11 research outputs found

    Evaluation of sexual functions in patients with chronic suppurative otitis media

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    Objectives: The aim of this study is to evaluate sexual function scores in patients with chronic suppurative otitis media.Patients and Methods: A total of 35 patients (20 male, 15 female) who had purulent discharge in one or both ears for at least threemonths and were diagnosed with chronic otitis media were included in the study group, while 30 volunteers (15 males, 15 females)who had no problem with their ears were included in the control group. Patients and controls underwent otolaryngology and urologyexaminations; female participants were asked to fill the female sexual function index and male participants were asked to accomplishthe international index of erectile function. Pure tone audiometry, tympanometry and speech discrimination tests were applied on allparticipants.Results: A significant difference was found between patients and controls in terms of scores for the subscales sexual desire(p=0.044), erectile function (p=0.012), and overall satisfaction (p=0.002) of the international index of erectile function in males.No significant difference was found between both groups in terms of other subscale scores (p>0.05). A significant difference wasfound (p0.05) between both groups only in the subscale pain (p=0.450).Conclusion: Chronic otitis media also negatively affected sexual function scores and it should also be examined from this aspect

    A rare cause of oropharyngeal mass: Bilateral aberrant internal carotid artery

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    İki taraflı farengeal internal karotis arter aberasyonu nadir görülen ve bu bölgenin cerrahi girişimleri sırasında risk teşkil eden bir varyasyondur. Yetmiş dört yaşında erkek hasta boğazında dolgunluk ve yutma güçlüğü yakınması ile kliniğimize başvurdu. Orofarenks muayenesinde arka farenks duvarında iki taraflı, düzgün yüzeyli kitleler görüldü. Manyetik rezonans görüntülemede aberan internal karotis arter kitlesi izlendi. Hasta gerekli uyarılar yapılarak takibe alındı. Farenks kitlelerinde kitle üzerinde pulsasyon mutlaka değerlendirilmeli ve eğer varsa, aberan internal karotis arter akılda bulundurulmalıdır.Bilateral pharyngeal internal carotid artery aberration is a rarely seen variation which poses a risk during the surgical interventions of this area. A 74-year- old male patient was admitted to our clinic with the complaints of a sensation of fullness in his throat and dysphagia. Oropharyngeal examination revealed bilateral smooth-surfaced masses in the posterior pharyngeal wall. Magnetic resonance imaging showed an aberrant internal carotid artery. The patient was followed up with necessary warnings. The pulsation on the pharyngeal masses should be definitely evaluated and aberrant internal carotid artery should be kept in mind, if present

    A rare cause of oropharyngeal mass: bilateral aberrant internal carotid artery

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    İki taraflı farengeal internal karotis arter aberasyonu nadir görülen ve bu bölgenin cerrahi girişimleri sırasında risk teşkil eden bir varyasyondur. Yetmiş dört yaşında erkek hasta boğazında dolgunluk ve yutma güçlüğü yakınması ile kliniğimize başvurdu. Orofarenks muayenesinde arka farenks duvarında iki taraflı, düzgün yüzeyli kitleler görüldü. Manyetik rezonans görüntülemede aberan internal karotis arter kitlesi izlendi. Hasta gerekli uyarılar yapılarak takibe alındı. Farenks kitlelerinde kitle üzerinde pulsasyon mutlaka değerlendirilmeli ve eğer varsa, aberan internal karotis arter akılda bulundurulmalıdır.Bilateral pharyngeal internal carotid artery aberration is a rarely seen variation which poses a risk during the surgical interventions of this area. A 74-yearold male patient was admitted to our clinic with the complaints of a sensation of fullness in his throat and dysphagia. Oropharyngeal examination revealed bilateral smooth-surfaced masses in the posterior pharyngeal wall. Magnetic resonance imaging showed an aberrant internal carotid artery. The patient was followed up with necessary warnings. The pulsation on the pharyngeal masses should be definitely evaluated and aberrant internal carotid artery should be kept in mind, if presen

    Pólipos pilosos bilaterais de orofaringe: Uma causa rara de dispneia em neonatos

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    Hairy polyp (HP) is one of the causes of congenital dyspnea, a rare developmental malformation of bigerminal origin that comprises both ectodermal and mesodermal elements foreign to the site in which it is found. It typically presents as a pedunculated mass in the oropharynx and nasopharynx. Major symptoms at presentation are related with respiratory obstruction and feeding problems. In the literature, congenital pharyngeal hairy polyps are generally unilateral

    Is metabolic syndrome associated with obstructive sleep apnea in obese adolescents?

