29 research outputs found

    Trace element contamination in the mine-affected stream sediments of Oued Rarai in north-western Tunisia. A river basin scale assessment

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    High-quality and accurate environmental investigations are essential for the evaluation of contamination and subsequent decision-making processes. A combination of environmental geochemical indices, multivariate analyses and geographic information system approach was successfully used to assess contamination status and source apportionment of trace elements (Ag, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, Sb, V and Zn) in surface stream sediments from the Oued Rarai basin in north-western Tunisia, containing various metal and metalloid ores. The contamination level reported in this study indicates a non-negligible potential ecological risk, mainly related to sediment transport along the river. Antimony (concentrations ranged from 0.02 to 297 mg kg−1 and Igeo > 5), arsenic (from 0.5 to 1490 mg kg−1 and Igeo > 5), lead (from 2.9 to 5150 mg kg−1 and Igeo > 5) mercury (from 0.05 to 54.4 mg kg−1 and Igeo > 5) and silver (from 0.05 to 9.4 mg kg−1 and Igeo > 5) showed the most crucial contamination. Besides, potential ecological risk index values were maximum for arsenic with a median of 302, indicating a very high to serious ecological risk (> 160). Results from correlation analysis and principal component analysis revealed three main geochemical associations related to lithologic, tectonic and anthropogenic sources. V, Cr and Cu mainly originated from natural bedrock and soil. Ag and Cd were more controlled by both natural and mining enrichments. Mercury and Pb were mostly influenced by the ancient ore-related activities at the Oued Rarai site and north-east–south-west trending faults. Finally, Sb, As, Ni and Zn were largely controlled by the siliciclastic continental Neogene sequences. Finally, the physical and chemical dynamics of the watershed system, lithological properties, mineralisation, tectonic settings and mobilisation of subsurface sediments largely controlled both concentrations and spatial patterns of trace elements in the study basin. These results need to be considered in the strategies of suitable environmental management at former and current mining sites in north-western Tunisia

    Tundra uptake of atmospheric elemental mercury drives Arctic mercury pollution

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    Anthropogenic activities have led to large-scale mercury (Hg) pollution in the Arctic. It has been suggested that sea-salt-induced chemical cycling of Hg (through 'atmospheric mercury depletion events', or AMDEs) and wet deposition via precipitation are sources of Hg to the Arctic in its oxidized form (Hg(ii)). However, there is little evidence for the occurrence of AMDEs outside of coastal regions, and their importance to net Hg deposition has been questioned. Furthermore, wet-deposition measurements in the Arctic showed some of the lowest levels of Hg deposition via precipitation worldwide, raising questions as to the sources of high Arctic Hg loading. Here we present a comprehensive Hg-deposition mass-balance study, and show that most of the Hg (about 70%) in the interior Arctic tundra is derived from gaseous elemental Hg (Hg(0)) deposition, with only minor contributions from the deposition of Hg(ii) via precipitation or AMDEs. We find that deposition of Hg(0)-the form ubiquitously present in the global atmosphere-occurs throughout the year, and that it is enhanced in summer through the uptake of Hg(0) by vegetation. Tundra uptake of gaseous Hg(0) leads to high soil Hg concentrations, with Hg masses greatly exceeding the levels found in temperate soils. Our concurrent Hg stable isotope measurements in the atmosphere, snowpack, vegetation and soils support our finding that Hg(0) dominates as a source to the tundra. Hg concentration and stable isotope data from an inland-to-coastal transect show high soil Hg concentrations consistently derived from Hg(0), suggesting that the Arctic tundra might be a globally important Hg sink. We suggest that the high tundra soil Hg concentrations might also explain why Arctic rivers annually transport large amounts of Hg to the Arctic Ocean

    Mercury in the Arctic tundra snowpack: temporal and spatial concentration patterns and trace gas exchanges

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    In the Arctic, the snowpack forms the major interface between atmospheric and terrestrial cycling of mercury (Hg), a global pollutant. We investigated Hg dynamics in an interior Arctic tundra snowpack in northern Alaska during two winter seasons. Using a snow tower system to monitor Hg trace gas exchange, we observed consistent concentration declines of gaseous elemental Hg (Hg0gas) from the atmosphere to the snowpack to soils. The snowpack itself was unlikely a direct sink for atmospheric Hg0gas. In addition, there was no evidence of photochemical reduction of HgII to Hg0gas in the tundra snowpack, with the exception of short periods during late winter in the uppermost snow layer. The patterns in this interior Arctic snowpack thus differ substantially from observations in Arctic coastal and temperate snowpacks. We consistently measured low concentrations of both total and dissolved Hg in snowpack throughout the two seasons. Chemical tracers showed that Hg was mainly associated with local mineral dust and regional marine sea spray inputs. Mass balance calculations show that the snowpack represents a small reservoir of Hg, resulting in low inputs during snowmelt. Taken together, the results from this study suggest that interior Arctic snowpacks are negligible sources of Hg to the Arctic

