seseorang untuk mati. Tulisan ini bermaksud untuk membahas tindakan euthanasia dalam perspektif perlindungan hukum. penelitian ini menggunakan metode yuridis normative, Perlindungan hukum bagi pasien dan dokter terkait dengan kepastian hukum apabila terjadi tindakan euthanasia. perlindungan hukum bagi dokter terkait dengan pemberian pelayanan medis, dalam kompetensinya untuk memberikan pengobatan dan bagaimana tanggung jawab dokter terkait dengan tindakan euthanasia yang dilakukan terhadap pasien, dalam permasalahan ini maka perlu ada reformulasi kebijakan hukum terhadap pembaharuan peraturan Perundang- undangan di bidang kesehatan serta memberikan kepastian hukum dan perlindungan hukum bagi dokter dan pasien

    Bioakumulasi Ion Tembaga pada Ikan Nila (Oreochromis Niloticus L.) di Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL), Bantul

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kandungan ion tembaga (Cu) pada kolam fakultatif dan kolam pematangan di IPAL, Sewon, Bantul serta mempelajari kemampuan bioakumulasi ion tembaga (Cu) pada tubuh ikan Nila (Oreochromis niloticus L.). Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di IPAL, Sewon, Bantul dan di Laboratorium Biokimia Fakultas Biologi UGM. Ikan Nila sebagai hewan uji diletakkan di kolam pematangan dan kolam fakultatif IPAL, Sewon, Bantul selama dua minggu. Ikan Nila tersebut kemudian diambil setiap minggu. Sampel berupa otot, hati, dan insang dari ikan nila didestruksi dengan metode digesti basah. Kandungan ion tembaga pada kolam dan ikan nila ditentukan dengan Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa kandungan ion tembaga (Cu) di kolam fakultatif dari minggu ke 0 sampai 2 berkisar 0,076-0,088 mg/l, sedangkan di kolam pematangan berkisar 0,024-0,030 mg/l. Nilai ini masih di bawah ambang standar baku mutu. Ion tembaga dapat terkumulasi pada hati dan insang ikan Nila. Ion tembaga lebih banyak terakumulasi di hati dibandingkan insang, dan tidak dapat terakumulasi pada otot ikan nila

    Web-Based Product Marketing Information System Design at Definier Store

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    Definier is a product brand that is engaged in accessories. The development of this store is quite Fast because in 2020 there have been many orders from outside the city/district. This is because many customers spread information about the existence of this store and the quality of the goods sold. The research supported by this paper aims to help Definier have or have an overview of a Website that will support promotion and marketing in the world of the digital era. The problems faced According to this definition, a better marketing system is needed so that enthusiasts who come from outside the city can purchase goods without difficulty due to long distances. Therefore, the researcher created a web-based product marketing information system that serves to help store marketing become wider. The analytical method used is the pieces method by obtaining more specific issues in making this product marketing information system customers from outside the city. helped to make purchase transactions, where all information about the store is the address, contact of the store, and a list of goods sold along with pictures of the goods. This website is made using the windows operating system using the php web hosting platform and using the mysql database. The conclusion of this research is the implementation of a Web-Based Marketing Information System at the Definier store, which is to facilitate wider product marketing, with a modern appearance and a good user interface and easy to use by the public. this Definier store will be even better in the future and also help facilitate the marketing of the Definier store

    Pengaruh Pelapisan Ekstrak Daun Bunga Sepatu (Hibiscus Rosa-sinensis L.) dan Kemasan Plastik Wrap terhadap Masa Simpan Buah Jeruk Lemon (Citrus Lemon) pada Suhu Dingin

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    Buah lemon merupakan buah yang memiliki banyak manfaat dan kandungan gizi. Masyarakat banyak memanfaatkan buah lemon sebagai komposisi infused water dan perasan buah lemon sebagai campuran masakan. Kadar air dan kualitas lemon sangat mempengaruhi kandungan gizi pada buah lemon. Untuk menjaga kualitas buah lemon maka harus dilakukan kegiatan pasca panen buah lemon yang benar sehingga dapat menekan aktivitas sel. Aktivitas sel buah lemon seperti respirasi dan transpirasi sangat mempengaruhi kualitas buah lemon, semakin meningkatnya aktivitas sel akan diikuti penurunan kualitas dari buah lemon. Pada penelitian ini guna menekan aktivitas sel maka buah lemon diberi perlakuan pasca panen berupa pelapisan lilin dengan ekstrak bunga sepatu dan kemasan plastik wrap. Ekstrak daun bunga sepatu memiliki kandungan senyawa-senyawa yang berfungsi sebagai anti fungi dan anti bakteri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kemasan plastik wrap dan ekstrak daun bunga sepatu terhadap masa simpan buah lemon.Parameter yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah susut bobot, serta tingkat kerusakan, warna buah,tekstur buah yang diukur secara analisis deskriptif dengan skoring. Pelapisan ekstrak daun bunga sepatu dapat menekan kerusakan yang diakibatkan oleh jamur pada buah lemon. Perlakuan pelilinan dengan ekstrak daun bunga sepatu ditambah dengan plastik wrap efektif untuk menekan laju respirasi dan transpirasi sehingga dapat menekan juga angka susut bobot, laju pematangan buah, dan tingkat kerusakan buah lemon

    Analysis of Management Strategy of Business Management and Mapping of Creative Industry Placers of Visual Communication Design Sub Sector

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    The creative industry of visual communication design is growing rapidly in line with the increasing record media technology. In the city of Malang, it has attracted many actors who had diverse expertise backgrounds. One of the problems faced by Small and Micro Enterprises is marketing. This study uses a qualitative approach to explore all phenomena that occur in the creative industries of visual communication design relating to business success, especially in terms of marketing management. To start an ideal business, planning is needed in the form of a written document containing basic ideas and considerations for the company. In addition, one must create a blueprint containing the business mission, proposals, operations, strategies, financial details, possible market opportunities and capabilities and self-taught management skills. This study explores te benefits of syndication, working with designers in other studios. The key to success is perceived differently by business owners, but the basic ones are motivation, age, experience, and education. Keywords: Creative industries, Marketing, UKM, Visual Communication Desig