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    WOS: 000367581700004PubMed ID: 26156956Objective: To investigate whether there is an association between metabolic syndrome and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) in obese adolescents. Methods: In total, 240 pubertal children or prepubertal children older than 11 y recruited consecutively from the pediatric endocrinology unit, obesity clinic. Patients with tonsillar and adenoid hypertrophy (grade 3/4), systemic illnesses, or chronic drug usage were excluded. After anthropometric measurement and laboratory study, patients were divided into two groups according to metabolic syndrome (MS): MS and non-MS. Overnight polysomnographic evaluation was performed and 104 subjects were included for statistical analysis. The two groups were compared in terms of sleep efficiency, number of awakenings per night, oxygen desaturation index, snoring time, and obstructive/central/mixed apnea-hypopnea index (AHI). Results: Of the obese adolescents, 51 had MS and 53 did not. The AHI was >= 1 in 25 of the 53 non-MS children (47.2%) and in 25 of the 51 MS children (49%). The median obstructive AHI value was 0.9 (0.2-2.4) and total AHI was 0.9 (0.2-2.5) in the MS group; these values were 0.9 (0.25-3.55) and 0.9 (0.3-3.55), respectively, in the non-MS group. Obstructive, central, mixed, and total AHI values in the MS and non-MS groups were not statistically significantly different (p > 0.05). Conclusions: In our study, we did not find an association between MS and sleep apnea in obese adolescents

    A rare cause of oropharyngeal mass: Bilateral aberrant internal carotid artery

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    İki taraflı farengeal internal karotis arter aberasyonu nadir görülen ve bu bölgenin cerrahi girişimleri sırasında risk teşkil eden bir varyasyondur. Yetmiş dört yaşında erkek hasta boğazında dolgunluk ve yutma güçlüğü yakınması ile kliniğimize başvurdu. Orofarenks muayenesinde arka farenks duvarında iki taraflı, düzgün yüzeyli kitleler görüldü. Manyetik rezonans görüntülemede aberan internal karotis arter kitlesi izlendi. Hasta gerekli uyarılar yapılarak takibe alındı. Farenks kitlelerinde kitle üzerinde pulsasyon mutlaka değerlendirilmeli ve eğer varsa, aberan internal karotis arter akılda bulundurulmalıdır.Bilateral pharyngeal internal carotid artery aberration is a rarely seen variation which poses a risk during the surgical interventions of this area. A 74-year- old male patient was admitted to our clinic with the complaints of a sensation of fullness in his throat and dysphagia. Oropharyngeal examination revealed bilateral smooth-surfaced masses in the posterior pharyngeal wall. Magnetic resonance imaging showed an aberrant internal carotid artery. The patient was followed up with necessary warnings. The pulsation on the pharyngeal masses should be definitely evaluated and aberrant internal carotid artery should be kept in mind, if present

    Late neck metastasis in esthesioneuroblastoma: A case report

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    Estesyonöroblastom, olfaktor nöroepitelden kaynaklanan sinonazal bölgenin oldukça nadir malign tümörüdür. Biyolojik olarak agresif bir davranışa sahiptir. Sık lokal nüks, atipik uzak metastaz ve uzun dönem kötü prognoz ile karekterizedir. Servikal metastazlar hastaların %20-30’unda ortaya çıkmaktadır. Özellikle primer tedaviden altı ay ve sonrasında geç metastazlar gelişmektedir. Bu yazıda, Kadish B evresindeki estesyonöroblastom nedeniyle ekstrakraniyal olarak tümör rezeksiyonu yapılan ve ameliyat sonrası radyoterapi uygulanan 43 yaşında bir kadın olgu sunuldu. On bir yıl (132. ayda) sonra sağ boyunda gelişen servikal metastaz nedeniyle, hastaya sağ fonksiyonel boyun diseksiyonu ve adjuvan radyoterapi uygulandı. Ayrıca geç boyun metastazlarının tedavisi güncel literatür verileri ışığında gözden geçirildi.Esthesioneuroblastoma is a rare malignancy of olfactory neuroepithelium arising from sinonasal region. It has biologically an aggressive behavior. The tumor is characterised by common local recurrence, atypic distant metastasis and poor long-term prognosis. Cervical metastasis accounts for 20-30% of the patients. Late metastases are seen particularly six months or later following primary treatment. In this article, we present a 43-year-old female case with Kadish B stage esthesioneuroblastoma who underwent extracranial tumor resection and postoperative radiotherapy. Eleven years later (at 132 months) right neck cervical metastasis was occurred and we applied right functional neck dissection and adjuvant radiotherapy to treat. We also review the treatment of late neck metastasis in the light of the current literature data