    Evaluation of lichen species resistance to atmospheric metal pollution by coupling diversity and bioaccumulation approaches: A new bioindication scale for French forested areas

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    International audienceIn order to evaluate the metal resistance or sensitivity of lichen species and improve the bioindication scales, we studied lichens collected in eight plottings in French and Swiss remote forest areas. A total of 92 corticolous species was sampled, grouped in 54 lichen genera and an alga. Various ecological variables were calculated to characterize the environmental quality – including lichen diversity, lichen abundance, and Shannon index –, as well as lichen communities. Average ecological features were estimated for each study site and each of the following variables – light, temperature, continentality, humidity, substrate pH, and eutrophication – and they corresponded to lichen communities. Based on lichen frequencies, we calculated the index of atmospheric purity (IAP) and lichen diversity value (LDV). These two bioindication indices were closely related to lichen diversity and lichen abundance, respectively, due to their calculation formula. It appeared that LDV, which measures lichen abundance, was a better indicator of metal pollution than IAP. Coupling lichen diversity and metal bioaccumulation in a canonical correspondence analysis, we evaluated the resistance/sensitivity to atmospheric metal pollution for the 43 most frequent lichen species. After validation by eliminating possible influences of acid and nitrogen pollutions, we proposed a new scale to distinguish sensitive species (such as Physconia distorta, Pertusaria coccodes, and Ramalina farinacea) from resistant species (such as Lecanactis subabietina, Pertusaria leioplaca, and Pertusaria albescens) to metal pollution, adapted to such forested environment

    Large scale atmospheric contribution of trace elements registered in foliose lichens in remote French areas

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    The human activities affect atmospheric compartment by trace elements emissions. The evaluation of atmospheric deposition can be performed by means of bioaccumulator organisms. In this study, we investigated two lichen species (Xanthoria parietina and Parmelia sulcata) from five remote areas far from local sources of contamination in France. PCA and enrichment factor were used to set up the geochemical background of 16 trace elements (including metals and metalloids). Some elements known to be influenced by anthropogenic activities, merge into the geochemical background, like As. The enrichment factors showed a high enrichment for Sb, Cd, Zn, As, Cu, and Pb, and to a less extent Sn and Mn. Others elements were associated to lithogenic contribution, including particularly As. A significant gradient from the South to the North-East was observed, convergently to the increased concentration registered in soils

    Analysing Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring Data with Multivariate Sliced Inverse Regression.

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    This paper proposes to use a semi parametric regression method, named Sliced Inverse Regression (SIR hereafter), to analyse ambulatory blood pressure monitoring data.ECONOMETRICS;EVALUATION;HEALTH;MATHEMATICS

    Atmosphere-Terrestrial Exchange Of Gaseous Elemental Mercury: Parameterization Improvement Through Direct Comparison With Measured Ecosystem Fluxes

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    To simulate global mercury (Hg) dynamics in chemical transport models (CTMs), surface-atmosphere exchange of gaseous elemental mercury, Hg0, is often parameterized based on resistance-based dry deposition schemes coupled with a re-emission function, mainly from soils. Despite extensive use of this approach, direct evaluations of this implementation against field observations of net Hg0 exchange are lacking. In this study, we evaluate an existing net exchange parameterization (referred to here as the base model) by comparing modeled fluxes of Hg0 to fluxes measured in the field using micrometeorological techniques. Comparisons were performed in two terrestrial ecosystems: a grassland site in Switzerland and an Arctic tundra site in Alaska, U.S., each including summer and winter seasons. The base model included the dry deposition and soil re-emission parameterizations from Zhang et al. (2003) and the global CTM GEOS-Chem, respectively. Comparisons of modeled and measured Hg0 fluxes showed large discrepancies, particularly in the summer months when the base model overestimated daytime net deposition by approximately 9 and 2 ng m-2 h-1 at the grassland and tundra sites, respectively. In addition, the base model was unable to capture a measured nighttime net Hg0 deposition and wintertime deposition. We conducted a series of sensitivity analyses and recommend that Hg simulations using CTMs: (i) reduce stomatal uptake of Hg0 over grassland and tundra in models by a factor 5-7; (ii) increase nighttime net Hg0 deposition, e.g., by increasing ground and cuticular uptake by reducing the respective resistance terms by factors of 3-4 and 2-4, respectively; and (iii) implement a new soil re-emission parameterization to produce larger daytime emissions and lower nighttime emissions. We also compared leaf Hg0 uptake over the growing season estimated by the dry deposition model against foliar Hg measurements, which revealed good agreement with the measured leaf Hg concentrations after adjusting the base model as suggested above. We conclude that the use of resistance-based models combined with the new soil re-emission flux parameterization is able to reproduce observed diel and seasonal patterns of Hg0 exchange in these ecosystems. This approach can be used to improve model parameterizations for other ecosystems if flux measurements become available