    Effect of a moustache on nasal Staphylococcus aureus colonisation and nasal cytology results in men

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    WOS: 000350246200008PubMed ID: 25599929Objective: This study compared the results of nasal Staphylococcus aureus carriage and nasal cytology in men with and without a moustache. Methods: The study group comprised 118 adult men with a moustache, and the control group consisted of 123 adult men without a moustache. Samples were taken from the participants' right nasal cavity for cytology and from the left nasal cavity for microbiology. Results: The results for S aureus were positive in 19.5 per cent (n=23) of participants with a moustache and in 20.3 per cent (n=25) of men without a moustache. This difference was not significant (p>0.05). However, nasal cytology revealed rich eosinophil clusters in participants with a moustache. Conclusion: The presence or absence of a moustache had no effect on nasal S aureus colonisation. However, further research is needed to understand whether the presence of a moustache increases the risk of allergic or non-allergic rhinitis

    Orbital selüliti komplike eden miyozit: Vaka sunumu

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    Orbital myositis (OM) is a noninfectious, inflammatory disease of the extraocular muscles. Though generally idiopathic in origin, OM may be also secondary to systemic and infectious diseases. Various cases have been reported occuring after respiratory tract infections or together with subclinical sinusitis. Clinical features of OM are pain worsening with eye movement, periorbital edema, conjonctival hyperemia and edema, diplopia and proptosis. Since OM has clinically similar findings with infectious conditions such as orbital cellulitis, differentiating the two may be difficult especially at early stage. In this article, we report a case of orbital cellulitis caused by acute sinusitis and complicated with myositis first affecting medial rectus muscle and then other ocular muscles. Because of the difficulty to differentiate orbital myositis and cellulitis clinically, essential points to be noted in the differential diagnosis of these conditions have been discussed in the view of literature.Orbital miyozit ekstraoküler kasların enfeksiyöz olmayan enflamatuar bir hastalığıdır. Genellikle idiyopatik olmasına rağmen, sistemik ve enfeksiyöz hastalıklara sekonder de olabilir. Üst solunum yolu enfeksiyonu sonrası veya subklinik sinüzit ile birlikte görüldüğü vakalar bildirilmiştir. Klinik özellikleri göz hareketiyle artan orbital ağrı, periorbital ödem, konjonktival hiperemi ve ödem, diplopi ve proptozistir. Orbital miyozit klinik olarak orbital selülit gibi enfeksiyöz durumlarla benzer özelliklere sahip olduğu için özellikle erken safhada bunları birbirinden ayırtetmek zor olabilir. Bu yazımızda akut sinüzitin neden olduğu ve ilk olarak medyal rektus kasını ve sonra diğer oküler kasları etkileyen miyozit ile komplike olan bir orbital selülit vakası sunulmuştur. Orbital miyozit ile selülit klinik olarak sık karışabilmeleri sebebiyle bu durumların ayırıcı tanısında dikkat edilecek noktalar literatür eşliğinde tartışılmıştır

    Follow-up results of newborns after hearing screening at a training and research hospital in Turkey

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    WOS: 000384907700010PubMed ID: 27340984OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to present the follow-up results of newborns after universal newborn hearing screening at a Training and Research Hospital in Istanbul and to determine the ages of diagnosis, hearing aid fitting, and cochlear implantation in newborns with hearing loss. MATERIALS and METHODS: A total of 5985 newborns were screened between December 2009 and August 2011 using the transient evoked otoacoustic emission test as the first two steps and automated auditory brainstem response (ABR) test as the third step. Newborns who failed the screening tests were referred to a tertiary hospital for clinic ABR and were followed up at least for 2 years. RESULTS: Of 5985 newborns, 5116 (85.5%) completed the screening. Of 53 newborns who were referred to a tertiary hospital, 13 (0.25%) had a hearing impairment. The mean age of diagnosis, hearing aid fitting, and cochlear implantation were 6.1, 9.5, and 24.5 months, respectively. Among the risk factors for hearing impairment, neonatal intensive care (60%) and consanguineous marriage (50%) were the most common ones that were encountered. CONCLUSION: Our results were consistent with the national literature. Consanguineous marriage may be a risk factor for hearing impairment where it is commonly practiced because consanguineous marriage is significantly high in parents of deaf children. The ages of diagnosis and hearing aid fitting are still beyond the recommended ages by the Joint Committee on Infant Hearing